PS4 is going to have 8gb of RAM! Sell your PC while you can!

I know someone is going to post something about how many people still use Windows XP on an ancient system so he is technically correct.
But seriously, this is just moronic.
You guys need to realize that you mega, super, power users that dedicate a power plant to your system are a tiny blip on the radar when taking all systems into consideration. Almost no regular user uses up that much RAM. I've got 4gigs running Windows 7 and it has never utilized more than half of it.
You guys need to realize that you mega, super, power users that dedicate a power plant to your system are a tiny blip on the radar when taking all systems into consideration. Almost no regular user uses up that much RAM. I've got 4gigs running Windows 7 and it has never utilized more than half of it.

And here he is.
I look at the PS4 as the possibility of getting console players to realize just how much better gaming can be on the PC now that they are essentially playing on one thats a few years old. Sadly Im even further behind than that.
You guys need to realize that you mega, super, power users that dedicate a power plant to your system are a tiny blip on the radar when taking all systems into consideration. Almost no regular user uses up that much RAM. I've got 4gigs running Windows 7 and it has never utilized more than half of it.

Maybe somewhat true for enthusiast desktop users, like many here. But there are a lot of gaming laptop users, this sector is growing and many of the products are very capable. Back in 2007 I had a Clevo with a 8800M GTX that was very capable, laptops have only become more and more powerful, mainstream and cheaper in the 'gaming' sprectrum.

I would imagine by the time the PS4 arrives you could get a laptop for under $800 USD that outperforms the PS4.
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You guys need to realize that you mega, super, power users that dedicate a power plant to your system are a tiny blip on the radar when taking all systems into consideration. Almost no regular user uses up that much RAM. I've got 4gigs running Windows 7 and it has never utilized more than half of it.

In the [H] world, that tiny blip is the majority. many programs actually utilize 8 GB of RAM? Or even 4 GB?

He's probably right that it'll "last for years", but it's not going to out-power PCs because of 8 GB

Stupid morons on the internet are stupid and moronic.

The difference is some people have 2 GB, so games need keep that in consideration. PS4 will have a lot of sweet features PC does not because they know everyone with a PS4 has 8GB to work with.

GDDR5 memory cost more than DDR3.

GDDR5? Who's talking about GDDR5?? The "8GB of RAM" comment was about RAM, not graphics card memory. many programs actually utilize 8 GB of RAM? Or even 4 GB?

He's probably right that it'll "last for years", but it's not going to out-power PCs because of 8 GB

Read the article....the author wets himself talking about the "PS4 was unveiled last month",,,when in actuality, the event he references had no unveiling or appearance of the PS4 at all.
Not quite true, since it's a console. It seems to me that most developers these days look at Consoles for a guide to create a game, if the console only have 2 gigs of ram, then that's how it'll be optimize for. So... it having more ram may mean a better guide line for games in general, though more for ports.
There was talk of it having 8 GB of shared GDDR5 for both system memory and VRAM.
Shared or partitioned? Not that it really matters when were talking about this much capacity.

The decision to include 8GB is odd. The only genuinely tangible benefit is going to come from making developer's lives easier, but that's only true of PS4-exclusive titles, of which I expect there will be relatively few. Everyone else is just going to cautiously manage memory for more resource-limited platforms (which developers have gotten exceedingly good at with this console generation), and most are going to do that with few to no drawbacks for players.
desktop 8GB since 2008
Laptop 16GB

PS4 isn't out powering the time it is released the current high end GPU (7970 and 680) will be dominating it and that stuff is approaching 2 years old at time of release of PS4.... Reality, OP might want to come back to it....
Stupid morons on the internet are stupid and moronic.

GDDR5? Who's talking about GDDR5?? The "8GB of RAM" comment was about RAM, not graphics card memory.

Sony's press event they just had they were very specific and said the system would contain 8gb of GDDR5 memory to be used by the system for all function including the GPU. This is a known fact by this point. And I doubt anyone will ditch there gaming PCs.
Well for starters it's definitely out powering your desktop lol :D

I am sure the i5 and 7950 that I plan on buying in the VERY NEAR future will have no trouble outpacing it...not to mention that it will have 32GB ram plus 3GB Vram
You guys need to realize that you mega, super, power users that dedicate a power plant to your system are a tiny blip on the radar when taking all systems into consideration. Almost no regular user uses up that much RAM. I've got 4gigs running Windows 7 and it has never utilized more than half of it.

did you get stuck in 1981?
I think comparing consoles with PCs will be like comparing a Bentley with a Ferrari, the Bentley has more power and more durable, comfortable suspension, it is more competent on uneven surfaces and in a head-on collision the Bentley is safer, but on a racetrack the Ferrari wins hands-down because it is lightweight and purpose-built.
I think comparing consoles with PCs will be like comparing a Bentley with a Ferrari, the Bentley has more power and more durable, comfortable suspension, it is more competent on uneven surfaces and in a head-on collision the Bentley is safer, but on a racetrack the Ferrari wins hands-down because it is lightweight and purpose-built.

God no, no no no, no no n o no no no no nonon ononononooooooo
I think comparing consoles with PCs will be like comparing a Bentley with a Ferrari, the Bentley has more power and more durable, comfortable suspension, it is more competent on uneven surfaces and in a head-on collision the Bentley is safer, but on a racetrack the Ferrari wins hands-down because it is lightweight and purpose-built.

That is the worst fucking analogy ever man.

Here is a good one. A PC is like this box that can continually be upgraded and built upon, a console is not that.

Wasn't that great!?
LOL, Titan already have 6GB for graphics alone!

More RAM is always useful, but its not going to make the console outpower PC for years to come. It certainly allows dev to do interesting stuff with their games such as large worlds without the need for loading point. Certainly nothing PC won't be able to keep up with.
PS4 is a joke in it's all right it needs quality games to attact customers most games are free to play console games are $$$ plus the cost of the system.
hollllly crap...8gb of unified memory....THE PC WORLD SHALL TREMBLE BEFORE THE MIGHT OF THE PS4!!!!!!
How much memory you'll think constant recording of game play will take, also how much cores? If it's encoded in h264 in real time they are gonna waste at least 2 cores on that alone, witch sucks. You use cours and memory for game play like better ai and physx many programs actually utilize 8 GB of RAM? Or even 4 GB?

He's probably right that it'll "last for years", but it's not going to out-power PCs because of 8 GB
It's not about the amount of ram included, it's the fact that everyone will have 8GB. Right now, PC developers cannot make games knowing everyone will have 8GB of ram. So yes, the PS4 has an advantage over PC games in that regards.

If you dropped 64GB of ram into a PC your gaming experience will not be different than someone who only has 4GB of ram. However, if everyone was guaranteed to have 64 GB of ram, that would be a different story wouldn't it, in regards to development.

Stupid morons on the internet are stupid and moronic.
Ironic post of the month right here.
GDDR5? Who's talking about GDDR5?? The "8GB of RAM" comment was about RAM, not graphics card memory.
The PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 memory. The system has an APU, using DDR3 memory would cripple the performance.
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Its actually a fair analogy. The developers will be able to maximize its potential where as in the PC world you have a lot more "overhead" that holds you back for the compatibility layers. consoles age better then pc's for this reason.