Ready Player One Trailer: Overwatch, Battletoads, and More


Aug 20, 2006
Warner Bros. has released the official trailer for Steven Spielberg’s “Ready Player One,” and it offers short glimpses of many familiar faces, such as Tracer, Lara Croft, and Chun-Li. I can’t imagine the licensing costs for this one (or are game companies the ones paying for the publicity?).

The film is set in 2045, with the world on the brink of chaos and collapse. But the people have found salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe created by the brilliant and eccentric James Halliday (Mark Rylance). When Halliday dies, he leaves his immense fortune to the first person to find a digital Easter egg he has hidden somewhere in the OASIS, sparking a contest that grips the entire world.
I try not to think about the cross licensing inside baseball stuff. I find it better to be oblivious and believe that movies are made for the sake of art.

It becomes depressing when you realize that EVERYTHING is made to make $$$$.
I haven't had a chance to watch the trailer yet, but I really enjoyed the book. This super rich Steve Jobs guy is dying, and leaves his fortune to the person who can nerd out the hardest on the 80's pop culture scavenger hunt. Also some commentary on what people will be good for after robots take all our jobs. Hope they do as well with this movie adaptation as they did with "The Martian."
Interesting.....couldn't get through the first chapter of the book...kinda dig the trailer...hmmmmm....
Tracer and Chun Lee.


Oh and the Gundam RX-78-2 doesn't hurt either.

I really hope that I can watch this VR movie, in 3D, while in my Oculus Rift, whilst wearing no pants.
I read the book and I don't remember the more modern pop culture in the book. It looks like the movie is trying for a younger audience? Or maybe they just had to use some stuff that was more agreeable to their licensing budget.
Meh. Looks like trash-tier, pandery nerd-bait.

Mediocre cinematography. Awful set design. Shit CG. And the source material is an unreadable masturbatory circle-jerk.

Yeah, I don't see this one getting my money...
I try not to think about the cross licensing inside baseball stuff. I find it better to be oblivious and believe that movies are made for the sake of art.

It becomes depressing when you realize that EVERYTHING is made to make $$$$.

unless it's on some European film making grant, then it's just made to create job employment (Uwe Boll comes to mind)
Feel a bit sorry for you, only one of the best SciFi books ever, especially if you grew up in the 70's and 80's.
If you consider this to be one of the best sci-fi books ever, then you need to read more sci-fi.
as a vr enthusiast for years now, i can happily say this will be a very strangely coincidental gift on mar 30, (my bday)
Liking this book may be significantly influenced by your age. I'm a GenX'er born in 1969 so there is a lot of nostalgic elements that were pleasing to me. I do recommend "reading" this one on Audible; Wil Wheaton narrates! :)
Liking this book may be significantly influenced by your age. I'm a GenX'er born in 1969 so there is a lot of nostalgic elements that were pleasing to me. I do recommend "reading" this one on Audible; Wil Wheaton narrates! :)

What's wrong with Will Wheaton. He did a fine job with this and the author's second book.
Also enjoyed the book and am in that range where I get all the 80's references. Trailer looks interesting but has me worried. The movie could easily go campy and feel forced if not done correctly.

And yes the Audible version /w Wil Wheaton narrating is well worth it.
It might be Spielberg directing but it is a WB flick and their record ain't that good they ignore canon and the fans....
Cg looks dated and I'm not really digging the movie's ideas either. Hopefully fans of the book might like it.
maybe they will have a directors cut where you give your 3year old the controller thats not hooked up and tell him he is playing... oh wait thats the pixels movie
Dear god the book was awful. I'll watch anything Spielberg, but I'll wait until it's out of theaters.
Feel a bit sorry for you, only one of the best SciFi books ever, especially if you grew up in the 70's and 80's.
Really? Have you not read the Red Rising series? and I'm old enough, (32) to get the references, but nostalgia isn't enough to make a book good, to me. To each his own. By the by, read the Red Rising series.