Respawn Entertainment and EA Launch Titanfall Today

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
EA and independent videogame developer Respawn Entertainment announced that Titanfall™ is now available at retail stores across North America exclusively for Xbox One®, the all-in-one entertainment system from Microsoft and on for PC. Since its unveiling last June, Titanfall has seized the attention of gamers around the world with its exhilarating first-person action gameplay centered on the dynamic between elite assault pilots and agile, heavily-armored, 24-foot titans. The game has been praised by critics and fans for delivering a unique, fun and thrilling experience while setting a new bar for online multiplayer gameplay. GameSpot claims “Titanfall is a leap forward for shooters”, while Rolling Stone calls Titanfall “the most anticipated next-generation videogame of the year”.
Good for them!

Im sure over the next year, EA will find even more ways to nickle and dime it too
Well if Rolling Stone says I need to play it, I definitely will pick up a copy. I trust them as being the premier gaming news outlet.

Honestly who the fuck reads Rolling Stone magazine?
There will be enough hypocrites like me that bitch and moan about their policies, but then still buy it for $30 from a Russian website... xD
Well if Rolling Stone says I need to play it, I definitely will pick up a copy. I trust them as being the premier gaming news outlet.

Honestly who the fuck reads Rolling Stone magazine?

Probably this guy :p

Looks cool too bad its EA, otherwise I would think about buying it if it worked in Wine.
....and the world yawns. Game play with meh after you run around in mechs and get over the jet pack, wall running "WOWness". I'm glad I got beta so that I didn't waste any money on it.
Xbox one has a lot riding on this. Kind of exciting to see how it turns out.
I'm waiting for the HardOcp Review and image quality to see what Brent and the Gang thinks and if it's actually "Next Gen" as they say :)
So what shortcuts did they take this time?

Reuse of the same maps over and over?

Not enough servers?

No bug testing?
Way to put a price on your beliefs :p

It is entertainment, not Apartheid ... I have different entertainment thresholds for different games ... some games meet my $60 threshold and others are down at my $5 Steam Winter Sale threshold ... boycotts don't mean much unless the company can differentiate between "I don't like some obscure DRM strategy or graphics strategy" and "I don't like your game or game genre" ... generally they will assume the later and just kill the franchise or genre ... that said, I don't plan to purchase this game but not out of a sense of moral outrage but because I don't like the game or genre :cool:
It is entertainment, not Apartheid ... I have different entertainment thresholds for different games ... some games meet my $60 threshold and others are down at my $5 Steam Winter Sale threshold ... boycotts don't mean much unless the company can differentiate between "I don't like some obscure DRM strategy or graphics strategy" and "I don't like your game or game genre" ... generally they will assume the later and just kill the franchise or genre ... that said, I don't plan to purchase this game but not out of a sense of moral outrage but because I don't like the game or genre :cool:

Yeah I got ya. But instead of one saying "I'm not buying your game because it's published by EA", they should be saying "I don't like your game because it's $60" :p
1. Reuse of the same maps over and over?
2. Not enough servers?
3. No bug testing?

1. I've read there are a few amazing maps and the rest are generic industrial factory copycats
2. MP issues at launch are happening, but getting resolved
3. Many issues with v-sync, mouse lag, and locked frame rates. XBone version apparently drops to single digits frames at times.

I think its funny that all these "$40 sale price" preorder deals were floating around before DLC was confirmed...I think they're trying to out-think the "i'm not buying this for full price" people by hooking em with a near-deal, then just ensuring the DLC gets the rest of the price tag back.

There are bean counters out there figuring out that X% of the people waiting for it to be $20 will buy it at release for $40 and Y% of those will buy the DLC for another $10-30, giving them $10-20 more overall per customer.
I haven't purchased or played a EA Game on PC or console since 2011, Don't plan on getting this one either.
On the contrary, I'd say our critical thinking faculties are quite valuable.

A wealthy man needed a brain transplant. His doctor said he had two choices. One was a college professor at the cost of $10,000. The second choice was a famous politician for $500,000. The patient asked why the politician's brain was so expensive? The doctor replied, "It's never been used before!" :D