Red Dead Redemption 2 Coming to PC in 2019, according to Retailer


Aug 20, 2006
While a PC release of Red Dead Redemption 2 always seemed inevitable, MediaMarkt, one of “Europe’s largest retailers for consumer electronics,” has a new listing suggesting the action Western title will be out as soon as next year for the PC. VG24/7 warns this could just be a mistake or a placeholder for a future announcement, however.

Rockstar has not announced the game for PC, but it released GTA 5 on the platform towards the end last-gen. Plus, with Red Dead Online coming, the beta takes place next month, it’s safe to assume it will come eventually. 2019 sounds about right. Red Dead Redemption 2 releases October 26 for PS4 and Xbox One.
I will buy a copy, if released on PC next year... 2080 Ti prices should have fallen by then
Is Rockstar pretty much the only company left that still does this feigned ignorance of whether their game is coming to PC or not?
I would be surprised if it doesn't come. I want to say it made sense financially to not port RDR1 as it was on last gen consoles. Even though the Xbox One X version runs it at 4k30 now.

But RDR2 will be released on x86 consoles. There is no excuse for it not to be released on PC; except for R* to try and lock down its horrible multiplayer grind they want people to enjoy. GTA V started their very profit focused multiplayer. Back in GTA IV and RDR1, multiplayer was very casual and the idea of paying money for online content was nearly non existent.

GTA V also brought their staggered release cycle which I abore. The release timing of GTA V was perfect financially. Releasing on last gen hardware, then current consoles, then PC, meant some players triple dipped. I bought the damn game twice.

I bet Rockstar wishes the same will happen again, albeit on a smaller scale. I do believe we will see RDR2 on PC, but the wait will be too much for many players. The idea of a staggered release only for profit seems really scummy. Hopefully that's not the case, but I feel it is.
I seem to recall this "from a European retailer" type of story before. Like nothing new, they simply get a list, maybe PS4 is mistaken as PC, and new copies of these lists are made, and speculation goes wild.
Is Rockstar pretty much the only company left that still does this feigned ignorance of whether their game is coming to PC or not?

It would be bad for investors if they were to announce anything that could cannibalize sales. Sadly that's all Take Two corporate cares about these days.
I seem to recall this "from a European retailer" type of story before. Like nothing new, they simply get a list, maybe PS4 is mistaken as PC, and new copies of these lists are made, and speculation goes wild.
Why would their list have RDR2 listed as a 2019 release tho? It is out in 6 days.
It would be bad for investors if they were to announce anything that could cannibalize sales. Sadly that's all Take Two corporate cares about these days.
I'm pretty sure EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, etc. all care about sales too, yet I think they've found ways to still sell games without double dipping by forcing console sales first. I think Rockstar is the only company left that still keeps announcement of the PC version in the dark.
Welp, now I'm back on the fence whether I'm going to get a PS4 Pro or not. Wanted it for RDR2, but only because it wasn't available on PC.
It would be bad for investors if they were to announce anything that could cannibalize sales. Sadly that's all Take Two corporate cares about these days.
Well, it's hard to say cannibalize, as the profit margin is bigger on PC. No MS, or Sony to pay royalties to. So they're actually better off if people buy it on PC.
Well, it's hard to say cannibalize, as the profit margin is bigger on PC. No MS, or Sony to pay royalties to. So they're actually better off if people buy it on PC.
Steam takes 30%.
With how successful their rerelease of GTA V on PC was, it would be completely ridiculous to not try that again with red dead 2.

People are STILL playing GTA V on PC (even on Linux) because it's so fucking awesome.

I bet you Rockstar is just trying to be coy so as to not hurt sales on console. There may be people that would not buy on console and hold out on the promise of a PC version, they may be trying to avoid that. And honestly, I can't say I blame them. These games are expensive, and the quality shows that.

But hey, Halo was never come to PC either... Look how well that went...
I'm pretty sure EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, etc. all care about sales too, yet I think they've found ways to still sell games without double dipping by forcing console sales first. I think Rockstar is the only company left that still keeps announcement of the PC version in the dark.

They don't normally have such huge gaps between console and PC release, lately it's been simultaneous. Rockstar is one of the few that staggers their release by years.

Well, it's hard to say cannibalize, as the profit margin is bigger on PC. No MS, or Sony to pay royalties to. So they're actually better off if people buy it on PC.

But they know people WILL buy it for both because it worked with GTA:V. They see no reason to rush it and it pads their quarterly reports. Also digital distribution platforms still get their cut. It's literally a win/win for Rockstar as the PC release will still be marked at full price. Everyone knows it's coming but not everyone has the patience to wait 6-12+ months.
Certainly, but you don't have to pay for production of physical media, or get certification for platform release, or other such licensing. So there's give and take.

Plus with steam, there's very cheap advertising mechanisms in place there, directly targeting audiences without really spending money to do so.

Steam takes 30%.
Steam takes 30%.
Don't buy it on Steam then. EZ af. Use the R* launcher. I stopped buying shit off Steam for that very reason. I try to use the launcher of the Publisher like, UPlay, Origin or GOG. I try to only buy on Steam if it is the only place available.
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Don't buy it on Steam then. EZ af. Use the R* launcher. I stopped buying shit off Steam for that very reason. I try to use the launcher of the Publisher like, UPlay, Origin or GOG. I try to only buy on Steam if it is the only place available.
Uplay.. But why? Much worse experience than Steam and your games will be all over the place.
Don't buy it on Steam then. EZ af. Use the R* launcher. I stopped buying shit off Steam for that very reason. I try to use the launcher of the Publisher like, UPlay, Origin or GOG. I try to only buy on Steam if it is the only place available.

Yeah no thanks, I trust Steams 2-Factor authentication much more than Rockstar's garbage launcher which I have had my account hacked before.
Uplay.. But why? Much worse experience than Steam and your games will be all over the place.
Uplay used to be crap in the early days. Now I have zero issues with it. Actually it works better than origin.

I'd rather have a different launcher for every game, than having to insert the game disk to play.
Uplay used to be crap in the early days. Now I have zero issues with it. Actually it works better than origin.

I'd rather have a different launcher for every game, than having to insert the game disk to play.
Yeah Uplay used to be horrible as hell. In the last several years I have had zero sissies with it but Steam on the other hand has fucked me several times including having my saves and progress disappear on numerous games on one single day when they had an update.
Uplay.. But why? Much worse experience than Steam and your games will be all over the place.
It isn't bad. I use it just fine and it usually starts faster than Steam.
All over the place? Nah, you mean all my Ubi games are in UPlay, all my EA games are in Origin and GOG holds a few DRM free copies. Steam holds the rest, what's so hard about that? When people bought The Witcher 3 on Steam and Valve took 30% feels like fucking robbery. Valve getting greedy af.
Don't buy it on Steam then. EZ af. Use the R* launcher. I stopped buying shit off Steam for that very reason. I try to use the launcher of the Publisher like, UPlay, Origin or GOG. I try to only buy on Steam if it is the only place available.
Why would anyone buy anything on steam these days is beyond me. It's 30-40% more there than retail, or key sites.
You guys sounds like you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. M76 said the profit margin is much higher on PC. Outside of Uplay and Origin, the vast majority of PC games are released on Steam, so they take a 30% cut of Rockstar's sales. Whether you can get a steam key cheaper elsewhere or buy different games on another service is irrelevant. It's still 30% of all income Rockstar makes on Steam, hence overhead. Sure, they can sell it elsewhere, but the sheer exposure means they'll get more sales that way also, so the numbers come out ahead for them.
You guys sounds like you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. M76 said the profit margin is much higher on PC. Outside of Uplay and Origin, the vast majority of PC games are released on Steam, so they take a 30% cut of Rockstar's sales. Whether you can get a steam key cheaper elsewhere or buy different games on another service is irrelevant. It's still 30% of all income Rockstar makes on Steam, hence overhead. Sure, they can sell it elsewhere, but the sheer exposure means they'll get more sales that way also, so the numbers come out ahead for them.

I get the concept, that they're banking on people who will buy it twice. I did that with GTAV, but I also sold the PS3 version when I got the PC version, so in the end they didn't win much, and also not even the 'evil' EA does this shit anymore. So fuck rockstar, regardless if this comes to PC or not, I'm not buying it for console.
I get the concept, that they're banking on people who will buy it twice. I did that with GTAV, but I also sold the PS3 version when I got the PC version, so in the end they didn't win much, and also not even the 'evil' EA does this shit anymore. So fuck rockstar, regardless if this comes to PC or not, I'm not buying it for console.
They obviously won a lot if they're doing it again for RDR2.
Figures since I just preordered it for ps4. Only way I'll get it on PC now is if they release it with multiplayer included to play with pc friends.
Well, it's hard to say cannibalize, as the profit margin is bigger on PC. No MS, or Sony to pay royalties to. So they're actually better off if people buy it on PC.
Pretty sure the price point on the PC games are lower than console versions. What's more, the PC versions tend to drop in price within a few months.
Hey Rockstar, a good way to get my money is to give me a version on GOG.

2019 release on PC? I'll believe it when I see it. Took quite a while to get GTA V on PC after the 7th-gen consoles got it, and then they charged too much for it. Well at least it came to PC (only cuz AMD64/x86-64 version was made for 8th-gen consoles). Never would gotten to play RDR1 if I hadn't borrowed it for X360. Shouldn't be hard to get RDR2 up and running on PC if it was designed for 8th-gen consoles. I know it won't happen, but maybe toss out a Vulkan version of RDR2 for Linux while you guys are at it. That would be nice. Surely Take Two would like the game to sell on as many platforms as possible right? Right? I'm sure we'll see it right after the release of the native Linux version of Doom 2016, which Bethesda is making a top priority I am sure.
Well yeah, it's happened for both GTA 5 and Max Payne 3. Why they insist on the delay for the largest selling platform though is a little strange.
Pretty sure the price point on the PC games are lower than console versions. What's more, the PC versions tend to drop in price within a few months.
Not any more. In the past few years I've seen the gap getting smaller and smaller, to the point where retail games have the exact same price on all 3 platforms. Right now Odyssey is the same on all 3, to the cent.

It might get discounted sooner on PC, but when it gets discounted sales are already dwindled. So it doesn't really mean much.
GTA V sold over 10 million copies on steam alone, and continues to generate millions in microtransaction revenue. Are you trying to tell us that Take2 now suddenly hates making money?

Looks every where for Red Dead Redemption 1 on PC.. Hmm can't find it
Looks every where for Red Dead Redemption 1 on PC.. Hmm can't find it

It is on Xbox One at least. I was happy to see it available. The Xbox One X version looks outstanding compared to Xbox 360/PS3. The 360 ran it at 720p30 and the PS3 at 640p30. The closest we can get to playing RDR1 on Windows is streaming it using the Xbox app over LAN. I haven't tried the PS3 emulator to run RDR, but I should give it a shot!

Emulating RDR:
DSOG reporting today that company stated it was just a placeholder.
I get the concept, that they're banking on people who will buy it twice. I did that with GTAV, but I also sold the PS3 version when I got the PC version, so in the end they didn't win much, and also not even the 'evil' EA does this shit anymore. So fuck rockstar, regardless if this comes to PC or not, I'm not buying it for console.

I'm basically the opposite - I played GTAV on PS3, finished the game, and never touched it again. Never bought it on PC. I have no interest in the microtransaction-laden MP bullshit, so they're not getting my money twice.

I'll play RDR2 on PS4 once, then not bother if (when) it comes to PC.
Well yeah, it's happened for both GTA 5 and Max Payne 3. Why they insist on the delay for the largest selling platform though is a little strange.
It's not strange at all since they sell more total copies and make more revenue by staggering the platform releases. And since they only release one of their industry-shaking megablockbusters every 4-5 years, they can not only pull it off but it makes total financial sense.
I'm basically the opposite - I played GTAV on PS3, finished the game, and never touched it again. Never bought it on PC. I have no interest in the microtransaction-laden MP bullshit, so they're not getting my money twice.

I'll play RDR2 on PS4 once, then not bother if (when) it comes to PC.
I didn't finish it on PS3, I thought I could but I got frustrated with console controls, and abandoned it 20% in. That's why I'm not touching RDR2 on ps4.