Resident Evil Village (RE8)

Return to horror? Every review I read said it wasn't horror or scary?
RE7 is the first game to make me stress out while playing it since Dead Space 2. Very few games make me feel uncomfortable while playing them. RE8 is definitely less horror than RE7 was, but it still has its moments.
RE7 is the first game to make me stress out while playing it since Dead Space 2. Very few games make me feel uncomfortable while playing them. RE8 is definitely less horror than RE7 was, but it still has its moments.
Well I heard just sum baby part is scary that's it... The rest of the game is cod with werewolves lol
Well I heard just sum baby part is scary that's it... The rest of the game is cod with werewolves lol
I wouldn't go so far as to relate it to Call of Duty, but it does lean more heavily into action. RE8 was highly inspired by RE4, so think about the way the original RE4 played. RE7 leaned back more into survival horror, where it always feels like your resources are tight. As a result, moving from one location to the next felt like an ordeal, especially with previously visited locations evolving to the spreading infection. That is not to say the stress comes from the gameplay, alone. I found the way the infection behaved and the source of infection in RE7 to be quite disturbing. There is that segment that will "squee" at anything out of the ordinary like the "baby part" in RE8 you're referring to, but that stuff doesn't bother me in the least. Things that feed off our primal fears and make our imagination fill in the gaps have always been more scary, to me.
Village, for me, was atmospheric, and I loved it for that reason - although I was only frightened a few times (being relentlessly chased in the castle, for example). I really liked the winter setting in an abandoned European village.

RE7, on the other hand, was virtually unplayable for me. I was uncomfortable almost all the time I was ‘playing’ the game, and eventually had to stop ‘playing’ because it was actually ‘too much’.

It’s a weird comment, but I enjoyed Village more than RE7 because the RE7 developers were actually too successful.
RE7 was scary af no doubt. Every damn member of that family gave me the heebie jeebies, Mia too for that matter. I need to replay it.
RE7 was scary af no doubt. Every damn member of that family gave me the heebie jeebies, Mia too for that matter. I need to replay it.
Mia's transformations thru-out the game was brilliantly creepy af.
I too plan on revisiting this masterpiece soon. I've played them all except 3 and 8, and I have to say the first person view w/ the horror aspect made it my favorite bar none.
It’s a weird comment, but I enjoyed Village more than RE7 because the RE7 developers were actually too successful.
I read an interview with the devs of re8 saying they toned it down pre-launch because play testers said it was becoming too scary.
I didn't really think RE7 was that scary lol the beg was tense and actually pretty awesome but after that the game just fell off for me and got boring... I think I'm going to just wait for Alan wake 2 hopefully those guys make a scary game and don't tone down a game bc people think it's too scary lol come on you wimps... Anyways I'm basing my opinion off of angry Joe's review he basically said RE8 turns into a cod game and that it missed too many marks on being a great game but then I look at steam review and it says 10/10 lol I honestly didn't care for Re4 much I like the older style re games like RE2 remake and RE3 Remake
I read an interview with the devs of re8 saying they toned it down pre-launch because play testers said it was becoming too scary.
This is the equivalent of WB ordering reshoots of DC movies because of test audiences reactions and survey responses. It worked out for Capcom in the end, but the same reasoning was used for Dying Light 2 and it seemed that more people disliked the toning down of the fear factor than those who liked it.
I didn't really think RE7 was that scary lol the beg was tense and actually pretty awesome but after that the game just fell off for me and got boring... I think I'm going to just wait for Alan wake 2 hopefully those guys make a scary game and don't tone down a game bc people think it's too scary lol come on you wimps... Anyways I'm basing my opinion off of angry Joe's review he basically said RE8 turns into a cod game and that it missed too many marks on being a great game but then I look at steam review and it says 10/10 lol I honestly didn't care for Re4 much I like the older style re games like RE2 remake and RE3 Remake
The beginning of RE7 is my least favorite part, to be honest. It starts well enough, but going into the whole Texas Chainsaw Massacre schtick almost made me put the game up permanently. I eventually went back and pushed through it, and the game got much better afterward.

If you liked RE2 and RE3 remakes, then you'll probably like RE8.
How is the gameplay of this compared to 3 Remake - disregard zombies vs werewolves and the different lengths and whatever they cut out of Original RE 3 for Remake.

I know it's more action than the survival horror RE games (like 3 is) - so is it about the same, better or worse? Deciding whether to shoot for this or 4 Remake next (seeing as this has 3rd person mode I'll give it a shot over 7 - didn't like the FPS controls, felt like walking through Jello).
Well FWIW I replayed 8 4-5 times, and for whatever reason got kind of bored halfway through my second playthrough of the RE4 remake, and the original is a top 5, maybe even 3. They really got a lot right with Village, damn solid game IMO.
Well FWIW I replayed 8 4-5 times, and for whatever reason got kind of bored halfway through my second playthrough of the RE4 remake, and the original is a top 5, maybe even 3. They really got a lot right with Village, damn solid game IMO.
Yeah, I don't understand why the collective internet is jizzing all over the RE4 remake. It just doesn't seem to have the fun factor, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, I don't understand why the collective internet is jizzing all over the RE4 remake. It just doesn't seem to have the fun factor, if you know what I mean.
I never liked Re4.. I never got what was so special about it.. It just looked brown like poo and ugly....i played the demo and the game still looks brown and ugly...
I loved the original RE4 and I generally think the remake captured most of the things that made it great. I never really did get adjusted to blocking/parrying, though. I think it was a really good game, but a lot of what made RE4 amazing is because it was so forward thinking and innovative. It kinda came out of nowhere and did a ton of things that were crazy at the time. You can't put that genie back in the bottle. If you deviate too much, it's a different game. If you don't deviate enough, why even bother? I think they did the best job they could with that task.

I think Village did a pretty solid job as a spiritual successor, though. My only real complaint with it is the length. I feel like it probably needed another 1-2 mutant lords. The Rose DLC reused too many assets (and wasn't my style of game), so it only helped a little. RE7's DLC's were way more fun and creative...although that game was especially small out of the gate.
The Gold Edition w/3rd person view mod (only way I'll play it have 7 and will never play it feels weird RE FPS blows) is $20 now on Steam. That's around the neighborhood I'll pick up a new non-zombie RE game at 👌
And for those with a extremely SERIOUS Lady D fetish, Prime 1 Studios has a RE8: Village 26" High Lady D statue up for pre-order. Not cheap though. (Around $1700)

I've always wanted to spring for one of those super high quality statuettes, but I've just never been able to convince myself. I think if I had a brand new house that was designed around art like that I'd be more likely to do it.
$6.80 on Humble.

Should I pay more for the Gold/Winters? Third person camera sounds nice.

I've played through both ways. IMO, it's just a preference thing. I don't think either way is better than the other, although I guess it was originally designed in first person.
I didn't care for the DLC mission, though. It's an odd mix of stealth, running like hell, and overwhelming odds that didn't really do it for me. Plus, it's very clearly reusing the same assets.
Personally, I probably wouldn't bother with the special versions.
It's a game that's still worth full price in my mind. The DLC was kinda lame, but the normal game itself is pretty stellar. Anything under $20 = a must buy IMO.
If yo uhave Humble Choice then you may get a better deal there, but on Steam you can basically spend $20 or less an get the Gold version thank to the Winter Sale.. I'd say that the gold version is worth it especially on sale. You may want to check IsThereAnyDeal for a comparison of prices on legit keysellers (Humble, Fanatical, GMG,etc) ; just remember if you have Humble Choice's stacking 10-20% discount, itis NOT taken into account on Humble listed titles on ITAD. Though its not on ITAD, also chck cdkeys dot com, as they seem pretty reliable and sometimes havegreat deals For instance,right nowthe Gold Edition of RE8 Village is $14.

The season pass content has sundry extra items/cosmetics, 3rd person play in the main campaign, enhancements to the Mercenaries horde mode notably the ability to play as new characters including some bosses from the main campaign , and the Shadows of Rose DLC campaign which absolutely should be played after finishing the base game given the time in whichit is set and its characters.
Might get the gold edition, I still haven't played 7 yet mainly because it's in first person and that just sounds wrong for a RE game so I keep putting it off. Good to see there is a third person mode in this game so the Gold edition is worth the price IMHO. Though the horror genre isn't really my thing most of the time, I seem okay with this series. Maybe because I have played it since it first came out on PS1. Does anything storywise make you feel lost if you never played through 7?
Does anything storywise make you feel lost if you never played through 7?

Not completely, but it does reference the events of 7 quite a bit. I'd try to scrounge up a discounted copy of 7 first if you can (it's not that long of a game), or at least watch some sort of recap video first.
Might get the gold edition, I still haven't played 7 yet mainly because it's in first person and that just sounds wrong for a RE game so I keep putting it off. Good to see there is a third person mode in this game so the Gold edition is worth the price IMHO. Though the horror genre isn't really my thing most of the time, I seem okay with this series. Maybe because I have played it since it first came out on PS1. Does anything storywise make you feel lost if you never played through 7?
I wouldn't judge the first person perspective without playing it for yourself, first. It fits perfectly for both games.
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I wouldn't judge the first person perspective without playing it for yourself, first. It fits perfectly for both games.
It's not so much judging that it is bad way to play the game, more like a very problematic way to play it for me personally. First person games have the highest probability of causing me nausea and the main reason I am very hesitant to even buy them. It happens in third person games also but very rarely and usually only after 3+ hours of continuous play. FP games on the other hand, if it's a bad one, within 10 minutes I have to stop especially ones that have fixed FOVs that are like around 60 degrees that you can't change like IIRC something like the first Sniper Ghost Warrior or Turok. That's why RE7's move to FP mode basically made me disregard the title for so long.