PUBG Confirms New Anti-Cheat Measures Happening Today


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Last Friday we reported on a fairly lengthy Steam post by the PUBG devs that new anti-cheating measures are on the way in. About 20 minutes ago, the PUBG devs gave us a bit more granularity of what exactly was going to happen and when. Today at 6PM PST will be the mark here in North America and the devs say there will be no downtime for servers. One popular application that will be blocked is ReShade. They go on to say that some video capture programs may be temporarily blocked till they get that all worked out. If you are experiencing a "non-cheat" application that is getting blocked, there is already a form up for you to submit so the devs can evaluate unblocking it.

The video below talks about some of the apps impacted.

Check out the video.

As already mentioned in our dev blog, we will be deploying an anti-cheat update tomorrow. The update will go live at Feb 5 6PM PST / Feb 6 3AM CET / 11AM KST and there will be no downtime for the servers.

The new anti-cheat feature will block different helper programs that alter the graphics or aid in gameplay in some way. What these programs have in common is that they all hook into our game and transform game files. Programs that are not used to gain an unfair advantage can also be blocked if they behave like cheats.

One of the popular programs that will be blocked is ReShade. You will not be banned for having it on system but you will no longer be able to play PUBG while it is installed. Please uninstall ReShade (or any other blocked program) and launch the game again. Some players may find that reinstalling PUBG is also necessary.

Some programs that do not affect gameplay may be blocked temporarily (NVIDIA ShadowPlay, video / audio capture programs, etc.) as we hone the new anti-cheat features.
If it's still on the paid cheat lists in a week, they've done nothing to stop it. Games with lawyers are strangely not on those lists.
If it's still on the paid cheat lists in a week, they've done nothing to stop it. Games with lawyers are strangely not on those lists.
Some reference as to what lists you are talking about would be appreciated.
Artificial Aiming is one, they have a master package list, it supports AAPG, ARK, BF1, BF3, BF4, BFBC2, BLR, CS, CSS, CSGO, COD2, COD2, COD5, CODBO3, CODMW2, CODMW3, CODGhosts, CODAW, CODIW, CODWWII, DOOM, GOW4, GOW4, GTA5, H&G, ISS, KF, KF2, L4D2, MWO, Paladins, PUBG, R6Siege, R6Siege, RO2, RUST, SQUAD, SWBF, SWBF2, TF2, The Division, Titanfall2, WarThunder.

If it's a multiplayer only game and It's on these lists I don't bother buying it.

I stand corrected on Aim Junkies, PUBG is not on their list.
I'm going to hazard a guess that Artificial Aiming will probably drop support as well since they've dropped support for the majority of Battleye protected games. They required kernel patching to get working which causes other issues that lead to getting detected.
Still not blocking stupid! The no-delay streamers will still be crying in a week about getting popped by a "cheater" or "hacker". I laugh AT them every time!
Good. although im pretty sure i have not run into any cheaters playing this game ( blatant ones anyway )
I've only seen a couple cheats. I saw one guy doing some obvious wallhacking, and another that didn't seem affected by smoke.

Fortunately, no aim bots.
I say good because any anti cheating measure is better than nothing, but honestly I am so bad at the game I couldn't tell the difference between somebody just better than me or somebody who is cheating.
I haven't played PUBG in months, most of my gaming sessions are spent on Fortnite now. Though I'm happy they finally blocked re-shade, now they just need to region lock games as well. Ignoring the problem of cheats, the high ping advantage people are abusing due to the flaws of server side hit reg makes the game unplayable.
I witnessed one cheat, two guys cooperating in a solo match. It was really obvious because they were within sight of each other and not shooting, then when I finally shot at one of them the other turned and engaged me so yea, cheating with nothing more than Discord or TS or Vent, or maybe a cell phone even.
The addition of the death cam has been nice too BUT has now contributed to my frustrations of the game.. Watching people shoot well behind you and still get the HS dink.. Or the hs kill/knockout while in a car full speed.

I've not seen the co-op singles. Guessing that is just something you join during the pre-load? Or would it be something to have loaded to get your friend into the same game? I've not tried this myself but not sure how you get "lucky" to join the same server.
The addition of the death cam has been nice too BUT has now contributed to my frustrations of the game.. Watching people shoot well behind you and still get the HS dink.. Or the hs kill/knockout while in a car full speed.

I've not seen the co-op singles. Guessing that is just something you join during the pre-load? Or would it be something to have loaded to get your friend into the same game? I've not tried this myself but not sure how you get "lucky" to join the same server.

That's just lag man, just lag.

You get 5 or six guys and click "Ready" at the same time, the odds are decent that one or more will get into the same match together.
That's just lag man, just lag.

You get 5 or six guys and click "Ready" at the same time, the odds are decent that one or more will get into the same match together.

I should've specified what I was agreeing with too- region lock. I'm guessing a bunch of these types of deaths are lag related to players with much higher latency.

And. Hm. I guess I never though to try that. Just play duos with my bro or squad with his friends.
Have they banned China from playing anywhere but China yet?? I’m not reinstalling until all of shithole Asia can only play with their shitty cheating selves
They admitted the death cam was bugged and not working properly lots of the time. So it basically removed a lot of its usefulness as a tool to identify cheaters. 100% agreed on the region lock it wouldn't eliminate the problem but it would help.
yep aimbots are still active... So sad that these kids cheat all day long. The cheats shouldn't just ban them it should move them to cheaters only servers which all cheaters just end up playing each other without saying shit to them.
Might be off topic but can anyone enlighten me why is this game so popular? Seems like it's from 10-15 years ago graphically, and with the cheating problem, just what's the appeal?
Might be off topic but can anyone enlighten me why is this game so popular? Seems like it's from 10-15 years ago graphically, and with the cheating problem, just what's the appeal?

100 players. It's fun when asshats and ruining it.
Might be off topic but can anyone enlighten me why is this game so popular? Seems like it's from 10-15 years ago graphically, and with the cheating problem, just what's the appeal?

For me it’s the fact I really haven’t played anything other than L4D2 for the past 8 years. I bought it because two of the people I play with mentioned it, but no one would buy it. I finally bit the bullet, bought it, and now those other two along with my two best friends now play it. It’s something different and a blast to play. Sure it has its issues, but we enjoy it.
For me it’s the fact I really haven’t played anything other than L4D2 for the past 8 years. I bought it because two of the people I play with mentioned it, but no one would buy it. I finally bit the bullet, bought it, and now those other two along with my two best friends now play it. It’s something different and a blast to play. Sure it has its issues, but we enjoy it.
Thanks but that personal anecdote doesn't get me closer to understanding the appeal of the game.

100 players. It's fun when asshats and ruining it.
Now we're getting somewhere, so you say it is popular because 100 players can play on one map? The second sentence makes no sense at all tho.
Thanks but that personal anecdote doesn't get me closer to understanding the appeal of the game.

Now we're getting somewhere, so you say it is popular because 100 players can play on one map? The second sentence makes no sense at all tho.

Why is any game "fun"? People like it. That you don't doesn't make that untrue. Maybe you're just getting old? ;)