Slim DVD drives with motorized trey


Limp Gawd
Jan 8, 2006
I have a feeling this is a lost cause. I am looking for a slim dvd drive to use on my build, but i hate how your standard laptop drive, just pops out about an inch for the eject. I know there are slot loading drives, but the want doesnt justify paying that much money for those things. So if anyone knows of one let me know. But I have a feeling no.
Unless someone can point me to a slim drive on Ebay which doesnt cost as much as a slot-loading OEM drive from 'egg or ZZF, I'd be interested as well.

In my searching, the only 2 cost effective options were the standard drives and the slot loaders. Ebay'ers wanted darn near OEM prices plus outrageous shipping/handling charges for anything I saw there.