Run Windows v1.01 In Your Browser

A PC simulator written in JavaScript emulating an 8 MHz processor.

God help us.
Still seems more powerful than my work provided laptop....
Doesn't work on the iPad.
Only DOS loaded from the [H] link, but I got it run correctly from another site's link to the same emulator. It loads Windows for me on an iPhone, but then is almost completely unusable. The mouse pointer can't be controlled and trying to use the arrow keys for the emulator brings up a lesson in on-screen keyboard design failure. ;) It should work better with an external BT keyboard, at least for navigating the OS using only the keyboard.
Windows in those days was torture...;) Workbench-Amiga easily ruled the roost. It seemed 20 years ahead of Windows in those days (and actually was)--Win1.01 was just an ugly, non-functional, single-tasking shell sitting on top of DOS.
Windows in those days was torture...;) Workbench-Amiga easily ruled the roost. It seemed 20 years ahead of Windows in those days (and actually was)--Win1.01 was just an ugly, non-functional, single-tasking shell sitting on top of DOS.

Hey, be greatful for those old systems being as unreliable and as temperamental as they were...If they "just worked" like appliances back in those days, how few of us would have taken up computers as a hobby? :)
windows was pointless back then. all you really needed was dos4gw or whatever it was called
windows was pointless back then. all you really needed was dos4gw or whatever it was called

IIRC, Dos4gw allowed devs to allocate more memory to a game/application

I do remember XtreeGold though. Awesome split screen file manager for Dos and way better than windows (until 3.x atleast)
windows was pointless back then. all you really needed was dos4gw or whatever it was called
dos4gw is an extender for running flat 32-bit code on 386+ processors under DOS Protected Mode. Windows was meant to do something else (GUI, multiple programs running [cooperatively] at once, etc), despite how ugly it was pre-2.0. ;) BTW, the first version of Windows which took advantage of 386 hardware was Windows 2.1/386 from the late 1980s, coincidentally the first version I used.
it left me at a a> I hit c: enter then dir it had a windows dir so cd windows then win whick is how you used to load windows on top of dos it worked lol hmm well that was fun damn windows sucked back then... 3.1 was the first i ever used.

it left me at a a> I hit c: enter then dir it had a windows dir so cd windows then win whick is how you used to load windows on top of dos it worked lol

Yeah, some quick DOSing is all that was needed.

cd windows
windows was pointless back then. all you really needed was dos4gw or whatever it was called

DesQview (from the qemm people) was the multitasking dos environment iirc, until novell dos 6. (or OS/2 for that matter.)

Anyways... win1 and win2 were terrible hehe... bad memories, bad!
This really brings back memories.

None of them are good.


Still a better UI then Windows 8.

It is truly amazing how similar Windows 8 "Modern UI" is to Windows 1.0. Simple flat color scheme, one application at a time (or two tiled,) even the Windows logo is a simple four monochrome squares now.

I remember running Windows 2.0 on my 8088. It came as a free pack-in with a Microsoft Mouse, IIRC.