People Still Aren’t Buying Smartwatches, and It’s Only Going to Get Worse


Aug 20, 2006
Despite a year full of exciting new smartwatches, tech-enabled clothing and jewelry, and fitness-activity trackers galore, the growth of the wearables market is still on the decline, according to a new report from the research firm eMarketer. It predicts that use will grow only 11.9% in the next year, with that growth rate slowing to single digits in 2019.

"Other than early adopters, consumers have yet to find a reason to justify the cost of a smartwatch, which can sometimes cost as much as a smartphone," the eMarketer forecasting analyst Cindy Liu wrote in the report. "Instead, for this holiday season, we expect smart speakers to be the gift of choice for many tech enthusiasts, because of their lower price points."
I have an early moto 360 and I have to say, I love it. I would love to have a back up in case it breaks. The more expensive smart watches don't seem worth it to me TBH. This does everything I need it to.
Closest thing to a smart watch is what my mom uses when she works out. One of those things that measures her heart beet and tracks how far she ran. The best smart watch out there has been around since the 80s. Its a calculator watch. If you aren't sure what it is then watch back to the future and Marty Mc'Fly is wearing one.
Picked up a Asus ZenWatch 2 several months ago for like $60 and loved it. It since went out and I just recently got a Samsung Gear S2 for the same price and it's even better (although it lacks in app vs. Android Wear).

I don't use mine for apps at all outside of just "playing" with it but the functions I do use I find very convenient. At work it let's me know of my emails and texts, let's me take calls and answer texts when I can't get to my phone (or don't feel like pulling it out), navigation, voice things like setting alarms and timers or looking quick stuff up.

Yeah, I like my smartwatches. If they die that sucks but I feel like they'll always be around in some fashion.

Only time will tell!
Because the battery life usually fucking sucks. I already have to charge my phone every night, I don't need another device to worry about charging before I go to bed. Not to mention they need some special charging cradle and not a standard USB-C or Micro which means buying an extra one for work just in case I forget and they aren't cheap.
Eh, don't need or want one.

1) I don't do text messaging so knowing that I got one is just an uneeded distraction
2) Just another device to be charged regularly (daily for some watches)
3) Received emails will still be there when I get home and log on to my computer, I don't need to process them as soon as I get them.
4) Too expensive
My wife wanted an Apple watch, so I bought her a 3 series for Christmas. She works in a hospital, so for her situation, I could see it being somewhat useful. She asked if I wanted one now and I told her don't bother, because it'd just sit at home and be a waste of $400, since my phone does everything I need it to do. I'm not in a job where I'm not allowed to have my phone, so it's pointless for me.

I ended up getting her the LTE version, but she's using it only as a GPS version for now. In a few months she'll be done with school and wants to go back to the gym, which is why I bought the LTE version. This way she can leave her phone in the car and still get messages if an emergency were to happen. I'm sure it'd be useful in other situations also, but I told her be prepared to have a shitty battery life when that time comes.
Because the battery life usually fucking sucks.

This is true. While my S2 is used and now 2 years old I can still finish my day with it (9:30 to about 11-ish) and still have ~30% battery left. Something like the S2 with it's wireless charging makes nightly charges a breeze. No different than taking off and on a normal watch.

Eh, don't need or want one.

Doesn't even sound like you use or need a smartphone for that matter.
This is true. While my S2 is used and now 2 years old I can still finish my day with it (9:30 to about 11-ish) and still have ~30% battery left. Something like the S2 with it's wireless charging makes nightly charges a breeze. No different than taking off and on a normal watch.

Doesn't even sound like you use or need a smartphone for that matter.

The only reason I got a smart phone over a flip phone was to get a good scientific/programmers calculator app and a WIFI analyzer app. I use a pay-as-you-go plan from PagePlusCellular so I only pay about $70 a year for my service. I turned off cellular data since I have no desire to web browse on a 4.3 inch screen when I've got dual large screen monitors at work and at home.
Fitbit buying pebble AND THEN FUCKING SHUTTING EVERYTHING DOWN COMPLETELY. Is why I've completely lost interest in smart watches.

I will NEVER own a "watch" that can be shut down by an external party. That's fucking stupid!

I was literally in the process of trying to buy one too, when they did this.

Fucking idiots at Fitbit shot the whole industry in the face.
Or maybe it's reached the "good enough" stage, where the people in the market no-longer feel inclined to upgrade as what they have now is good enough. Without a killer "must-have" app/feature (that only runs on the newest hardware) to drive adoption, sales will slow.

Same thing happened in the PC/Laptop/Tablet markets.
Who cares about the growth of the industry or lack there of? Garmin is finally advertising their watches properly and the Vivoactive 3 is one of the best. Other than this, the only other good one was the Microsoft Band 2. I tried a Samsung Gear 3, Gear 2, Gear Active 2 and even a couple of other Android Wear watches. There were all nice in their own way but, the ones that had GPS built in were terrible and the ones that did not, what was the point.
Also, unless you have a Samsung smartphone, you also do not receive all the features you paid for in the Samsung series of smartwatches. Vivoactive 3 works really well, is easy to read and half the time, I forget I have it on, it is so light weight.
If it doesn't have at least a week of battery life I'll never buy one. My current watch has 2+ years of battery life and does 90% of what I'd use a Smart Watch for (Look pretty, tell time), but not let me check weather real quick. Notifications that just direct you back to the phone are pretty worthless, the phone already vibrates to tell me that. To me, they just seem like the matter of something made just because we can make it. I can see the reason you'd wear one while working out, but then it's just a fitness tracker. That's cool, but I'm not buying one for that.
No thanks.
I'll stick to my dumb $15 Casio watch with a 7+ year battery.
Tells me the time, date and day of week. What more would I need?
No thanks.
I'll stick to my dumb $15 Casio watch with a 7+ year battery.
Tells me the time, date and day of week. What more would I need?

The ability to do something that requires 2 hands with a watch but only 1 hand with your smart phone?
People tend to buy a decent watch and then use it for 10+ years. Now they expect us to move to devices that will only make it 2-3 years before batteries and software get outdated AND at a price that is often more than double that of a decent watch? I have a Moto 360 2nd Gen and I do like it, even though it won't get Oreo. However, I only bought it because I wanted a GPS watch for golfing anyway and it made more sense to buy a general purpose device over something specialized given the price.

Give us faster hardware, longer battery life, and make them actually last 4-5 years and maybe then people will start adopting them.
I tried almost all smart watches since they have been released. I don't really find any of them useful and I don't like having another device to charge. Throw rocks at me if you want, but I will say Apple probably has the best smart watches for apps and notifications.
That said, I haven't worn a smart watch in a long time. I have a nice watch I received for a 10 year service award - it's nice but I don't wear it much either. For me, I find watches uncomfortable when I'm typing.
Most apps for smart watches are ridiculous and seem pretty pointless except a few fitness apps (if that's your thing). Maybe some medical uses will make these more useful down the road. The one company sells a band that lets you take EKG readings. Supposedly Apple is releasing a new watch featuring this ability soon. Who knows.
No thanks.
I'll stick to my dumb $15 Casio watch with a 7+ year battery.
Tells me the time, date and day of week. What more would I need?

I was looking in a box of old parts today and the Casio watch that I brought 10 years ago is still running.
This is the problem with having grown up with purely materialistic and capitalistic views being forced into our minds. We made less profit than last year. Still profit, but less. Stock-exchange: They are failing, SELL!. Company goes bankrupt because of stocks falling... Same similar thing here. Growth slowing... Still growth dammit. Are everybody always expecting things like this to be "better" than last year perpetually? That just spells disaster. This is not a rant for only this specific news, but I see things like this all the time and people spell DOOM every single time, and I think, Yeah, if everybody shrieks DOOM then it is going to become truth, but if you instead examine facts about what is happening, then there is no cause to worry... yet, at least.
I got a gear2 lte from tmobile and it barely makes it through the day.

27% after a 8 hr shift.

Thats shit when my v30 makes it 3 days on one charge.

They need to fix the drain or staphit
The ability to do something that requires 2 hands with a watch but only 1 hand with your smart phone?

2 hands?
I don't know what type of watch you use but I don't even need to use one hand, just turn my wrist a little to see the face of the watch.

Cell phone requires my to pull it out of my packet and press a button to see the time.
I just don't have a need for one. I have my phone on me all of the time and there's nothing a watch does that is any more convenient than just looking at my phone. I have a job where I can look at my phone as needed. It feels like they're designed for people who can't for whatever reason. Either that or for people that don't reply to messages right away. Until they have some sort of Dick Tracy watch that can expand out into decent-sized screen, I don't need one.
I said this when the whole stupid fad started. Smart watches serve little purpose. They are a shit watch, they can't do anything your cellphone can't and in most cases require your cellphone and are yet another damn thing requiring charging every night. They are a fashion accessory that loses all of it's value as soon as the new model comes out.
I said this when the whole stupid fad started. Smart watches serve little purpose. They are a shit watch, they can't do anything your cellphone can't and in most cases require your cellphone and are yet another damn thing requiring charging every night. They are a fashion accessory that loses all of it's value as soon as the new model comes out.

Sorry but, why would I want to carry my phone around with me well I am running? I want nothing of the sort which is why I have an Vivoactive 3 from Garmin. I also use it for sleep monitoring, among other things. Should I start sleeping with my phone now? Smart watches serve a significant amount of purposes, despite the fact that you can personally find no use for them, based upon your post.
Unless they release the omni-tool from Mass Effect or a more advanced Pip-Boy, smartwatches will be a flash in the pan. What's the point of reading texts and emails on an even smaller screen.
Sorry but, why would I want to carry my phone around with me well I am running? I want nothing of the sort which is why I have an Vivoactive 3 from Garmin. I also use it for sleep monitoring, among other things. Should I start sleeping with my phone now? Smart watches serve a significant amount of purposes, despite the fact that you can personally find no use for them, based upon your post.

The point I failed to convey since I was on my phone and typing is a hassle is that Smartwatches are a can do everything but master of nothing device. Literally every single function it has is performed better by something else..Usually the smartphone because that is the common use, but there are other things. If you are monitoring your sleep I suspect you have good reason and should probably be using a proper sleep monitor as that watch isn't accurate enough to be of real value. If there is no reason you are using it other than you want too, well my point stands because it isn't function you need so much as just want to play with. For the record I place fitness monitors for running and such in a completely different category as there are dedicated bands just for that. My comments behind the smartwatches that include all that functionality I continue to stand behind my statement of "there are better specialized devices". What you have on your wrist just amounts to an overpriced general purpose device that doesn't do any one thing exceptionally well. I would far rather have a specialist device that does the job right and with better features. Just because it works for you, doesn't make it a good device or a well designed one.
I said this when the whole stupid fad started. Smart watches serve little purpose. They are a shit watch, they can't do anything your cellphone can't and in most cases require your cellphone and are yet another damn thing requiring charging every night. They are a fashion accessory that loses all of it's value as soon as the new model comes out.

I use my "smart" watch everyday. I dopn't consider "smart" phone smart either. In most cases they can work just fine without the smart phone connection. I don't keep my smart phone on me at all times. Mine lasts two days without needing a charge. These watches are really for people that don't want or need to be glued to their phones. As MOG has said they can monitor your sleep. You can also see who's calling you without taking your phone out of your pocket. These stupid watches are really for people who usually wear a watch it the first places.

Sorry but, why would I want to carry my phone around with me well I am running? I want nothing of the sort which is why I have an Vivoactive 3 from Garmin. I also use it for sleep monitoring, among other things. Should I start sleeping with my phone now? Smart watches serve a significant amount of purposes, despite the fact that you can personally find no use for them, based upon your post.

I use an old phone while running for music. because well the watch can't handle my music library. All old phones can call 911 if needed.
I've been thinking of switching to a Garmin watch, but I need my urbane to stop working first.
I haven't work a watch in general since mobile phones began showing the time...So I haven't worn a watch in about 20 years and don't intend to start doing so now with an overpriced and sort of pointless smartwatch.
Why is anyone surprised these products are in decline? All theses products are trying to fill a need that doesn't exist.
The point I failed to convey since I was on my phone and typing is a hassle is that Smartwatches are a can do everything but master of nothing device. Literally every single function it has is performed better by something else..

You are wrong on that. They can monitor constantly monitor your heart rate on your wrist. Silent alarms are awesome. Timers, for reps, cooking, etc. Be used as a remote shutter for your phone camera. Do calculations on your wrist. GPS for speed and distance on your wrist. There's also functions for finding your phone or making sure you don't leave it behind.

Why is anyone surprised these products are in decline? All theses products are trying to fill a need that doesn't exist.

I have a need for one especially considering at the time a watch that had GPS and heart rate monitoring was $400+. All you guys that can't see the the use for them must not be on the go very much.
Unless they release the omni-tool from Mass Effect or a more advanced Pip-Boy, smartwatches will be a flash in the pan. What's the point of reading texts and emails on an even smaller screen.

Here in oregon i can be ticketed if i read a text while driving EVEN if i'm stopped. a smart phone watch makes perfect sense to me.
2 hands?
I don't know what type of watch you use but I don't even need to use one hand, just turn my wrist a little to see the face of the watch.

Cell phone requires my to pull it out of my packet and press a button to see the time.

During the winter, it's easier for me to get at my phone than it is my watch. My coat sleeve is tight, too keep wind out and also to keep my sleeve out of the way of my hands while driving. I also layer, so to get at my watch, I have to unvelcro my sleeve, push it back, pull on my inner layer jacket and pull it back. Then I can see my watch. That or reach into my pocket and grab my phone. Only gets worse, if I'm snowboarding. Which means I'll have gloves on. Making it even harder to get at my watch.

In the summer, I just look at my watch. No other clothing covering it. As for smart features, don't need it. Nor do I want it, as I'd have to take it off when I get to my work area.

I have a need for one especially considering at the time a watch that had GPS and heart rate monitoring was $400+. All you guys that can't see the the use for them must not be on the go very much.

Except you got a smartphone that will do it. A smartwatch doesn't fill a need. It's just a different form factor of already existing products. Sure, there are certain things that are more convenient with the smartwatch. Mainly just the heart monitor. That does exist on a smartphone. Apps can monitor heart rate, but you're stuck pressing your finger against the smart camera.

Whether it's more convenient or less convenient is up to the user to decide.
You are wrong on that. They can monitor constantly monitor your heart rate on your wrist. Silent alarms are awesome. Timers, for reps, cooking, etc. Be used as a remote shutter for your phone camera. Do calculations on your wrist. GPS for speed and distance on your wrist. There's also functions for finding your phone or making sure you don't leave it behind.

I have a need for one especially considering at the time a watch that had GPS and heart rate monitoring was $400+. All you guys that can't see the the use for them must not be on the go very much.
If you have a constant need for a heart rate monitor due to a health concern, you need a real heart rate monitor. Smart watches aren't accurate enough to replace one. If you are just doing it just because, well see my earlier comments. It is a convenient general use device, not a replacement for a real medical device.
I have a garmin vivoactive HR, love this watch. But I am also a triathlete and I use it for tracking all of my workouts for my coach. I will be upgrading to a forerunner 935 or a fenix 5x for open water swims, and HR tracking while swimming.

These watches make my world so much easier. It is also handy to read my emails without pulling my phone out of my pocket. The HRM is consistent, not 100% accurate but still consistent and I always wear a chest strap which my watch connects to when working out so it's not an issue.

These watches have a need, maybe not for you but for others they are important and provide much more utility than a phone. When I go out on a quick 5k-10k run, I don't want to drag my phone with me.
Wanted to get the Gear S3 but it missed some more sport oriented features i wanted (connection to ANT+ device or better HR monitor for example)
The Gear Sport didn`t improve much on this but the deal-breaker was that it has no build in speaker.

so i`ll keep waiting for the next one.
Having been a smartwatch owner for 3 years now I can totally agree. While I've enjoyed my smartwatches they aren't game changing in any way. They're just an extension of your smartphone. If I wanted something for heartbeat monitoring and working out I'd just get a Fitbit for that.

The severe lack of support is also a huge problem. When you drop $250+ on a watch support longer than 18 months is a must. My current LG Watch Urbane is still susceptible to KRACK and Bluebourne and has been EOLed. That means I'll never see fixes for it.

Smartwatches are incredibly niche. For me over time I've found that I just don't use mine for much anymore other than as a notification device. I don't always notice my phone vibrating in my pocket so having it buzz my wrist helps out. I don't read personal emails on my watch. I can't read work emails due to security restrictions imposed by the MDM. Voice control is meh especially compared to my actual phone. The smartwatch tries to fix a problem that doesn't exist.

So for me I'm about to retire my LG Urbane. I'm going to move to a Hybrid Smartwatch. A friend got one and it's so damn nice. It's a REAL watch. It looks great unlike some of the smartwatches out there.

I just need a device to notify me that something needs my attention. No more, no less. The Misfit Command still does things like step counts and heartrate if I need that for any reason. It also has a replaceable battery. The battery lasts 8-12 months. Best part? It only costs $150. Costs less and less hassle than any other smartwatch. Sign me up for that.
I found the idea of a cell watch pretty cool because when I'm running out the door to go somewhere; I have to stop and turn around and get my cell phone.
When feel like talking a walk and would like to listen to some BT music the phone is heavy and uncomfortable to lug around. Another thing that fits I would like my 13 year old to be able to communicate us via cell phone; BUT, I'm against him having a cell phone at his age. A watch you can make calls on and sent SMS text? That is the ticket.
And these can be had for $20 all over the web. So we tried a couple over Christmas. They work as promised and for the money, heck yeah. The sticking point is they only support GSM and we have Verizon which is CDMA. I call a couple other providers with GSM networks for this area an they don't support smart watches you can make calls from, only ones that use the GPS function.
Ended up sending the watches back for a refund.
During the winter, it's easier for me to get at my phone than it is my watch. My coat sleeve is tight, too keep wind out and also to keep my sleeve out of the way of my hands while driving. I also layer, so to get at my watch, I have to unvelcro my sleeve, push it back, pull on my inner layer jacket and pull it back. Then I can see my watch. That or reach into my pocket and grab my phone. Only gets worse, if I'm snowboarding. Which means I'll have gloves on. Making it even harder to get at my watch.

In the summer, I just look at my watch. No other clothing covering it. As for smart features, don't need it. Nor do I want it, as I'd have to take it off when I get to my work area.

Except you got a smartphone that will do it. A smartwatch doesn't fill a need. It's just a different form factor of already existing products. Sure, there are certain things that are more convenient with the smartwatch. Mainly just the heart monitor. That does exist on a smartphone. Apps can monitor heart rate, but you're stuck pressing your finger against the smart camera.

Whether it's more convenient or less convenient is up to the user to decide.

Except that you are incorrect on the phone filling that need. Think GPS as in running and other stuff, not as in how do I get where I am going. Phones are not good for doing the stuff you mentioned, especially when you are doing things that will make the phone not useable.

Edit: And if you are using your phone well driving............
If you have a constant need for a heart rate monitor due to a health concern, you need a real heart rate monitor. Smart watches aren't accurate enough to replace one. If you are just doing it just because, well see my earlier comments. It is a convenient general use device, not a replacement for a real medical device.

Except that what you are doing is assuming a need for a specific device. With what you are saying, might as well just strap a bunch of stuff on ourselves and stay in bed.
I received mine as a present a few years ago. It is a 1st gen Moto360, does what I need it too. Battery lasts all day and I toss it on the charger before I go to bed. I wouldn't have paid $400 for it, but then again I wouldn't pay that much for any watch.