PNY GTX 670 $280 AR - For people who play with headphones

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it is a special world that you live in. I used to enjoying participating in threads with you but your arrogant denial here has made me lose respect for you. I am sure you dont care and you are certainly not going to man up and admit you may be off base at this point either.

even a simple google search will make you look ridiculous
Pretty much true.
Their is a reason why he is on my IL, but I forget now.

With that being said, I've heard from numerous people who have gone from the 400 series cards to the 600 series and claim the 670 is a lot quieter than the 400 series. With that being said, I can't comment on the comfort of the sound being produced. (Most of them are 460 or 470 owners that went with the 660 Ti or the 670)

With that being said, I wouldn't hesitate to buy a 670 with a reference design if you are upgrading from a 400 series and that noise doesn't bother you.
For anyone thinking about buying this card,GoldenTiger has 0 credibility. He is huge Nvidia fan. His posts are misleading and dishonest.

Have fun. :) Tip: It doesn't really show you have any point to attack someone stating factual information on a personal level. In fact, it detracts from your argument.

Yep, there we go... the fans have started to pour in, and because someone (and the facts) disagree with them they instead attack with meaningless denigrations against who they view as their "opponent"'s knowledge. I'd put an "lol" smiley here but unfortunately there isn't one here.

With such incredibly useful posts almost entirely of one-liners, how much credibility exactly or knowledge have you shown?

Dan87's average post
Your typical advice going through post history?
There's also Twonky.
In response to someone saying their DLNA networking is acting "wonky" and giving a detailed description of their problem asking for help.

Or you, Mr. 455olds?
Average post's knowledge and content:
With only a couple hundred to your name....

And cannondale06, you're a notorious AMD spammer who has been at it for years. Obviously I enjoy my GTX 670 card or I wouldn't have posted saying that I like it, would I have? The difference is, I back my posts up with facts and links, as well as common sense and knowledge, while you resort to petty insults and cherry pick tiny bits to try to support flimsy, fictional stories.

Skillz, you really feel some need to brag about who's on your ignore list? (insert another LOL smiley).

As I said, I'm done arguing, I've already presented all of the facts and my opinion. Buyers can decide from there who's right and act accordingly. It's not like it affects me what video card other people put in their computers, despite how you people act. I am sure my posts speak for themselves as to their depth or lack thereof.
Yep, there we go... the fans have started to pour in, and because someone (and the facts) disagree with them they instead attack with meaningless denigrations against who they view as their "opponent"'s knowledge. I'd put an "lol" smiley here but unfortunately there isn't one here.

With such incredibly useful posts almost entirely of one-liners, how much credibility exactly or knowledge have you shown?

Dan87's average post
Your typical advice going through post history?

In response to someone saying their DLNA networking is acting "wonky" and giving a detailed description of their problem asking for help.

Or you, Mr. 455olds?
Average post's knowledge and content:
With only a couple hundred to your name....

And cannondale06, you're a notorious AMD spammer who has been at it for years. Obviously I enjoy my GTX 670 card or I wouldn't have posted saying that I like it, would I have? The difference is, I back my posts up with facts and links, as well as common sense and knowledge, while you resort to petty insults and cherry pick tiny bits to try to support flimsy, fictional stories.

Skillz, you really feel some need to brag about who's on your ignore list? (insert another LOL smiley).

As I said, I'm done arguing, I've already presented all of the facts and my opinion. Buyers can decide from there who's right and act accordingly. It's not like it affects me what video card other people put in their computers, despite how you people act. I am sure my posts speak for themselves as to their depth or lack thereof.
I dont even own an AMD card and I always prefer to use Nvidia for myself so once again you are full of crap. I dont ignore the facts though so if an AMD card is the best choice based on someones needs then I suggest it. all you have done in this thread is make a fool of yourself and denied what is a well known fact. its clear for everyone to see.
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Getting back on topic.... You know, [H]ot Deals!

This is ridiculous.... the card isn't THAT loud, and it doesn't run THAT hot unless your environment is a boiler room. $260 after referral coupon and rebate is SMOKING for this kind of performance, hell, $280 without the coupon is too. You could buy an extra cooler for $30-50 like an H50 or Kuhler 620 with bracket to add on and it's still a smoking deal.

What is this NCIX referral coupon? This will get me to buy it for sure...


I ask because I have a reference 670 and I notice my fan noise, and I don't care, the card fucking rocks. :D I'll get waterblocks for them later...
Hot deal for price? Suurreee

Sound? This is opinionated, some can handle it, I personally can't, the whine is annoying.
And then I would have to cough up an extra $50 for aftermarket cooler + void the warranty.

It wasn't worth it for me to void a $300 card warranty so I returned it.
Nice, someone want to PM me so i can give them my email? :D You'll get a $20 off coupon too :)

Edit, got it thanks.
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if you are so worried about the noise, why don't you just change the fan?

Maybe because:

1. Fans cost money which negates a good portion of the savings from this deal.
2. Changing the fan voids the warranty, which bothers some folks.

These downsides are obvious.

I'm still on the fence here because it's a great price. My Galaxy GTX 460 is not a real gem when it comes fan noise either.
Thing is, there's a lot of threadcrapping on this deal based off of "customer reviews" on Newegg or other retailers, without actually using the product, with opinions based on coolers from 2-3 generations ago. Most every major online reviewer doesn't complain about the noise, I own a reference card and I haven't heard a high pitch whine to it.

If it really matters enough, then go ahead and spend $370 for a non-stock 670, but at that price you might as well spend $400 for a 680.

Either way, I spent (after selling games, rebates, and cashback) around $240 for my 670 and it hasn't bothered me one bit, and I'm particularly picky about my noise levels. The newest reference coolers are nowhere near as bad as the old reference coolers, and they compete on thermals and noise with a lot of "non-reference" coolers. Personally, for around $300, I would say just get the card, if it bothers you then return it. If not then you saved at least $70 off a non-ref model.
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You guys are just a bunch of whiners. If you want to hear a loud system go back to the days of 80mm case fans and the old ATi blowers. I assume you also never turn up your music or ride in loud cars.

I think back to my old dually Tualatin P3 with 60mm delta fans on each alpha cooler and 4x 80mm deltas on the case.

This card is not loud, I have it. It OC's decent and seems to be solid.
Thanks for the counter-points guys. I think I'm going to take a shot at this if I can get the referral code.
Thanks for the counter-points guys. I think I'm going to take a shot at this if I can get the referral code.

You're welcome... as I said, I've used these cards and they're really not loud. The cost is low, and performance is great... :)
Ordered one, 299.99 shipped after referral - now to see how the rebate goes. :D I wanted a 7950/70 but my hackintosh won't work with the 7000 series yet. Should be a nice upgrade from a 6850 1gb.
If anyone is ignoring facts its you fanboi Goldentiger. Plenty enough people have commented on the issue whether it was a deal breaker or not for it to be considered when making the purchase. Its quite ironic to preach about ignoring facts when it is a clear fact that others consider the noise level whether it be due to volume or pitch unacceptable.

Is it not in the best interest of the buyer to know this information before they make their decision?

To claim that someone is wrong and bringing up people's post histories, in relation to something that is completely subjective is just arrogant. It might be time for you to grow out of that high school mentality. If you wanna pull out your ruler every time someone disagrees with you that's fine but most of us adults choose to use reason instead.

I personally don't think that the noise will bother me but for some it might.

If anyone is looking for a referral, PM me please.
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If anyone is ignoring facts its you fanboi Goldentiger. Plenty enough people have commented on the issue whether it was a deal breaker or not for it to be considered when making the purchase. Its quite ironic to preach about ignoring facts when it is a clear fact that others consider the noise level whether it be due to volume or pitch unacceptable.

Is it not in the best interest of the buyer to know this information before they make their decision?

To claim that someone is wrong and bringing up people's post histories in relation to something that is completely subjective is just arrogant. It might be time for you to grow out of that high school mentality. If you wanna pull out your ruler every time someone disagrees with you that's fine but most of us adults choose to use reason instead.

I personally don't think that the noise will bother me but for some it might.

If anyone is looking for a referral, PM me please.

You clearly didn't follow the conversation. I brought it up in response to attacks and childish insults on my credibility. And as I illustrated, these people were way over blowing the supposed issue. Where are your words about them? Oh, I guess since they agree with your views you will apply a double standard and turn a blind eye. How convenient ;).
You clearly didn't follow the conversation. I brought it up in response to attacks and childish insults on my credibility. And as I illustrated, these people were way over blowing the supposed issue. Where are your words about them? Oh, I guess since they agree with your views you will apply a double standard and turn a blind eye. How convenient ;).

What double standard? You flat out said the OP was wrong about his opinion on the noise of the card. That's nothing more then arrogance. I make no claims to any personal experience with the card because I have none but I am definitely doing to consider these opinions before I decide to buy and I certainly didn't say your opinion on the noise issue was wrong either.

They called you a nvidia fanboi and you attacked their technical knowledge. That's not defending your credibility.
What double standard? You flat out said the OP was wrong about his opinion on the noise of the card. That's nothing more then arrogance. I make no claims to any personal experience with the card because I have none but I am definitely doing to consider these opinions before I decide to buy and I certainly didn't say your opinion on the noise issue was wrong either.

They called you a nvidia fanboi and you attacked their technical knowledge. That's not defending your credibility.

Ok, now I know you're trolling. Two other people showed facts refuting the op assertion of the card being noisy before I even said anything. The amd fans snarled and threw out insults like living in a special fantasy place, lying, clueless, idiotic, bull shitter, being a fanboi who knows nothing etc. I make one post after all that about their contributions and you yell at me? Get real.
LOL... Still doesn't change the fact that you said the OPs opinion on the noise of the fan was wrong. Thats the definition of trolling. Now you are trying to avoid that fact that you said that. The others were stating their opinion. You decided that you had to tell everyone that the OPs opinion was wrong. I'm done with your arrogance.
LOL... Still doesn't change the fact that you said the OPs opinion on the noise of the fan was wrong. Thats the definition of trolling. Now you are trying to avoid that fact that you said that. The others were stating their opinion. You decided that you had to tell everyone that the OPs opinion was wrong. I'm done with your arrogance.

I linked facts showing it. Discussion of opinions and providing factual evidence is about the opposite of trolling. Others also said he was wrong by linking facts. Lol at calling anyone arrogant for dispelling fud, especially you will your posts in this thread.
I'm not going to bother reading all the back and forth bickering in this thread, but I do have one of these sitting in my computer right now from the last time these were on sale for this price (about a month ago), and have been playing Path of Exile all weekend, and definitely think this thing is freaking loud. Regardless of the actual volume measured with a sound meter, the noise is extremely intrusive.

I bought an Accelero Twin Turbo II to stick on mine, but haven't gotten around for it. And if you do replace the stock cooler, you void that nice life time warranty PNY offers.

So just a word to the wise. The performance is solid, like on any GTX 670. The price is pretty killer. But the cooler is obnoxious.
I linked facts showing it. Discussion of opinions and providing factual evidence is about the opposite of trolling. Others also said he was wrong by linking facts. Lol at calling anyone arrogant for dispelling fud, especially you will your posts in this thread.

Ok, now I know you're trolling. Two other people showed facts refuting the op assertion of the card being noisy before I even said anything. The amd fans snarled and threw out insults like living in a special fantasy place, lying, clueless, idiotic, bull shitter, being a fanboi who knows nothing etc. I make one post after all that about their contributions and you yell at me? Get real.
you are the only troll in this thread. again a simple google search or look at official reviews as well as one customer review after another shows this card is well known to be quite noisy and make a grinding sound. and then all you can do is call people like me an AMD fan with an agenda cause you are arrogant. anyone that knows me would know that I do have any AMD cards and dont want any. I always prefer to go Nvidia but facts are facts which is something you cant accept.
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