Rated "R" Power Rangers Bootleg

I like how this thread is half about the video and the concept and half about guys with repressed homosexual tendencies and showing they've got something unrelated to prove in a thread.
You don't need to be cute - or beautiful or handsome - to be a good actress or actor.
I enjoyed the rated "R" version more than I did the original. I do miss Amy Jo Johnson when she was younger though! lol
Hmm... cool video. :rolleyes:

Gotta love the perfect white teeth. Ever watch a pirate video/movie and all the characters have perfect 'movie star' white teeth and yet they have scars, dirty hair, tattoos and dirty hands, but no dirt under their finger nails? Everyone in the video/movies have brilliantly white teeth... Hah-ha aah! Yeah Right...;)
I found the video quite boring and had to fast forward. Not much skin for the R rating.

The original that was hosted by Vimeo included the constant profanity, more gore, and full frontal nudity that the YouTube edition lacked. I hope someone was able to grab it before Saban forced it down.
^^^ joking or serious because that would be a crime to not have that in torrrent format

+1 for SAUCE
This actually looked pretty interesting. I'm not a huge fan but I did watch the show back in the day. I doubt this would be made into a TV show. The parents of young kids would flip. Is power rangers still on TV? If not, then kids probably don't even know about it.
This actually looked pretty interesting. I'm not a huge fan but I did watch the show back in the day. I doubt this would be made into a TV show. The parents of young kids would flip. Is power rangers still on TV? If not, then kids probably don't even know about it.
The 22nd season is called Power Rangers: Dino Charge.
This actually looked pretty interesting. I'm not a huge fan but I did watch the show back in the day. I doubt this would be made into a TV show. The parents of young kids would flip. Is power rangers still on TV? If not, then kids probably don't even know about it.

Power Rangers don't die, they just Morph.

• Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993-1996)
• Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)
• Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (1996)
• Power Rangers Zeo (1996)
• Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997)
• Power Rangers Turbo (1997)
• Power Rangers in Space (1998)
• Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (1999)
• Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (2000)
• Power Rangers Time Force (2001)
• Power Rangers Wild Force (2002)
• Power Rangers Ninja Storm (2003)
• Power Rangers Dino Thunder (2004)
• Power Rangers S.P.D. (2005)
• Power Rangers Mystic Force (2006)
• Power Rangers Operation Overdrive (2007)
• Power Rangers Jungle Fury (2008)
• Power Rangers RPM (2009)
• Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai (2011-2012)
• Power Rangers Megaforce (2013)
• Super Megaforce (2014)
• Power Rangers Dino Charge (2015):
Power Rangers series are based on the long running Super Sentai series in Japan.

Here are all of the Power Rangers (Super Sentai):

Fun Fact: If you were to tie the spandex leg to arm and stretch them, they would wrap around the equator seven and a half times.
The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was my #1 favorite show when I was a kid. Besides growing out of them, the (relative for a kids show) quality decreased after the original. I do not care if things change, if they change for the better. But although it was entertaining, I felt this strayed too far from the core of the original show.

The ranger suits did not seem all that powerful compared against modern tech, the power rangers used modern ranged weapons as opposed to strictly power ranger tech and martial arts, and martial-arts/melee did not have much of a point since the suits did not appear to make them entirely invulnerable to regular guns. Furthermore, it made no sense when their suits were either entirely off or their heads uncovered. All of that made it non-sense since there was no point to having a small team of power rangers when they were essentially nothing compared to a military. Yes, the original show did not make sense. But this is supposed to be a "mature" version, which has to be held to higher standards and SHOULD make sense.

Also, why was Rita and her forces being called the "Machine Empire?" The machine empire was the next set of villians AFTER rita/zedd and were enemies with them.

thats what happens when you chop up and rewrite a show from the east
see DiC's Sailor Moon, and fox' ver of Card Captor Sakura and Escaflowne
hacked up out of order and re-write for 6 year olds
Vimeo has released a statement about the removal of that R Rated Power Rangers video we posted yesterday. The YouTube version we linked yesterday is still up.

You may be aware that an excellent fan video called POWER/RANGERS was posted to Vimeo recently. We loved it so much we gave it a Staff Pick. However, we later had to remove it due to a claim of copyright infringement by the company that owns Power Rangers (SCG Power Rangers LLC, a division of Saban).
I don't understand why the current world is obsessed with pushing the tolerance and even celebration of anything that is nerdy, campy, weird, or unorthodox, like the Power Rangers or homosexuality. None of this shit is supposed to be cool or natural.


You don't like the tolerance/celebration of Nerds? But post in the forums of a mega techno nerd site?

Vimeo has released a statement about the removal of that R Rated Power Rangers video we posted yesterday. The YouTube version we linked yesterday is still up.

I can't see their DMCA claim standing up to a counterclaim and/or court case. This is an entirely transformative derivative work, using only minor parts of the original, with the goal of critically examining the effects of such a world upon the people within it.
Was anyone able to rip a copy of that from you before they took it down that was an excellent video.
There was a version with tits? Shit, the news section really can't do anything right these days.
Respect the penis, brother. That's the problem with men, no respect for their own dick.

Chiclet teeth, fat, butch, no shape to that ass, funky personality. Yuck.

I respect the peen, but my god, she hits all the checkmarks on my long form.
From Movieplot:

Original Cast Members React to the Gritty Power Rangers Reboot that Saban Wants BANNED!
As of the timing of this publication, Joseph Kahn's grimdark portrayal of the Power Rangers franchise has amassed over 11 million views on YouTube since its release early Tuesday morning. It doesn't look like it's slowing down either. Crazy, right?

It's blatantly clear that myself and many others love the new direction and are huge fans of the short film. We also know for sure Haim Saban likely despises what Adi Shankar and Joseph Kahn have done to his franchise, but what did some of the original Power Rangers think of it?

From The Verge:

Power Rangers short makers cut deal to put film back online
The gritty Power/Rangers short film viewed by millions earlier this week is back on YouTube and Vimeo. According to Deadline, the film's creators have struck a deal with Saban, which owns the rights to Power Rangers, and are now free to put their short anywhere online. The YouTube and Vimeo versions now come with extensive disclaimers noting that they present a fan film, were made without any affiliation from Saban, and claim no rights to the characters. YouTube is now hosting a cleaner version of the video, while the original "NSFW" version is being hosted on Vimeo.
watched it, shitty acting, just dark and 'gritty' looking. dont really get hyped over Power Rangers. it just cant be made cool.
I can sum up why Saban/Lionsgate hate it really quickly.

Because unlike any of the actual PowerRangers stuff, it was actually good. Most original content creators aren't able to cope with someone taking their idea and making it monumentally better.