People Touching your Box

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Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2005
People touching your box without permission, or knowledge of the computer.

Does anyone else hate when someone does this? It just happened to me this weekend, i went up to visit some friends in Arlington and left my PC at home, still on and such. I come up and its all the same, except for one thing. The side panel is off, and my keyboard/mouse is on the ground with my mom's laptop there instead.

So far its not too bad, untill i ask her what happened. In her exact words, "the wireless thingy on my lap top doesnt work anymore, so i tried to get yours out." I do not have a "wireless thingy" in my computer, and that is what i told her. Her only answer to this was "Oh, are you sure?" I built this computer maybe 8 days ago and at this point i kind of lost it, "Of course im sure i dont have a wireless card in it, why the hell didn't you call me and ASK if you could even touch my computer, or better yet ask why yours isn't working?"

After this i go over to my box and begin to look at what has probably been damaged. At first glance nothing looks too bad, untill i see the sound card. She tried to pull the sound card out, without unscrewing anything. Luckily she didnt try to hard and there was no damage to it really, just a couple of things slightly bent.

After this i tried to explain to her why i don't want her to touch my computer, after about 30minutes of explaining, all she has to say is, "I dont see why it matters, all you do is play games on that thing." I had to leave the room, or someone was going to be thrashed.
Wow, I guess your lucky she's related (or maybe not because that means you got her genes)
But damn, anyone who even boots my machine without permission WILL DIE!

Let alone freaking opening it without knowing what they are doing.
Oh man, I've had something like that happen a few times.

Imagine my shock when a friend of mine tried to plug my monitor cable into a serial port.
Put a lock on the sidepanel and lock your computer in the OS. I would go ballistic if she did that.

I think you should get her laptop, try yanking the CD tray out of it while she's watching, and tell her that your CD tray is broken.
ouch, that's lame. i have educated my mom in the arts of computers exactly for that reason..

that said though, nobody touches the actual hardware of my computer aside from the mouse and keyboard.. but when you have a rig that looks like this, people tend to stay away from the hardware anyways :p
theHeat said:
Put a lock on the sidepanel and lock your computer in the OS. I would go ballistic if she did that.

I think you should get her laptop, try yanking the CD tray out of it while she's watching, and tell her that your CD tray is broken.

Excellent idea :D
there is a reason there is a lock on my case... last year when i was in the dorms i had a my case locked, a bios lock, the widows login, and the screen saver password all with diff passwords... i got pissed if someone was even in my chair as my desk... if they were touching my computer i would kill them... thankfully it only happened once... hince the reason im moving to an apt.... by myself.... and all of my shit is coming with me :D
I shouldn't have to put a physical lock on my computer if its in my room, what the fuck happened to respecting other peoples property.
My blood boiled when I heard that, I get the exact same shit at my house. Personally, I would have broken the sound card over her head and demanded I get a new one. Then again, I'm really passionate about this shit lol. A lot of the higher end towers do come with side panel locks, and you should always lock windows when you aren't around. Better yet, put a motion sensor around the computer and if anything comes too close, send a signal to a closet mounted M4 to spray like there's no tomorrow :p
Nobody is dumb enuff to touch any of my equipment.I've told my mom in the past she is welcome to use my PC if she lets me know shes doing it but shes deathly afraid of my computer equipment for the fact she KNOWS something could go wrong. And will only use it if im there.
(cf)Eclipse said:
ouch, that's lame. i have educated my mom in the arts of computers exactly for that reason..

that said though, nobody touches the actual hardware of my computer aside from the mouse and keyboard.. but when you have a rig that looks like this, people tend to stay away from the hardware anyways :p

HAHAHA! THE STRATEGIC FAN PLACEMENT FACTOR I do the exact same thing, those water pipes are pretty good to stablize fans in midair positions huh lol i have mine seated on my soundcard at an angle and use my water pipes as a back support to lean the fans facing up :p
Sorry I’m sitting here laughing, but guys, really. One of the privileges of home ownership and parenthood is you get to make the rules, not follow them.

Some day when you are “all growed up” and get a place of your own then you too can make the rules. :rolleyes: ;)
Yeah I would have told her she broke your computers sound card and to make her buy you a new one :D
Everyone knows not to touch my PC without asking.

When I leave home, The power strip gets turned off, the PC gets turned off, the power cord unplugged, the ATX connector undone and the primary IDE removed from the mobo.

And I am NOT joking when I say that. Now, this isn't to say when I leave to work and no one else is going to be home, then its just put into hibernate and the USB cable pulled for the mouse and keyboard.

But when I'm gone for more then a day, all the above gets done.

Anyone, EVER, touches my computers, And I do and will go ballistic. Everyone knows, They ask me, THEN THEY WASH THEIR GRIMEY FUCKING HANDS, Then if I am feeling nice [ which ain't to god damn often ] I'll let them get on the PC ONLY WITH MY SUPERVISION.

Everyone in my family, and everyone knows I am a vengeful asshole when it comes to my high priced electronics, and they rue the day they ever damage my shit.
(cf)Eclipse said:
ouch, that's lame. i have educated my mom in the arts of computers exactly for that reason..

LOL it was never my mom that gave me crap. it was always my dad. he'd be word processing (lord... back in the days of win95/98) and then all of a sudden *BOOOM* he'd get soooo pissed because it would autoformat something and he would smash his fists into the desk.

He litterally shook it apart on several occasions :eek: , but on the upside... i got really good at diagnosing problems with that PC.

BillR said:
Sorry I’m sitting here laughing, but guys, really. One of the privileges of home ownership and parenthood is you get to make the rules, not follow them.

Some day when you are “all growed up” and get a place of your own then you too can make the rules. :rolleyes: ;)

She makes me pay rent, do chores, and i bought the entire PC with my own money. Next time, dont jump to conclusions.

P.S. The fuck does "making the rules" have to do with messing with other peoples things without knowledge of how they work? So because you own the house, you can break whatever is in it despite not paying for it?
EricNS said:
She makes me pay rent, do chores, and i bought the entire PC with my own money. Next time, dont jump to conclusions.

P.S. The fuck does "making the rules" have to do with messing with other peoples things without knowledge of how they work? So because you own the house, you can break whatever is in it despite not paying for it?

I didn't jump. Way back when I too did those things, but it was NOT MY HOUSE and there were still rules. I guess the difference respect.
EricNS said:
She makes me pay rent, do chores, and i bought the entire PC with my own money. Next time, dont jump to conclusions.

P.S. The fuck does "making the rules" have to do with messing with other peoples things without knowledge of how they work? So because you own the house, you can break whatever is in it despite not paying for it?

I don't like people touching my stuff. In fact i really hate it. My stepsister (being 10 years old) went into my room while i was at work and sprayed pledge orange oil all over my $1500 home theater setup. That took forever to get off.

Fortunately nobody has really messed with my computer :-P I built one for everybody in the house, so they really woulnt have a reason to anyway :)
BillR said:
I didn't jump. Way back when I too did those things, but it was NOT MY HOUSE and there were still rules. I guess the difference respect.
i read it as one, my bad.
TheMadHatterXxX said:
HAHAHA! THE STRATEGIC FAN PLACEMENT FACTOR I do the exact same thing, those water pipes are pretty good to stablize fans in midair positions huh lol i have mine seated on my soundcard at an angle and use my water pipes as a back support to lean the fans facing up :p
it works soooo well!! just make the computer look scary as hell, and nobody goes near :D
Here's my best line of defense... educate anyone else living in the house on the basics of ESD, exaggerate a bit if needed. Then explain the consequences of such an even occurring, and how much it could cost. Problem solved.

Also, when working on modding/sleeving my PSU... I kindly let everyone know that touching a cap. could send them across the room and potentially kill them.

Gave me plenty of room to work :D
I once had a gf who was always trying to use it, got fed up with it and then smashed the keyboard - with a hammer mind you - cos the pc wasn't working - she'd hit the off switch on the wall socket with her foot and she'd lost about 15 hours of work!

It's bad enough with my current gf wanting to use my pc for web access, let alone opening the case! Ah well, she's now got my old cast off - and she knows she's got to ask permission to use anything else!

The joys of owning your own house indeed! Shame you can't teach the cat not to walk over the keyboard!

the FBI was probally at your house and your moms covering for them....something about those 80,000 mp3s and 500 movie downloads..... :p
Wolfsbane2k said:
I once had a gf who was always trying to use it, got fed up with it and then smashed the keyboard - with a hammer mind you - cos the pc wasn't working - she'd hit the off switch on the wall socket with her foot and she'd lost about 15 hours of work!

It's bad enough with my current gf wanting to use my pc for web access, let alone opening the case! Ah well, she's now got my old cast off - and she knows she's got to ask permission to use anything else!

The joys of owning your own house indeed! Shame you can't teach the cat not to walk over the keyboard!


its funny how people can be scared of computers. My girlfriend asked me to "fix" her dell, so i told her i had to format and what that meant and she was okay with it. So then i booted into the BIOS, and she thought that if i changed anything in the bios, the computer will never work again. She demanded i contacted dell, but i pretended like she wasnt there, and 20 minutes later her computer was fixed :)
Wolfsbane2k said:
I once had a gf who was always trying to use it, got fed up with it and then smashed the keyboard - with a hammer mind you - cos the pc wasn't working - she'd hit the off switch on the wall socket with her foot and she'd lost about 15 hours of work!
ouch.. i guess i'm good at surrounding myself with accepting people. my gf knows computers pretty well. not well enough to be called a hardware enthusiast mind you, but well enough that i definitly feel comfortable letting her mess around with it :cool:

*is so lucky*

machwireless said:
my BF goes BALLISTIC if i have a glass within kilometers of his rig. let alone my own.
eep :(
i'm careful, but not that careful. i regularly eat breakfast and stuff at my computer.. with that crazy open rig mind you.
*shrug* to each his own :D
i eat at my rig too but im not a cluts like he is. he had my mobo out sunday night installin the waterblock and had a fit because i put a glass on the table.
I dont get what all the fuss is about.

Sure I dont like anyone touching my computer, but I dont get all worked up if someone does. Just politely explain to them ill break their legs next time :p

Never had a problem :p
my computer room is password protected. you say the password and all the other computer parts, paper, and clothing move out the way and let you through. only me and my bf have the password and thats cause he knows more hardware than me.
My mom's an engineer so thankfully she's smart enough not to try and mess with the insides. It's my sister I have to worry about.

back when i was just starting to setup my watercooling system the pump was not on a relay and my sister turned on my computer and left it like that with no pump (even after I told her about 10 times not to tuch my computer). Thankfully nothing was damaged or someone would have died.

As for friends I don't have any annoying enough to mess with my comp, mnost of them cna barely turn one on.
I live alone and my friends know better. Its not an issue for me. No one touches my PC without my knowledge. Especially not without my permission. I am the same way about my vehicles. I don't let people drive them. Ever. My GF has never even driven my vehicles. She rarely even rides in them.
ive just got 2 80mm tornados and 4 thermal take smart fans all the speeds are adjustible. when im gone i put them all to full power and have a warning label by the door off of a lawn mower, usually keeps people away.
Your mom sounds like my dad "All you do is play games on it"

If anyone in my family(all computer tards) opened up my case I would be going to work on thier shit right back: foot through my sisters lappy, screwdriver in my dads motorcycle gas tank and break my moms vacuum cleaner... wait she doesnt have anything nice.

My computer is probably the nicest thing I have ever had(and I paid for it) and I am sorta proud of it, so I know exactly how you feel. I think I am even more protective of it than my car(the car and the computer are almost the exact same price 1400 car vs ~1300 comp)
my uncle was living with us for about a week a few months ago and i was forced to let him use my comp and i PERSONALLY took the time to explain to him ' not to touch this' and 'never open that up' also, i told him not to turn the comp off when hes finished because that way i know at least he wont be mashing the power button. and yet, while i was at school i was worrying my ass off that either he screwed my comp or that he found his way into my pron/media collection :eek:

also, just to be safe im planning to buy a separate power switch for my comp ( thats hidden of course) to fool people into using the primary switch thats going to be unplugged
furiousfords89 said:
my uncle was living with us for about a week a few months ago and i was forced to let him use my comp and i PERSONALLY took the time to explain to him ' not to touch this' and 'never open that up' also, i told him not to turn the comp off when hes finished because that way i know at least he wont be mashing the power button. and yet, while i was at school i was worrying my ass off that either he screwed my comp or that he found his way into my pron/media collection :eek:

just password the main folder leading to the pron :rolleyes:
furiousfords89 said:
and yet, while i was at school i was worrying my ass off that either he screwed my comp or that he found his way into my pron/media collection :eek:
I totaly know the feeling!
furiousfords89 said:
also, just to be safe im planning to buy a separate power switch for my comp ( thats hidden of course) to fool people into using the primary switch thats going to be unplugged
You mean like that big black one on the back of your PSU :p
What a bunch of dorks! :cool:

Ok, to the OP: This is your mother we are talking about, right? She owns the house, I assume? Why would you "blow up" on her?? This is your fucking mom. I could be a jerk like you and say "learn some respect" and hit the submit button but instead I like you so i'll explain myself.

Your mom doesn't know a thing about computers. This is your computer that you paid for, its yours, like a car or a sex toy collection. It's not hers to play around with, and that is cool. Problem is, have you educated her in a respectful and loving way so she'll understand why you didn't like it? Think of something you know absolutely nothing about, and think of you doing something along the lines of what she did. Yeah, you were still the asshole, but you didn't know enough to fully comprehend it. Tell your mom you love her and she could have screwed the computer up, then tell her physically why a computer shouldn't have this done and offer to fix her computer for her. Of course you wouldn't do this for a roommate but moms earn a little more respect than that, right?

(im only 21 so take this advice with a grain of salt)
Every day I'm happier that my mom doesn't even know how to turn any of my computers on, let alone do something on them, I even offered to teach her but nooooo... My dad is a complete tard tho, he's the type that thinks he knows a lot about computers, but doesn't! Thank god he doesn't fudge around with the insides!
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