Questions on just cause 2


Dec 28, 2000
Recently started playing just cause 2 and I've got a question or two. I got enough chaos to unlock the next agency mission. I've yet to start the mission yet. I notice when I get more chaos the agency chaos meter does not fill any more. Is whatever chaos I gain now saved for when I complete the agency mission? Or will it just be at 0 till I complete the mission? I'm doing all the little towns and such and I'm worried that if I do to many it will make it more difficult to gain chaos for the later missions if it isn't stored up. Also is there a way to buy ammo or something from the black arms dude. I bought the pistol thinking it would be unlocked and I could a new full one from him whenever but it looks like it's still 20000 to buy. Thanks!
It carries over. You can get enough chaos to do all the missions before starting them if you want for instance.
Awesome thanks.

What about the black market dude? Do I have to purchase the weapon each and every time? 20K seems expensive for a pistol each time! Do you begin to 'accrue' money like other games by owning property or anything??
You can get most of the weapons/ammo you need off the guys you shoot, but if you want a certain weapon with a full clip a good way to do that is the black market guy. Don't bother with the upgraded parachute unless you really want it, as you lose it when you die and then have to buy it all over again.

You won't have a whole lot of money at first, but as you play the game you'll have plenty. Make sure to watch the little radar that lets you know you are close to the shiny silver boxes that give you parts to upgrade your weapons, vehicles or cash. You also get cash for finding "special" items scattered around the map. You also get bonus chaos etc for clearing an area to 100%.

Fun game, took a while for me to get good with the grappling hook but you're in for a good time. :D
You should also check out for some sweet mods like multiple grappling hook and invincible grappling hook. Makes the game a million times more entertaining, espically when you hook a whole bunch of people to an airplane and fly them around. There are also some cool vehicles and a few black market mods that are worth getting.
I played all the way through without mods, buying all the guns I needed/wanted and never had money issues. It does seem like a lot, you're right, but you get a ton of cash throughout the game.

After I beat the game, though, I did pick up the top-rated black market mod and the dual-wielding mod and had a ton of fun running around with dual assault rifles.