PSA: OneDrive Storage Limit Was Cut to 1TB This Week

FFS, don't call it unlimited if it's not unlimited!

Is that so hard?
There's using unlimited data and then there's being a dick about it. Just another example of a few assholes ruining a good thing for the rest of us.
What? I have been using Windows 10 for a while now, both on my tablet and my desktop, and whenever it asks me if I want to use OneDrive I simply say no. Is that too hard for you?
Given it is set on by default and isn't real clear what it is and you are clicking through page after page it is rather easy to miss and inadvertently turn on like what happened to most of America. My wife hit the yes on 2 of my machines while trying to get to something. Yes it was default on and unbelievably invasive with very little control over it and the inability to truly turn it off and relocate the path correctly after its been enabled. So yes it will be a huge issue that after all that they suddenly decreased the size.
People going on about unlimited and backup this or that with the whole 1tb thing. Don't care; missing the most important part.
Office 360(5?) is a real value because $100/year for 5 accounts, MS Office and Unlimited cloud data. Dropping it down to 1TB (I thought this was already done....) made me add another value check.
Accronis is $40/year @ 1TB of data.

That still works out to $200/year without MS Office. Anyone know of a better deal?

Yeah; the real dicks are those using all our unlimited data. As far as the silly comments in here about backups and onedrive oh my!

OneDrive has been a great place to mirror recent backups to. No need for any special step. Wipe, install, restore from OneDrive.

Only time I've had to grab the external backups is when my Daughter waited a month to tell me she broke the dang thing.
- Dailies get backed up to a dedicated internal drive and mirrored to OneDrive.
- Weeklies get backed up to the same internal drive and mirrored to a NAS.
- Monthlies get backed up to the same internal drive and mirrored to cold storage.
- File History located on a USB left attached to the system.
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People going on about unlimited and backup this or that with the whole 1tb thing. Don't care; missing the most important part.
Office 360(5?) is a real value because $100/year for 5 accounts, MS Office and Unlimited cloud data. Dropping it down to 1TB (I thought this was already done....) made me add another value check.
Accronis is $40/year @ 1TB of data.

That still works out to $200/year without MS Office. Anyone know of a better deal?

Yeah; the real dicks are those using all our unlimited data. As far as the silly comments in here about backups and onedrive oh my!

OneDrive has been a great place to mirror recent backups to. No need for any special step. Wipe, install, restore from OneDrive.

Only time I've had to grab the external backups is when my Daughter waited a month to tell me she broke the dang thing.
- Dailies get backed up to a dedicated internal drive and mirrored to OneDrive.
- Weeklies get backed up to the same internal drive and mirrored to a NAS.
- Monthlies get backed up to the same internal drive and mirrored to cold storage.
- File History located on a USB left attached to the system.

I don't really care. I got a permanent Office 2010 license through Microsoft's HUP program for $9.95 years ago, and it works fine for me. I have no need to upgrade. I'll probably use it until the day I die.

Heck, I actually prefer the old school 2003 menus. I hate that ribbon shit, but at least it's not as bad in 2010 as it was on Office XP.

If I had to choose though, I'd probably just choose 2003 and stick with it from the rest of eternity.
I don't really care. I got a Office 2010 license through Microsoft's HUP program years ago, and it works fine for me. I have no need to upgrade.

Heck, I actually prefer the old school 2003 menus. I hate that ribbon shit, but at least it's not as bad in 2010 as it was on Office XP.

If I had to choose though, I'd probably just choose 2003 and stick with it from the rest of eternity.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I am fundamentally opposed to the subscription model for software unless it is dirt cheap compared to traditional licenses.

I'm not going to subscribe to Office any time soon.

I want my software to be 100% local machine without interacting with any license server or anything outside my network, and I prefer it to be a one time permanent purchase.
Given it is set on by default and isn't real clear what it is and you are clicking through page after page it is rather easy to miss and inadvertently turn on like what happened to most of America. My wife hit the yes on 2 of my machines while trying to get to something. Yes it was default on and unbelievably invasive with very little control over it and the inability to truly turn it off and relocate the path correctly after its been enabled. So yes it will be a huge issue that after all that they suddenly decreased the size.

So your wife can't read what she clicks on and that is somehow a slight on Microsoft. Got it.
So your wife can't read what she clicks on and that is somehow a slight on Microsoft. Got it.

People shouldn't have to read though pages of information to opt out of something.

The common sense, ethical approach is to make EVERYTHING opt-in, not opt-out.

The default settings should have everything disabled.
So your wife can't read what she clicks on and that is somehow a slight on Microsoft. Got it.

it's more that Microsoft intentionally tries and hides the option to disable it...when doing a fresh install of Windows 10 there is this huge OneDrive screen and in very small letters at the bottom of the screen it tells you that you can disable it...for tech-centric people yes it's easy to disable but for most people it's easy to miss
People shouldn't have to read though pages of information to opt out of something.

The common sense, ethical approach is to make EVERYTHING opt-in, not opt-out.

The default settings should have everything disabled.

Read what he wrote...

My wife hit the yes on 2 of my machines while trying to get to something.

That is user error all day long. He wife hit yes. There isn't some big conspiracy at all. It pops up for me, here and there, and It asks if I want to use OneDrive. I choose No, and move on. Clicking yes on everything to make it go away may very well end badly.
it's more that Microsoft intentionally tries and hides the option to disable it...when doing a fresh install of Windows 10 there is this huge OneDrive screen and in very small letters at the bottom of the screen it tells you that you can disable it...for tech-centric people yes it's easy to disable but for most people it's easy to miss

Christ, the world is getting dumber by the minute.
Read what he wrote...

That is user error all day long. He wife hit yes. There isn't some big conspiracy at all. It pops up for me, here and there, and It asks if I want to use OneDrive. I choose No, and move on. Clicking yes on everything to make it go away may very well end badly.

No. Nothing should ever pop up on you.

I you want to use one drive you should have to manually find it in the settings menus and set it up.

It is way to easy to accidentally click yes on a pop-up, and most casual users are used to clicking yes on everything when they need to continue their work and a dialogue box is in their way. Very similar to EULA's.

No one reads EULA's except maybe corporate lawyers.
No. Nothing should ever pop up on you.

I you want to use one drive you should have to manually find it in the settings menus and set it up.

It is way to easy to accidentally click yes on a pop-up, and most casual users are used to clicking yes on everything when they need to continue their work and a dialogue box is in their way. Very similar to EULA's.

No one reads EULA's except maybe corporate lawyers.

I really should clarify that my "pop up" is just a glowing orange sqaure on my task bar until I select it. So it isn't popping up in front of my work. I guess a better way to put it is the program opens periodically to let me know it exists.

Microsoft, as a business, cannot just pop new software options within Windows and then not tell you they exist. It wouldn't make sense from a business standpoint. It is no different than me browsing to using IE and google asking me to install Chrome, which it does.

They are providing a program for you to use VOLUNTARILY and require you to READ a 10 word prompt and make a decision. Your poor decision is no ones fault besides your own.
Then they shouldn't have said OMG UNLIMITED!!! They should have straight up said 1TB for all. They'd have a lot less flack in that regard :)

But at the time it was unlimited. The only people giving them flack is people that love to be blind and jump on hate bandwagons. Nobody else gives two shits. It isn't like they are still calling it an unlimited space plan but limiting you. 16 months ago they discontinued the unlimited plan and changed it to a 1TB limit for all new customers and told the existing customers that in 1 year (to allow 1 year contracts to expire) they would be switching their unlimited accounts to 1TB limits also. Given that most people are under 1TB they didn't care and won't care. Just like with other stuff as the time comes that 1TB is no longer good enough they will increase that ceiling over time. For the few people that felt that they were getting screwed because they were paying for unlimited storage and were using hundreds of TB of space, they had time for their subscription to expire, not to renew it and move on to something else. Now it has finally come that everyone who was paying for unlimited storage has been moved to a 1TB plan so they now are telling them that they have 3 months to get their accounts under 1TB if they haven't already done so before they start to punish them and lock their accounts down. At that point that is 18 months past the point that people were being told that the unlimited plans were no longer being offered.

I have been to restaurants that used to offer unlimited drink refills and then over time changed that to a 1 refill limit. Should that not have been allowed? Should there have been lawsuits brought against them for having sold drinks previously that were unlimited refills but now limit you to only 1? Should the owner have been drug into the front of the restaurant and forced to watch his wife be raped then both him and her killed in front of their kids to teach them a lesson on not fucking with people by changing unlimited items to be limited once people know that they were unlimited at some point? Maybe I should have just burned the place down to the ground.
...Maybe I should have just burned the place down to the ground.

Seems like a legit response. /s, obviously :)

Even if MS did discontinue the unlimited plan, and notified customers, that doesn't change the fact that at the time people signed up for the unlimited plan, they expected to have unlimited cloud space. To change that after the fact without allowing grandfathered plans is the very definition of bait and switch, imho.
Point 1: Anybody that things "Unlimited" means there are no physical limits (infinite), is just stupid.
Point 2: Any company that states some resource or service is "Unlimited" is being dishonest.

So why then do companies keep advertising things as "Unlimited", and people keep crying when it turns out they are not and never were?