Shoot Fireballs From Your Wrist For Christmas

There's something about the way that every marketing video is shot these days that makes me want to strangle someone and throw them off a building.
Can't wait for the first person (er idiot) to try to sneak this past airport security... :p
You know who directed this plug:

I don't think i've ever wanted anything more in my entire life right now, than this...
Wake me when they get to the lightning bolts.
inb4 personal injury lawsuit and/or burns on someone's butt.
i would have liked to have seem more pyro instead of some dude walking along the road
There's something about the way that every marketing video is shot these days that makes me want to strangle someone and throw them off a building.

This * a billion. Plus, the douchy guy and his douchy presentation. The coolness of the idea is drowned in douche.
Gratuitously overproduced vanity project of a vid. I couldn't even watch the whole thing.
they looked like pretty wimpy little puffs of butane to me.
No wonder they don't show much in the video
I couldn't watch the whole thing either, he better be the inventor...if he's a paid actor, someone needs fired. Wait, actually ALL of them need fired. Seriously though, I didn't see a single clip of how it works or what it is, it was some fool walking around in the desert in dark clothes thinking he looks like a badass.

There's something about the way that every marketing video is shot these days that makes me want to strangle someone and throw them off a building.
Thank goodness I am not the only one who felt this way after seeing this.
not too impressed. The fact that you wear it on your wrist is worthless as YOU can't fire it. You need somebody else pushing a button to do anything. Without going to their site, I take it that this guy / company makes stuff for "magic" shows and this is just a way to give the illusion that you are creating fire out of thin air.
Dumbest fucking commercial ever, I can literally go to a magic store and get a flash paper gun for $20 that does the same thing
Oh my fucking god, I checked out their web page, that is what it is, its a god damn flash paper gun
Their ad is shot in such a way that I'm convinced there is at least one if not three or four horrible restrictions to their product. Like it only works in deserts, when it's at least 120 degrees, costs $20,000, and it runs on your own sense of smug self-satisfaction.

Actually, now that I think about it isn't this just a lamer and less useful version of a gun?
The Iron Man wrist rocket toy was better.

I don't know if it's just because I was building rockets when I was 6, but none of these doo-dads seems particularly impressive.
Wanna be a douchebag that starts the next California forest fire? This is the product for you.
neck beard: check
skinny jeans with rollup cuff: check
exposed white t-shirt: check
huge sun glasses: check
hipster: check
clear explanation of product: no
I couldn't watch the whole thing either, he better be the inventor...if he's a paid actor, someone needs fired. Wait, actually ALL of them need fired. Seriously though, I didn't see a single clip of how it works or what it is, it was some fool walking around in the desert in dark clothes thinking he looks like a badass.


Literally fired :p
I'll take a .357 magnum over a flash paper gun. At least you get muzzle blast and a shockwave with a.357. ;)