So, are Titan owners happy?

Gtx Titan was the right product?

  • I feel cheated by buying Titans

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • I knew what I was getting into but regret the purchase a bit

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • I am happy to own the flagship card

    Votes: 37 48.1%
  • I don't really care as a Titan owner about the 780 performing 10% less

    Votes: 4 5.2%
  • I am downgrading to 780s and selling my Titan

    Votes: 5 6.5%

  • Total voters
Heh. But no need to start a flame war man. I mean people buying these cards should have fully known what they were getting themselves into. It'll still be a good card for a few years. In 2 years when I do another upgrade it'll still be good I hope. Hehe

Goldy has had it out for the Titan and Titan owners since the beginning. He's jealous.

This entire thread is ridiculous. People will always find ways to justify whatever they buy, and since its entirely subjective you can't judge either position.

I'm glad there are people happy with the 780. But its existence doesn't' diminish the Titan's.
That's because, as I said above, it's allocating that much when available, and not clearing out unused textures/etc.
Memory allocation is the reserving of blocks. What you're describing is usage: allocated memory blocks being bound to a resource and a handle to that resource being valid. If a handle exists to a valid in-memory resource, that memory qualifies as "used".

Those resources may not be relevant to the current or current + N frames, but that isn't really relevant.
My TITANS setup runs better at 7680x1600 than my old 680 Classified 4GB.6GB of VRAM is Where It's At.

Goldy has had it out for the Titan and Titan owners since the beginning. He's jealous.

This entire thread is ridiculous. People will always find ways to justify whatever they buy, and since its entirely subjective you can't judge either position.

I'm glad there are people happy with the 780. But its existence doesn't' diminish the Titan's.

Actually it does, the Titan is pointless on the market now. And jealous, please get over yourself Mr conceit.
GT, you're jealous that you're getting better than Titan performance for way less money with the EVGA ACX card. Makes perfect sense to me. :cool:
Of a photoshopped pic, not really.... of someone legitimately using quad-SLI I would say "envious", not jelly... jelly is what goes on bread, silly! :D

What? You don't believe me? Here is proof
I even have a couple more Titans just in case ;)

Why would you regret getting the GTX 670's? Aren't they smaller, quieter, cheaper and only slightly less powerful?

I needed all the perfornance I could get since I can't OC them much in 4-way SLI. It was often the difference between 55 and 60 fps.
GT, you're jealous that you're getting better than Titan performance for way less money with the EVGA ACX card. Makes perfect sense to me. :cool:

So basically this is a thread for "GTX 780" owners to gloat? Lol. I'm certain the people who can buy titans can easily buy the 780's with the resale of a titan. Or without selling the titans.

So when you guys bring money into the mix to "gloat" about your card and performance it really does seem immature.
No, not gloating. Batjoe sort of invited that response, though. ;)

You know, you could easily point out that an overclocked 780 to a stock Titan isn't an apples to apples comparison. How does an OC titan do? Nobody bothered to point that out. Although, I will say, please don't mention anything about hard voltage mods or BIOS modifications. That's the first counter-argument over at OCN and it's completely ludicrous to suggest that reviewers should use a voltage or BIOS modification as a baseline. Such things should never be considered for a baseline overclock to overclock comparison.
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No, not gloating. Batjoe sort of invited that response, though. ;)

You know, you could easily point out that an overclocked 780 to a stock Titan isn't an apples to apples comparison. How does an OC titan do? Nobody bothered to point that out.

I don't want to get into the flame war, that's why. I'm perfectly content with my Titan its just that this thread just SCREAMS troll bait. :(
I don't want to get into the flame war, that's why. I'm perfectly content with my Titan its just that this thread just SCREAMS troll bait. :(

Well, this isn't the first time an overclocked lower tier card passed a stock higher tier card. OC 670 vs stock 680 anyone? I'm not sure why anyone is surprised.

Just argue the facts - an OC Titan will still maintain a performance edge. And you have more VRAM for surround. :) Now would I get a Titan? No way, I think the 780 is a much better value (and I feel stupid for saying this about a 650$ card).
Well, this isn't the first time an overclocked lower tier card passed a stock higher tier card. OC 670 vs stock 680 anyone? I'm not sure why anyone is surprised.

Just argue the facts - an OC Titan will still maintain a performance edge. And you have more VRAM for surround. :) Now would I get a Titan? No way, I think the 780 is a much better value (and I feel stupid for saying this about a 650$ card).

Heh. With the information I know now, the 780 is definitely a better buy. Just one that I dont need since I already own 2 titans.
I think its a good thread. The OP is curious on how people feel. Whats wrong with that? I clicked the post, looked at the thread poll and read the comments. I was curious as well.

See why it's a fail now? Should be only titan owners posting here for the most part. Titan has always had way too many haters, this thread is just giving them a platform to spew more flames.
I wonder if the people who voted for "I feel cheated by buying Titans" actually own one.
Honestly, I don't have an issue with the whole $ aspect of it. If 1k was a huge hurt on your disposable income, you probably shouldn't be dropping that kind of money on parts, lesson learned.

I'm not miffed. I've been enjoying my card for 6 weeks before 780. I'm mostly done with FC3 on single card with surround, which has been awesome. I completed my free copy of Metro LL on a surround setup, with a single gpu and PhysX enabled.

I've been getting my $ worth out of Titan. A great value? Of course not, it was never meant to be a value purchase.
Also, in the 780 Owners' thread over at OCN people are comparing high-OC titans to high-OC 780's, guess which are winning in benchmarks so far? HINT: It's not the Titans, even the ones at 1200mhz. And the 780 doesn't even have the unlocked BIOS yet ;)... which will only be even better. Enjoy your imaginary 10%. It's fine to be happy with your buy, but fud-spreading is less so.

i'm not really sure what point you are trying to make here. obviously when the two cards clock the same, the Titan is going to be a tad faster. i'm sure there are some 780's that oc like crazy to surpass 1200mhz Titans but it certainly wouldn't be the norm.

that's like saying there are 670's out there beating 680's in benches. sure, I don't doubt that some oc really well and take down highly oc'ed 680's but so what?
Wow, you sound pretty bitter about having wasted your money :eek: . by the way... faster than most of the 1200mhz titans posted in there. I knew quite well the Titan was going to be a total waste of that extra cash in short order and overpriced (I also had different priorities for cash at the time, since even donald trump ran out of money at one point, and I'm not him)... turned out I was right and smart to stick with my 670 WindForce OC a couple months (hardly like I was suffering on the sidelines with such a nice card) ;).

If there's a modded 780 BIOS why don't you go educate everyone in the OCN thread, then, because people don't seem to know about it :p. I can't say I particularly looked since my card is coming in a few days, not in my rig already.

No one's "gloating" either, I'm just chuckling at people like you who still argue it is a great value and was a smart buy. What can I say, I'm allergic to bullshit, and enjoy poking fun at people who like to spread it :D.

EDIT: Re Valley only, check some reviews ;), the 780 OC'd matches the Titan OC'd in the ones I've seen (TPU, Guru3D) for the ACX cooler eVGA. You and Alatar were the ones whining that people weren't using Valley to compare though, so now that they have, you're whining that your chosen bench can't cut it? I don't get it :rolleyes: .

What are you talking about dude? I never made any such statements as the ones in bold above, do you enjoy making stuff up? Not to mention it was YOU who said the 780s were beating Titan and pointed to that thread as proof when it isn't true, including the link you posted. You should check up on your facts before making stuff up.

I personally don't care about the 780 or who buys it for whatever reason. If I want a 780, I can easily sell my Titans and grab 3 x 780 but I don't have the compulsion to do so. Although if I were buying today, then 3 x 780 is the direction I'd go. Titan was never a good price/performance buy, do you think that is something new being discovered? If we all wanted price/performance, all Titan owners would have picked up AMD cards.

P.S. I see you found the vbios :D. You can thank me later and about OCN, I have no desire to help them find anything.
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What are you talking about dude? I never made any such statements as the ones in bold above, do you enjoy making stuff up? Not to mention it was YOU who said the 780s were beating Titan and pointed to that thread as proof when it isn't true, including the link you posted. You should check up on your facts before making stuff up.

I personally don't care about the 780 or who buys it for whatever reason. If I want a 780, I can easily sell my Titans and grab 3 x 780 but I don't have the compulsion to do so. Although if I were buying today, then 3 x 780 is the direction I'd go. Titan was never a good price/performance buy, do you think that is something new being discovered? If we all wanted price/performance, all Titan owners would have picked up AMD cards.

P.S. I see you found the vbios :D. You can thank me later and about OCN, I have no desire to help them find anything.
Fair enough. And yeah, I found it, but it is untested so far, at least by any posters.... My card isn't here yet sadly. The link I gave beats most of the Titan scores I see around, hence why I keep saying the difference is negligible between them... If you already own a titan or three, sure, enjoy, but I don't get people advising to get them today instead of 780s. Regarding the bold, I saw Alatar spouting it and have a link, but I don't see you specifically, so sorry for the misquote. A lot of people talking in those threads.
Memory allocation is the reserving of blocks. What you're describing is usage: allocated memory blocks being bound to a resource and a handle to that resource being valid. If a handle exists to a valid in-memory resource, that memory qualifies as "used".

Those resources may not be relevant to the current or current + N frames, but that isn't really relevant.

Cool, you can Google Wikipedia it looks like. Now to actually understand it.... Not so much. The point I was making was that garbage collection isn't being used until vram is full in these titles, and that with less vram available you don't take a performance hit due to the allocations never being used later or being able to be swapped quickly enough. Thus, allocations are NOT requirements for usage as so many people including yourself get confused on.
Fair enough. And yeah, I found it, but it is untested so far, at least by any posters.... My card isn't here yet sadly. The link I gave beats most of the Titan scores I see around, hence why I keep saying the difference is negligible between them... If you already own a titan or three, sure, enjoy, but I don't get people advising to get them today instead of 780s. Regarding the bold, I saw Alatar spouting it and have a link, but I don't see you specifically, so sorry for the misquote. A lot of people talking in those threads.

I think that is the main point. People who do NOT own a Titan are laughing and saying like "Oh look, I can now buy a 780 with Titan performance, look at those Titan suckers!" that's not verbatim but that's pretty much how it is. Now that the majority can afford them seems like Titan owners are getting more flack for no apparent reason.

If I were buying today I'd get GTX 780's, no doubt. But when I purchased mine, I knew fully what I was getting myself into. Since I already invested in 2, it's a no brainer for me to invest in a used titan for Tri-SLI if need be.

Also, seeing as KickAssCop has not replied even once in this thread, can we get this closed please? This thread is troll bait to the extreme.
780 does not have 6gb and that blows for high res and 3d renering in iray.

Money well spent on my titan I rather pay more money for more RAM.
Fair enough. And yeah, I found it, but it is untested so far, at least by any posters.... My card isn't here yet sadly. The link I gave beats most of the Titan scores I see around, hence why I keep saying the difference is negligible between them... If you already own a titan or three, sure, enjoy, but I don't get people advising to get them today instead of 780s. Regarding the bold, I saw Alatar spouting it and have a link, but I don't see you specifically, so sorry for the misquote. A lot of people talking in those threads.

Be sure to give feedback once you get yours. I don't think svl7 enjoys hunting down bug reports on other forums.
780 does not have 6gb and that blows for high res and 3d renering in iray.

Money well spent on my titan I rather pay more money for more RAM.

This. Titan for my surround please. Yea I would like to see this thread closed, as I said on the first page. This thread is a fail, too many trolls and broke people that like to complain about how others spend their money.
The point I was making was that garbage collection isn't being used until vram is full in these titles, and that with less vram available you don't take a performance hit due to the allocations never being used later or being able to be swapped quickly enough.
I understand the point you were trying to make. You don't need to get upset.
No regrets...and I was extremely happy that the GTX 780 dropped at $650 (versus the $800 that I thought it would) - so happy, that I picked one up for my HTPC. May go SLI in the future...may build a Haswell box...we'll see.

If you buy top end (and that includes those of you buying GTX 780!) you pay for it...and you have to know that you'll not always be on top. When people ask me what GPU to buy - I tell them the 7970. Although, it's just not for me. I've run them single card and CrossFireX. I've been more happy with NVIDIA, personally.
The poll focuses more on the gaming aspects without including options for those who do rendering, CAD, CAM along with gaming. When it comes to FP64 the GTX 780 cannot keep up.
I got a titan brand gainward, for second hand, payed 690€ (860 chf), still have 3 gtx 680 in the rig, and waiting the price of the titan to drop a bit, or to find another one second hand.
If they sell the 780 for 560€ they must drop with the price of the titan.
The poll focuses more on the gaming aspects without including options for those who do rendering, CAD, CAM along with gaming. When it comes to FP64 the GTX 780 cannot keep up.

To be fair, I doubt on a gaming hardware enthusiast forum that more than 0.0001% of the posters even know what a CAD program looks like :p.
The poll focuses more on the gaming aspects without including options for those who do rendering, CAD, CAM along with gaming. When it comes to FP64 the GTX 780 cannot keep up.

I think the Compute performance is worth $300 alone. The extra 3GB ram another $100.
The Titan has it's place, the user has to use it as intended. If they're only gaming with it, especially on a single monitor, a 780 is a better option.

But who cares, if you're happy, game on.
The poll focuses more on the gaming aspects without including options for those who do rendering, CAD, CAM along with gaming. When it comes to FP64 the GTX 780 cannot keep up.

Does somebody of you want to explain these shortly?

Do you think it would be possible somehow to give gpu computing tasks as a service?
Well, I guess I am in the .0001%, because I have used it extensively before.

Oh, I use that sort of software too, but I'm just saying... this is a gaming overclockers' forum after all. I wouldn't think a poll about how well 3ds max rendering works would be relevant to very many people here.
I am totally thrilled with my TITAN 3-way SLI configuration. There are two primary reasons to SLI with TITAN:

1. Gigantic 6GB VRAM frame size for insane multi-panel resolutions
2. Myriad Kepler CUDA cores for insane horsepower

I am totally thrilled with my TITAN 3-way SLI configuration. There are two primary reasons to SLI with TITAN:

1. Gigantic 6GB VRAM frame size for insane multi-panel resolutions
2. Myriad Kepler CUDA cores for insane horsepower


Definitely the way to go for surround, :D... if you need that much VRAM it's pretty much the only choice.
Why wouldn't titan owners be happy? The price to performance ration is similar to past Nv flagship offerings, when compared to the next step down product.

Jeez, you would think it was like when 4870 launched and was 80-90% of the performance of the 280 at half the price causing massive price cuts of the 280.
Poll is a bit biased lol. How about I am happy to have the best card out there regardless of cost?