Self-Driving Cars May Mean Fewer Police

The owner, or no one, depending on what happened.

If your throttle sticks in your current car, you're not gonna get a speeding ticket, for example.

You can and likely will get a ticket one way or another. You are expected to be in control of your car at all times no excuses. Even if the ticket is not for speeding it will be for something like a car in disrepair or failure to maintain control of a vehicle etc....
You can and likely will get a ticket one way or another. You are expected to be in control of your car at all times no excuses. Even if the ticket is not for speeding it will be for something like a car in disrepair or failure to maintain control of a vehicle etc....

In fact, never tell the police your car malfunctioned because they will often not only not let you off but also add an extra charge for the malfunctioning equipment. Malfunctioning equipment is always the driver and/or owner's fault unless there is a known defect with the car.
In fact, never tell the police your car malfunctioned because they will often not only not let you off but also add an extra charge for the malfunctioning equipment. Malfunctioning equipment is always the driver and/or owner's fault unless there is a known defect with the car.

Yep after the economy crashed I learned the hard way that police are not your friends. All the questions they are asking you are looking for an admission of guilt. Best thing to do is shut your mouth and deny anything and give them as little information as possible. They aren't there to help you they are there to write you ticket.

On Christmas night last year I totaled a car and sent a family member to the hospital. The police came and interrogated us they kept asking us stuff picking at our story and kept asking about the speed and saying depending on the speed you should just go to the hospital, afterwards they wrote us a ticket. It was Christmas night, and the accident involved no other cars, we harmed no one else and we were already in pain and obviously going to be take on a bunch of financial damage. On top of that there was a ridiculous snow storm that caused hundreds of accidents and anyone could have lost control no matter how safe they were the snow was piled on top of ice and they hadn't bothered plowing anything for days. That was the first time in my life I completely changed my view of cops seriously how can anyone be such an asshole? You don't even plow the roads, then you try to generate money off of people for the shit as driving conditions you aren't bothering to fix.

I fight every single ticket I get for any reason no matter what after that. If nothing else I force a cop off the streets for a couple hours. Funny thing was I was pulled over 8 times in 5 years after the economy crashed, and I received 7 tickets. That is more tickets than I had received in decades. After I fought my last 2 tickets won one, and reduced the other to a no points ticket, and after I learned to shut up and deny everything, they have not written me a ticket again. Sad really I wanted to maintain a good honest relationship with law enforcement but a bunch of number crunchers ruined it for everyone.
Yep after the economy crashed I learned the hard way that police are not your friends. All the questions they are asking you are looking for an admission of guilt. Best thing to do is shut your mouth and deny anything and give them as little information as possible. They aren't there to help you they are there to write you ticket.

I got pulled over by an officer once and during his questioning, he actually asked if I was a lawyer. Apparently my answer wasn't something he could use against me.
@ everyone about those tickets:

Holy crap it's sad that that's the way it has to be :/
We may actually get some outstanding warrants cleared and cold cases solved.
This all sounds like a bunch of bull shit to me. There are always bad apples out there, but by far there are more very good cops out there. When you get in an accident you are going to be questioned. Most of the time this is mandated by the insurance companies as well as making sure no laws were broken which in turn may have caused the accident. The cops are NOT your friend that is true...They are there to keep you safe from the assholes out there. Some examples are could be assholes that drive too fast on snowy or icy roads and then crash only to blame the police for something that is their own fault. Then to blame the economy for getting more tickets??? really??? Look in the mirror bud.
By the way police do much more than regulate the roads...So there will NOT be fewer police and thank God for that...

here is some good advice...DO NOT break the laws of the land or the road and you will NOT have any problems with the police.
That's what I thought too Fire, except my experiences be they anecdotal have shown me otherwise and I am going off my experiences.

If cops are out there to make sure we are being kept safe then why aren't they EVER IME seen dealing with the people who are really likely to cause accidents? You know the idiot who just stops real fast on a busy street where no one is allowed to park to let his fat lazy girlfriend out in front of the store or class she wants to goto? Guess what if that happened, and you hit the person, you know who would get the ticket? You would because anyone who rear ends someone gets the ticket no matter what, why, because the cops want easy to follow and prosecute laws not to keep the roads safe, then if you argue they can just point to the law and say nope law says you are at fault. How about the hundreds of times you have seen some moron on getting only half his car into the center lane forcing everyone else to slam on the breaks and stop then just sit there backing up traffic? Every day all day long I see cops, I see idiots doing dangerous shit and the cops never pull the over, you know why? Because those situations are descriptive and the person can make excuses for why it happened basically they are not slam dunk tickets. Cops want easy tickets IE you were going 12 over the speed limit and I get you to admit and write you a ticket for 5 over. Or let me sit at a red light in the middle of the night when no one is around and pull you over if you turn right on red when there is a no right on red (this shit happned to me, 2 AM not a car for 3 miles I was dead tired and just wanted to get home and sleep after a long day and that intersection takes like 5 minutes to cycle) No one was even on the road let alone in danger. He says to me you know you gotta watch out for others coming from the left, lol there was no one at any other part. The irony? 6 months later they took out those no turn on red signs.

Cops are never there when you need help and they aren't doing much if anything to keep the roads safer they are looking to generate revenue and they don't want to waste their time on hard to enforce tickets they want the easy ones and ironically the ones that probably will never hurt anyone. I have no problem with a cop writing a ticket for someone running a red light, but man its stupid when you are rolling through and the other side hasn't even seen it turn green yet and the cop is like your back tire had not passed the line when the light turned red. (BTW that happned to me too, and I was going 15 MPH, my van was just so long it took that much time to get over the line.)

I have taken a criminal justice class and let me tell you something you are breaking the laws, period if a cop wants to pull you over every single one of does something wrong or has something wrong with your car they can do it. The difference is the cops aren't looking

Also I am sorry but WTF do insurance companies have any right to dictate any part of the law? Oh lobbyist that's how, lobbyist who just want to make insurance companies money and avoid paying out claims or make it easy to assign fault to at least 1 party. Not anyone who actually cares about safety.

Explain to me how writing me a ticket when I am in an accident, under the speed limit, in some of the worst weather in history is going to make me safer? Its not that's your answer its just a bankrupt city (flint) trying to generate revenue any way they can (btw this same shit hole city fines people for not shoveling the snow on their sidewalk, oh the irony given they don't even shovel the snow on their roads.)

Don't believe me look at Ferguson, Missouri, look past the racism side of it and see the other side a police force just trying to generate money off of petty fines.
And this shit is not just a couple bad cops this shit is quotas and policies that are handed down from the top level management to all the traffic enforcement police. If police are all about safely then tell the law makers to pass laws that take ALL money from police fines and donate it to a completely disconnected source such as a state wide school fund. See if the way law enforcement operates would stay the same if they didn't have the financial motive.
Police will be reduced for one simple reason. My wife says it all the time - If we could just set our cars to cruise control for the entire ride home, we would have little reason to speed. We would have no reason to make hectic or unrational decisions because you could just sit back and play on your tablet, watch a movie, or do work while your car is doing all the driving.

Nonsense. We're irrational creatures to begin with. There's always going to be someone who thinks they're the most important person in the universe and getting to the Apple Store to buy the new iWhatever is worth turning off automatic mode so they can swerve in and out lanes causing the rest of the drivers to come to a standstill, which slows down everything for everyone, And there will be people who are fearful of new technology who are idiotic and think they're better drivers than the machines. Bottom line: When self driving cars first come out, things are going to get worse, and the public will believe it's the self driving cars which caused the problems rather than the idiotic public.
as long as there is alcohol fueled domestic violence, the cops will still have jobs.
What happens when the car needs to decide whether it should crash into a car that just came into oncoming traffic or swerve and hit the pedestrian walking on the sidewalk? Someone has to die and it's up to the car to decide.

I would think the car would default to hitting the other car as the person on the side walk isn't protected by a metal box on wheels. The person in the other car would alteast have a better chance of surviving an impact.

Car hitting your directly on the street usually means you lose!
Self driving cars means your car can get hacked and you can be killed by someone thousands of miles away. Don't worry though, you were probably a terrorist anyways.

More likely than not the hackers are going to be the ones who are in the car. "Says 65MPH on this freeway, well what if I change the maximum speed lock to 75 and get to work a whole 3 minutes faster!"
Police unions will never allow police forces to be trimmed and police PR people and politicians will come up with plenty of "for the children" excuses...

Maybe they will slow the hiring rate for increasing the size of police forces, but I sort of doubt that as well.

NJ is pretty damn blue, has police unions, and they fired a buttload of cops all over the place due to budget issues.