Reset second pc when first pc reboots


Limp Gawd
Nov 25, 2011
Hi, I have two pc's next to each other that I would like to hook up such that if I reboot pc A, then pc B is reset. (I say reset because I don't need it to reboot the OS, just a physical reset is what I'm looking for). I would like this to occur not through software but via some hard wiring between the two pc's. The reset of pc B needs to occur either by a software reboot of A (eg., restart command in windows) or by pressing the reset button on A.

Does anyone have any thoughts? I tried Add2PSU, but the issue is that it only turns off the power in B when A is powered off. If I reboot A, B stays on and does not reset.

add a scheduled task on pcA with "shutdown /m \\pcB -t 30 -r" as the command
Thanks. Is there a way to "hardwire" it instead of relying on software? Since that task won't execute if I simply hit the reset button on pc A. TIA!
set the task as a start up task and it will.

or just get a long wire pair and splice it into the reset button cables so when one is press it does both.