Programs Will Not Reopen


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2019
Anyone know why after i start the computer i can open any then after i close it i can not reopen it or any other program i have to restart the computer?
Need more details to help with anything...
Sorry, Like what info? windows 11 desktop. So if like i open lets say i open ms flight sim it runs fine, close it, it will not reopen or any other program. When u try to open it or any other program it does like a quick flash and nothing happens
when you say any other program, does that include for example notepad ?

Can you try to run them from the command line and see if you have any message
Have you tried to close explorer.exe and relaunch it
Ok so i did try some things out and yes i shut the computer down so when it boots up i tried running the same programs ms flight sim and f1 2024 everything is fine i can open them and close and keep opening them. So then i just go on using the computer as always and i tried again later and then it happens i open ms flight sim then close it and it will not reopen, also ms flight sim is not working correctly it is going down to 1 fps it usually runs at 80fps. So something i am using when i am just using the computer is causing this just do not know what or how to find it.
Also sorry guys i am not that good with the computer so if i do not know what your asking i apologize.
Uninstall the flight sim. reboot. test. Install flight sim. reboot. test.
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Uninstall the flight sim. reboot. test. Install flight sim. reboot. test.
Is that the only way its like a nightmare to reinstall it some reason takes like 4 hours and only flight sim everything else downloads fast!!
I uninstalled it from steam it says it will be removed from this device i said ok. Then i went through the whole c drive made sure nothing left says flight sim. So then in steam i clicked on it to install it said 1.9gb and did it in 3 min i did this time install it on my e drive not c i had more space, then when it was done i hit play, but it was like the same plane i always use was loaded it was like it did not even delete, but the same thing its still dropping down to 1fps. I just remembered last week i did install a nvidia driver update not a clean install just does it automatically i got 4 monitors its such a pain to clean install and redo ll the settings....
If you are getting slowdowns like that in game and things aren't loading at all, I think it's ram related. In the sense that your system may be holding files in memory and preventing the game from using them, maybe causing it to use the hard drive instead for swapping.

Right click the task bar at the bottom and open up task manager and go to the screen that shows cpu/ram/HDD/GPU graphs and see how much memory is being used when you encounter this issue. Sounds to ME like windows is keeping things running in the background after you close them.
if this helps took this while running flight sim at 2fps


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what am i looking for in event viewer ?
You would be looking for critical messages around or near when you start seeing problems. You would take the errors, plop the text in google, and see if anyone else has similar symptoms you are experiencing. That should help direct some searches for fixes.
You would be looking for critical messages around or near when you start seeing problems. You would take the errors, plop the text in google, and see if anyone else has similar symptoms you are experiencing. That should help direct some searches for fixes.
yes they are all the same the critical ones they all say driverframworks-user-mode driver problems , and it says a problem has occurred with one or more user-mode drivers and the hosting process has been terminated. This may temporarily interrupt your ability to access the device.
but it does not tell u what device. so i do not know.