Remote power up/down Supermicro SC847E16-RJBOD1


Limp Gawd
Nov 25, 2011
Hi, I will be installing a Supermicro SC847E16-RJBOD1 this weekend and wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on how I might be able to set the unit up so that I can power it up and down remotely.

The unit will be connected to an Areca 1880x card that is "hardware passed through" to a Windows Server 2008R2 VM in an ESXi 5.0 box. The arrays in the SC847E16-RJBOD1 will only be used by this single VM and I would like to have the ability to turn off the SC847E16-RJBOD1 when the VM is powered down and vice versa. Ideally, the SC847E16-RJBOD1 will power up and down automatically as I start and stop the VM, but that might be a stretch to try to achieve on a limited budget.

Not familiar with those, but if it has IPMI then maybe something like this may be scriptable?
CSE-PTJBOD-CB2 Power card, Allows the chassis to be in a JBOD (Just a Bunch of Drives) system.

which imaging allows you to fire the PSU's up without a motherboard.

I dunno if the smarts are there for it to turn on when it senses SCSI reset / spin up / probe commands down the backplane from an external HBA tho ??

I do something similar using an APC remote-switched PDU. I control the turning on/off of some physical machines and JBODs using Eventghost. If I want to switch on a server with a JBOD attached it would send an SNMP command to the PDU to switch on the socket with the JBOD attached, wait 30 seconds for the disks to finish spinning up and then send a WOL packet to the server. In reverse it will shut down the server, wait 30 seconds and then send an SNMP command to power off the JBOD.

You could do something similar using vmrun.exe/powercli to start/stop your VM along with a remote-switched PDU to power the JBOD on/off.