question for mx1000 owners


Limp Gawd
Jul 28, 2003
looking for some solid feedback on the mx1000. I hate my old mouse wires when i used to play games on my cramped desk (a problem when you're trying to do multimonitor setups) and it pissed me off sooooooo much. Recently, ive been looking at wireless mice and it seems like mx1000 is the top of the line; so here are a few questions for mx1000 owners ( and those who have personally used it; only. please no 2nd hand stories, etc)

1) Is there ANY lag at all when you play games or any other applications?

2) When you pick up the mouse, and place it back down, is the response instant? ie if i pick it up 1 inch and place it back down theres no waiting for the laser to kick back in?

3) dont recommend me the mx510; i own one.
1) absolutely none that I, or any of my family/friends can notice
2) There is a small (10th of a second or less) delay, because of the safety mechanism that it turns off when lifted from a surface...
delay was so bad i went abck to my 510mx but if you dont lift your mouse its great
I don't have any real problems with lifting. I find it will even track a few cm above a good surface. My problem is that the left button occasionally acts like it is stuck down. That can be very agravating when it happens.
another question for mx1000 owners. how long do the batteries last after a full recharge? and how long does it take to recharge it to full?
batteries seem to last a week, though I've never ran it all the way down. I charge it when it hits 2/3 powerlevel (at about 3-4 days). There is NO delay in games, it works just as well as my MX500

how long does it take to recharge? um... maybe an hour, I dunno. I'm never around when its charging
Stoopid Guy said:
1) absolutely none that I, or any of my family/friends can notice

danmoody said:
delay was so bad i went abck to my 510mx but if you dont lift your mouse its great

sigh, this is my problem.
Optik said:
sigh, this is my problem.

I think it really depends on the person and quite possible certian mice and system combination are worse then other.

My only real suggestion is buy one try it and if you don't like then sell it here.
1) No lag.

2) a slight delay, but I've found that you don't need to lift it. I stopped using a mousepad as a matter of fact.

3) Battery Life: I read that they're supposed to last 20 days without a charge. However, I tend to put it in the cradle at night, so I always have a full charge. That's why the cradle is there.
arg. i was gonna make a thread today to find out if they still had the damn delay. and i guess this thread answers my question. i bought a MX1000 right when they came out and i took it back cause the delay was unbearable when gaming. the buttons on my MX500 are starting to go out so i need something new. i tried the mediaplay but its no good either. the accuracy sucks, taking that one back too.
1) No lag at all.
2) I dont notice any lag or any delay at all when picking it up..

My battery lasts 15 days @ 6 hours a day of gaming (an extra 2-3 per day on weekends) But I usually recharge it once it gets to 2/3 bars. And that takes about a Week.

On a side note, I have felt lag before, but My battery had been on "red" for about 65 minutes before I felt the lag, and even then, It wasn't much.

I am very happy with my MX1000.
I got mine for christmas:

No wireless lag at all.

No lag when lifting it up and putting it down, or at least for me. It's either newer models or the newer drivers i installed. Yeah, it's supposed to be fixed by new drivers

Battery seems to last forever, and it charges pretty quickly. 1 week seems to be the average time that i need to put in back on the cradle for a while.
as noted, there is a *very small* bit of lag, almost imperceivable. The mouse is extremely responsive, far more then anything I have layed my hands upon. It's great, so fast in fact that a mousepad will only slow it down.
My brother bought an mx1000 an I would by one in a heartbeat, except I already have a nice mouse and plan on waiting until mx1000 price drops a little first. As far as I can tell it has less lag than my mouse. Between it and the Microsoft Wireless Intellimouse Explorer 4.0 that my brother had before, the mx1000 is a fantastic mouse. My only gripe with it is the two buttons forward and aft of the scroll wheel. When things get intense in games you might accidentally click either button and cause problems for yourself. Besides that, it's a fantastic mouse. I like that the scroll wheel clicks unlike the Microsoft Explorer 4.0 mice which don't.
The other mice dont have the problem that some ppl seem to think the mx1000 has (optical mice dont really do that much). BTW the buttons by the scroll wheel arent ones you'd accidently click in games or anything, at least for me (most of the time).
Raines8416 said:
arg. i was gonna make a thread today to find out if they still had the damn delay. and i guess this thread answers my question. i bought a MX1000 right when they came out and i took it back cause the delay was unbearable when gaming. the buttons on my MX500 are starting to go out so i need something new. i tried the mediaplay but its no good either. the accuracy sucks, taking that one back too.

I would suggest just picking up a Logitech MX510. Its one of the best gaming mice on the market.
People suggested it a lot, but the mx1000 is very accurate. And wireless is better than i thought it would be.
I must say that I love my MX1000. It is quite responsive compared to my old mouse (MS optical POS that was missing the plastic cover). The batteries tend to last a week or so from what I have seen personally. If you just leave the mouse in the cradle sometime before you go to bed, it will be fully charged by morning, which I do once a week or so. The nice thing is is that you don't have to change out sets of batteries like in that MS Intellimouse 4.0 that we also have (that thing ate 2 AA batteries daily). In terms of lag, I don't feel any, though at first the pointer might randomly shoot to the top of the screen or bottom of the screen for no reason. However, I now have no troubles with that issue. Considering I got it for a Christmas gift, I love it.
I haven't noticed any lag or delay. If you play Warcraft III straight for like 20 hours, one of the lights will go off indicating a 2/3rds charge.
I don't notice any lag. That's probably because I don't lift the mouse that high.

It is a bit on the heavy side which does take time to adjust to. Other than that, it is a great mouse.

Batteries last about 2 weeks until it reaches the last bar.