PETA Now Against StarCraft II

Peta used to do good things. But nowadays they are just plain bugfuck crazy.
If a bloodthirsty invading force of aliens ever attacked a PETA member, I would lift not a finger to help them.
It says right on the picture

A PETA Parody

P.S. Please do not read this comment as any kind of affirmation that I agree with in any way shape or form the values held be PETA
As I've maintained, the simplest and automatic response should be: Get fucked.
Both of these. Did no one (including Steve) bother to read the bottom of the picture...? :confused:

It's like when that guy at the office that everyone absolutely loathes makes a bad joke, people still want that guy to trip over a rock and fall off a cliff.
The are the Vegan Alliance. They hate human beings and want to rid the world of us. What else can you expect.

BTW, I love the bottom couple lines:
"Terrans for the Ethical Treatment of Zerglings"
"A PETA parody"

What is the textbook definition of parodying something that is a parody in itself?
Anyone who is annoyed is getting trolled by PETA.

PETA does the absurd so you pay attention to them and then maybe their true issues of animal abuse. Its a form of marketing. Would anyone of you be talking about PETA had it not been for the video game bits they have done?

On a side note... watch some documentaries on factory farming. Its disgusting and your eating it. Only eating grass fed free range meat from now on. 4/5ths of antibiotics used in the USA is for factory farming...
Joke or not, I have to ask, why would you ever give money to PETA? They are and always have been nuts.
On a side note... watch some documentaries on factory farming. Its disgusting and your eating it. Only eating grass fed free range meat from now on. 4/5ths of antibiotics used in the USA is for factory farming...
Well, not to take this too far, but often grass-fed is still spending 1/3 of their lifetime on cornfeed because otherwise the steer takes too long to grow and it also will not suit more people's taste.
Purely grass fed tastes quite a bit different from what one is used to, and not all grass-fed means they only ate grass. I think whole foods has multiple selections, where one is purely grass-fed, the rest is grass-fed but 1/3 cornfeed fed.

Then there is that whole slaughterhouse that treats grass-fed no different than corn-feed cows, absolutely horrible practices.

So while I can respect if people don't eat meat because of all of these factors, I'm not sure why one goes part way. The animal will still suffer a lot.
Star Trek tried to find the perfect antagonist, since technically no creature could be truly evil. Then they came up with the Borg. Wanna have a campaign to go pro Borg? BTW, it's all just an outcry for attention. Can't have Star Craft II fans forget about your Crusade for animal rights.

Well, not to take this too far, but often grass-fed is still spending 1/3 of their lifetime on cornfeed because otherwise the steer takes too long to grow and it also will not suit more people's taste.
Purely grass fed tastes quite a bit different from what one is used to, and not all grass-fed means they only ate grass. I think whole foods has multiple selections, where one is purely grass-fed, the rest is grass-fed but 1/3 cornfeed fed.

Then there is that whole slaughterhouse that treats grass-fed no different than corn-feed cows, absolutely horrible practices.

So while I can respect if people don't eat meat because of all of these factors, I'm not sure why one goes part way. The animal will still suffer a lot.

You should always buy grass fed beef from a butcher that certifies 100% grass fed and free range and humane. The taste is actually quite good. Buying it from a standard grocery store usually gets the results you're talking about, though.
Hey,even merciless killing machines need a little love. Maybe PETA members can open their homes to a few Daleks,Borg,and Xenomorphs.
The problem is,PETA has gotten so outrageous in it's tactics that even if this was meant to be a joke,people won't take it as such.
It was funny... funnier when I read "A Peta Parody"... even funnier when I realized how many people thought it was real, including the OP...

oh lol :D