Smoking [H]ot - Newegg - Crucal m4 128GB $129.99 shipped

Don't need it. I have an M4 and they are very fast and stable. Super hot deal.
Nice! I paid $140 for mine at Amazon just a few weeks ago. Going to see if my wife wants one of these guys tomorrow. Make sure you are dead sure you want to keep this thing -- NewEgg's no return policy sucks.
I bet it'll be out of stock by early morning. I'd order now and refuse shipping if she's not interested :p
I bet it'll be out of stock by early morning. I'd order now and refuse shipping if she's not interested :p

Good point. But I'm not going to put my neck out there hoping she'll bite. She rolls her eyes when I mention anything about upgrading a PC...well...most of the time at least.
Just saw this in my e-mail. I wanted to resist at first but I've been considering upgrading my 64gb to a 128gb for a while now and to have a second SSD. I know this will be sold out by the time I get wake up so it's now or never so I jumped on it :).
I'm extremely tempted to jump on the SSD bandwagon now! By the way, is the 128 GB actually 128 GB (as in, 137.4 billion bytes) or is it calculated the same way hard drives always have been (128B bytes or 119.2 GB)? The difference would make going from my ol' 150 GB Raptor less impactful on the storage front.
My 128GB drive has 119GB available. They use the extra ~9GB of NAND as over provisioning and spare/scratch area for TRIM and other controller operations.
These are getting so cheap that I'm sure a few of you will pick 2 or 4 up for Raid-0. You can have up to 6 drives. I run 4 older Corsair Force 120 SSD's that hit 900 / 900 and love it.

Might Sell my 4 x Corsair Force 120's for $110 shipped each and start picking up these new M4's

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My 128GB drive has 119GB available. They use the extra ~9GB of NAND as over provisioning and spare/scratch area for TRIM and other controller operations.
No, that's just the conversion of GB to GiB
in for 1 !!!

first SSD ever. i have been resisting for so long thinking its an unnecessary upgrade. hopefully it lives up to the hype of having SSD.
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Bought 2 with a savings of $60 bux. Wished I did this the last time they were this price. Instead I bought a Samsung, which I don't regret at all.

Mind as well buy them while their cheap and save for a future build.
It was too tempting.. I grabbed two. Anyone know if there are any issues with the M4's running RAID-0 on a A75 chipset board?
These are getting so cheap that I'm sure a few of you will pick 2 or 4 up for Raid-0. You can have up to 6 drives. I run 4 older Corsair Force 120 SSD's that hit 900 / 900 and love it.

Might Sell my 4 x Corsair Force 120's for $110 shipped each and start picking up these new M4's

What make/model of drive bay system was that in your picture, looks awesome.
np I completely understand. I wouldn't have responded except I didn't want people interested in buying to think the dead was dead already.
hopefully these don't ship from california ... takes forever to get to east coast (amazon spoils me)
In for 1, finally moving into the SSD world. For nearly $1 a gigabyte for an M4, it's really hard to pass up.
In for 2. Was planning a build soon for myself and wife, this deal is just way to great to pass on.

Also it said free shipping and quoted me $0.00 for UPS 3 day in the cart. However at checkout I was charged $5.80 for 3-day and egg-saver was free.
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Sigh, never any deals on good 60-90GB SSDs :( Although there's a great one going from Microcenter (there's a thread here) with a possibility of getting an OCZ Agility 3 60GB for $35!! $50 at worst case scenario. So I guess I'll bite that. I've waited too long for a deal on m4 64GB that never came
Ah I already bought one a few weeks ago. No real need for another. Could upgrade the GF's pc but would rather save the cash for now.
In for one. Going to pretend I'm upgrading my wifes computer with a "brand new" 80 Gig Intel SSD.......but I only have Sata 2......Guess Its time to upgrade from my Q6600.
gah so on the fence right now. On the one hand i want to upgrade from my current SATA2 OCZ Vertex2 120GB, but on the other, i know prices on these, just like anything else, will continue to fall.
What make/model of drive bay system was that in your picture, looks awesome.

That kinda looks like the old Athena Power version. I did a review of a similar (updated derivative) Thermaltake MAX-1542 last week and will have the 6-in-1 (6x2.5" to 1x 5.25") MAX-1562 review up tomorrow. Here is the 4-in-1 unit:

You really want one meant for SSDs because if you get ones meant for SAS drives the small 40mm fans in these things are fairly loud. SSDs generate much less heat than 15K rpm SAS drives so cages tuned for SSDs are much quieter.
gah so on the fence right now. On the one hand i want to upgrade from my current SATA2 OCZ Vertex2 120GB, but on the other, i know prices on these, just like anything else, will continue to fall.

buy now! I regretted on missing that deal where all the models they had on newegg were a $1/GB 2 months ago.
as always, make sure you're up to date on the firmware. The last M4 I got came with up to date firmware 0309 (i think) printed on the drive/box.

The first M4 came with 002, which badly needed an upgrade to 009 i believe.

Either way - update!!!