PUBG Losing Players at a Furious Pace


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
GamerRant is telling us about how PUBG has lost half of its player base since the beginning of the year. We don't know, but we highly doubt it has to do with the suing of its competition, and then suing more competition, or the fact that performance sucks, or that cheating is rampant, or bad press about ransomware. Dunno.

Lately the 24-hour peak for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on Steam has been hovering around the 1.5 million mark, meaning less than half of the people who played during its peak are still playing the game regularly. Its average number of players has also been declining since January, with an average of 854,115 players in the last 30 days.
I know I stopped playing. Tried it again the other day, just to check out the new map. Killed someone, then I died about half a second after I went behind a crate. This is some extreme lag compensation. Sorry, but I aim is fantastic. Hitting moving targets is super is more about luck than anything else. It's worse than Quake Champions. I fucking hate how newer games play WORSE than what was released ~20 years ago. 10 fps server? Get the fuck out with this shit
Well it's appropriate, they lost their shit suing everyone left and right, now they're loosing players good riddance.
game is 99% boring 1% bullshit deaths.

stopped last year.
I guess I am one of those 1.M Million people that play. It also hurt their player count when they banned most of China.
I love the game. But, it's far from a complete game. It's buggy as shit some times. Shoot someone point blank a dozen times with no damage and then get shot once with a 9mm and dead. Lag is a bitch. They really need to work to optimize it before adding new maps.

I still have a ton of fun, but those bugs get me cussing up a storm. When it goes good, it's a very fun game. Especially when those you play with are cool people. Die and you can talk for a bit and tell the other guy good luck, etc.. Some good players out there just having a great time. Those make the game fun.
I switched to rings of Elysium and haven't looked back. plays just like Pubg but better at an earlier stage, and will be available in NA through steam anytime now.
The game is fucking terrible. 10 tick rate is complete shit. Hit detection makes me want to punch my monitor. Can place a red dot on a non-moving targets head at 50 meters taking single shots with an AK or M4 and not hit once in 10 shots. Not even a body shot due to drop. Then get sniped from 250 meters with a 9mm UMP.

Yeah. fuck that shit.
I've been pushing through the BS and continuing to play duos with a buddy. Last night, first time in FPP mode that I got the guy shooting me from the other side of the earth, through a car, a school and probably a pan too. After seeing Shroud get lit up by a flying car and the crap from our last session, I think i permanently alt-f4'd. Sad times..
Cheaters and outstanding issues will kill a game quickly. I remember when The Division launched and the playerbase was halfing itself every month because of the cheating.
I don't care about the cheaters, the mediocre graphics performance, the lawsuits, or the stupid loot box shenanigans. JUST FIX THE FUCKING NETCODE SO HITS LAND ONCE IN A WHILE. THATS ALL I WANT. I WANT TO LAND A HIT. ONCE. IN. A. WHILE.

I'm so sick of watching my deathcam and seeing my shots go right through an enemy at point blank range. I'm just done with it. I've played tons of fast multiplayer FPS going back to the quake and UT days and I've never seen hit detection this bad.
Cheaters and outstanding issues will kill a game quickly. I remember when The Division launched and the playerbase was halfing itself every month because of the cheating.

Also that game was (is?) terrible.
The game ran its course, it will always have some sort of a player base, but it was a fad, like pogs. They honestly revitalized a dying fps scene, and even though it was a military sim, I appreciated the efforts. Before PUBG twitch was dominated by mobas and card games :S
Lost me before the sale. Never looked great to me.

My brother and his buddies got in early and had a ton of fun per them for a while. But they have also moved on due the technical issues rampant cheating and pretty much everything else that’s been said.

These guys still play Siege to give you an indication of what kind of bs they can tolerate!
PUBG could have been great, but instead of ever giving it its polish, they expanded and monetized the living crap out of it.
PUBG could have been great, but instead of ever giving it its polish, they expanded and monetized the living crap out of it.

Yep, they made their money and now it's going to fade away.
I'll tell you what isn't helping them lose players... Because the game isn't on Linux.

Can't lose gamers you never had before ;)
The aimbot users on pubg mobile has grown to unfun levels.
Guy on the other side of the map headshot with a shotgun. Next game, another guy kills me with a sniper rifle again from the other side of the map through hills etc. Next game, guy headshot kills me with a pistol from half way across the map. Another game, guy shoots me through several floors of a building, can't evade, running around doesn't help.... I'm done.
I refuse to support the game. Any company that tries to stifle competition is one step away from suing their own players like Digital Homicide tried to do.
I’ve still never tried this game. What’s the big draw?

Semi original iteration of deathmatch - 100 players, only 1 winner (no respawns). Large map that slowly reduces in size forcing the game to progress.

These guys basically had an instant hit on their hands, made tons of money than found the longest list of "Don't do this with your fledgling business" ideas they could and started checking them off.

Game is unpolished, buggy, cheat ridden crap with loot boxes galore and they are suing a competitor (imagine if Quake sued Unreal back in the day for making a FPS Deathmatch game - that's what these guys are doing)

I never bought it and the more I read, the less I wanted to.

They need to get a good financial advisor because they are coming back down to earth and it's going to be a bumpy ride.
I played this game for about 30 minutes and asked for a refund. I just dont get the hype.
Clearly everyone is going to play Hunt: showdown.


The "NOTMYCAR" alpha looks like a ton of fun. Carmageddon battle royale? HELL YES. There's so many good titles out there and only so much time. Why keep playing a cheat filled, and buggy mess?

I'm saying almost anything else is better then this nonsense.
After not really having an issue with hackers, i've suddenly had multiple encounters with them in the past weeks. I think what happened to PUBG is that it got too popular too fast. They should have shut down the early access at some point, or waited till later to go to 1.0 release. Because even now, it feels like a late beta at best.
Battle Royale games in general are trash. there are a few battle royaleish games like Hunt Showdown; but in general pure battle roale games are vapid crap meant to appeal to people who like to watch some bland effeminate teenage male with a non threatening Midwestern accent scream and act overly excited while playing shitty video games that require zero skill. Twitch has turned modern gaming into a reality tv like popularity contest, games don't get popular because they are good anymore they get popular because some random twitch streamer decides to play (gamex) for the luls.

Now as a result we are left with a vapid wasteland of Battle Royales and Goat Simulators, Jump Scare Horror games and Survival Sandboxes. Most games devs have given up on creating handcrafted content and great stories in favor of letting players quote "tell their own stories through emergent game-play" we used to get masterpieces Like WOW and Unreal Tournament now we get garbage like PUBG and Sea of Thieves; for every Witcher or Darksouls we get, we get 100 Ubisoft open world take down this same enemy fort visit the same radio tower crap-fests.

So yeah PUBG can go fuck itself.
act overly excited while playing shitty video games that require zero skill.
That may be true in theory, but hell... I just installed Fortnite and have been consistently getting greased because I cannot seem to get a handle on the whole 'insta-build' mechanic. Either I am not binding something right or have the ingrained reflexes to do it.. that and it seems to be a pure ambush game.

So funk that I'll go back to TF2 where I am happy getting hats with my skillz there.
Definitely a lot of shit that still needs to fixed for sure. In my opinion though, it's come a long way in terms of performance (mine is a Vega64 LC). The game runs completely smooth, and works great with Freesync + Enhanced sync. I bet we'll see a resurgence with the new map at the end of the month. People will play for a while longer, then it will fade back down to current levels.

I just hope that the last update post about game optimizations does pan out. PubG has reignited many hours of FPS game play with my friends and I. It's been a long time since we've had this much fun playing video games (Thanks to real life BS).
i used to play the hell out of it. But when the game constantly makes a change for the better and introduces multiple changes for the worse what do they expect? I play it on occasion now only with friends as thats the only way its fun anymore. Patiently awaiting Mavericks Proving Grounds so i can dump PUBG for good.
I still play it regularly. Solo's gets boring but duos and above is still a lot of fun.
The "NOTMYCAR" alpha looks like a ton of fun. Carmageddon battle royale? HELL YES. There's so many good titles out there and only so much time. Why keep playing a cheat filled, and buggy mess?

I'm saying almost anything else is better then this nonsense.

This looks great.

I'd like to see a 2 man version where one person drives and another person mans the turret.

Probably the most fun I've ever had in a game was in Planetside (original) when I'd team up with a buddy and we'd drive this amphibious ATV around and I'd run over soldiers, dodge tanks and drive off cliffs into water while he'd take out aircraft and everything else with the turret on top. Such good team work and so so so fun.

Ah, here we go: