Portal 3 Speculation Sparked by ARG in CS:GO Battle Royale Map


Aug 20, 2006
CS:GO players have discovered a hidden ARG in Danger Zone’s (Battle Royale’s) sole map that references the Portal franchise, leading fans to believe Valve is teasing a third game in the highly regarded first-person puzzle platformer. A motel-style building on the map features three rooms, the third of which appears inaccessible (Half-Life 3, ha ha…). Clever players found a way in and ultimately discovered a lyric from Portal’s ending song, as well as a ship in the middle of the sea that alludes to the Borealis, also seen in Half-Life 2: Episode 2.

To add further fuel to the fire, If the player follows the direction all the CCTV’s are pointed at on the map, you will eventually see a ship in the middle of the sea. This is a throwback to the Borealis being part of an Easter egg in Portal 2. There are plenty more intricate details to be found, but so far if this is anything indicative of Valve and their efforts, could they finally be giving us a new game in the world of Portal? Only time will tell.
I am not going to believe anything until I see it. I can't tell you how many times people thought they found signs of Half Life 3 being in development. We all know how that turned out.
At this point, I assume that Valve is just putting easter eggs into things purely to get fans riled up over literally nothing.

"Lets put a Lambda and a 3 on this wall over here, that'll get the neckbeards fired up!"

"Great idea Brent! Too bad no one has actively developed that game in 6 years."
I've been wishing for a Portal 3 more than a Half Life 3 at this point, but as has already been expressed, my hopes ain't doing no mountain climbing.
I seriously thought "Is Facebook on version of 3 of that product already?"
Portal 3 teaser is at the end of the nintendo switch version

So portal 3 is coming but not anytime soon.