Quick eVGA 6800GT question?


Limp Gawd
Mar 10, 2004
I'm getting my new card tomorrow and i was wondering what programs you guys use to overclock these cards? I've only had ATI cards before and used ATI Tool with them, i don't think i'll be able to use that program with this new card, or can I? thanks for the info.
Just a little thing called coolbits my friend, its built right in, you just have to know where in the registry to enable it. Coolbits is built into all of nvidia's drivers as far as I know but isn't enable by default for obvious reasons :) Just google coolbits and there are plenty of quick guides to get it enabled.
You can use ATI Tool to detect artifacts with nVidia cards but you can't use it to OC them.

CoolBits is the best tool to use for overclocking. It just enables the overclocking features that are already built into the nVidia drivers.

There are other 3rd party programs like RivaTuner and Powerstrip that you can use to overclock as well. They have other advanced features that come in handy at times.

I would just use CoolBits though as thats what the majority of us use.
I used coolbits, but I didnt get that far 410 core, btw: make sure to replace the thermal paste on the core with some as5 or similar, it dropped my idle temps atleast 5 c
DigitalEmperor said:
adding as5 also voids any warrenty ... just fyi

Yea i wouldn't try adding AS5 unless you dont want the warranty that comes with your card.

I wouldn't bother doing it unless you were removing the stock heatsink/fan and putting on something better.
download NVHardpage 2.0. that will allow you to activate coolbits very easily.
The stuff evga uses on the gpu heatsink looks pretty good already, and looks like it was put on the right way. I wouldn't bother redoing it just for as5, unless you're replacing the heatsink and fan too.

The stuff they put under the heatspreader on the ram though, is complete crap, imho. That stuff is like 1/8 of an inch thick.
archevilangel said:
I used coolbits, but I didnt get that far 410 core

Isn't that higher than the 6800u?

If I only get that, I'll be thrilled. Can't wait to find out in a couple days.
