Razer Unveils Lineup of Battlefield 4 Branded Accessories

Every time I see game promotion type peripherals I feel kind of sick to my stomach, I can't be the only one who cringes at the thought.
Every time I see game promotion type peripherals I feel kind of sick to my stomach, I can't be the only one who cringes at the thought.

i actually bought a CS go headset from steelseries VERY cheap... no one wanted them



Seriously. Dumbstep makes me wanna vomit , I hate to sound old but it seriously sounds the same across every fucking "artist". Its bad enough when the best band in electronica Daft Punk makes a total 180 record since they feel the genre can not go any further.

But I guess the target audience for Razer probably loves dumbstep so there is that..
Never understood why people buy this game (or celebrity) labeled crap.
I tried ordering some of this stuff, but it kept telling me that the server was down?

Anyone else have this problem?
The only theme I have with my computer is the color black.
My 360 is the Halo 4 edition, so the console and controllers match, but I got the system more for the largest HDD and a second controller I'd have bought anyway.
Battlefield 4 blackwidow, you say!?
*throws out his Battlefield 3-branded blackwidow out the window

I'd get this stuff, but I also use powerpoint and would be afraid of adding HEADSHOT +50 to the bottom of every slide.
They have them in the B&M Fry's near me (the keyboards anyway). I remember the Tron Legacy keyboard that was out there. I kind of liked the looks of that one. I however am typing on a nearly 30 year old Northgate Ominikey 101 mechanical that has been with me since I grabbed it from a throw-away pile at Netopia in Alameda, CA back in 1997.
Battlefield 4 blackwidow, you say!?
*throws out his Battlefield 3-branded blackwidow out the window

Oh you have the Bf3 branded one as well? Haha
As stated above if you wait awhile you can get these on the super cheap.
Got my Blackwidow Bf3 for $50, also saw a bunch of other game branded stuff on sale early this year for 1/3 original price. Give it a few months, I know I will!
All these weapons are designed to work perfectly on their own, but when armed together, you become a highly effective soldier honed for victory.

Battlefield 4™ iPhone 5 Protection Case Get peace of mind when your smartphone is armored in a heavy-duty silicone protection case. Rough weather and the everyday shocks of life have nothing on your high-tech communications and entertainment device.

Battlefield 4™ Razer Destructor 2 The Battlefield 4™ Razer Destructor 2 features a highly responsive surface coating that makes mouse movements more responsive and accurate when translated in-game. The micro-textures over the surface deliver the right level of resistance so the cursor lands exactly where you need it to. Pinpoint accurate shots achievement unlocked.

Battlefield 4™ players become a "highly effective soldier" if they buy a mouse pad and an iphone 5 case together?

Is the game that shitty or are razer customers that fucking stupid?