Rambus Loses Antitrust Case, Shares Plunge

If there was ever a company that needs to go under and leave all their employees jobless, RAMBUS is IT!!!! All their employees are lawyers but now anyways, so no loss AT ALL!!!!!
I'd really like to see new technology the company has produced since the P4 days. I've searched and have yet to find any evidence of RAMBUS's breakthrough technology which is being used today or will be used in the future.

I don't think that's true, you could be a great engineer stuck at a crap company. Just cause some execs changed the course of the business from making ram to suing people doesn't mean there weren't good engineers working there. Hell, engineers don't really get to determine what to make nearly as much as execs, they just give them the data, execs decide what they want, and engineers make it happen, hoping to steer it all in the best direction they can, with the limited control they have over the product they are developing...
Yes! Fuck you Rambus! Oh ho ho, what comes around goes around, bitches. :D
As long as the Playstation3 is still around so will Rambus, and PS3 (like the PS2) will probably continue to be produced well into its successors life.
Let me sum it up for those who dont know.

Rambus went to JEDEC, an open forum to figure out the next path of RAM (DDR2 I think). In that forum, spacifics of DDR was agreed on. Rambus RAN too the patent office and patented those spacifics they learned about at JEDEC, thus insuring everyone who makes DDR2 would violate there patents. Once DDR2 hit, Rambus swooped in and started suing everyone who made DDR2, even though those idea's were developed in an "open" forum.

Nobody really uses there RAM anymore. It was crap back in the day, and even RANBUS knew it. They still make money extorting RAM makers like a typical patent troll does. Finally someone stood up against this, and won. This should help the overall price of RAM if they dont need to pay RAMBUS the extiotion money anymore.

Try using spell check. Or let one of your parents type it for you next time. Hurt my brain trying to figure out what your point was.:cool: