PC Gamer turned to Console Gamer(explained in thread); Need Advice


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2007
So, me being in the military, I had to answer my nations call and got deployed for 6 months to a undisclosed location. Now for my gaming needs, I'm stuck with my 360 Slim that I never played due to me playing all my games on my sig rig. I usually hate buying console games because even most of them are ports, the PC counterparts just look better at true 1920x1080 at 60+ fps , AA, FPS's play better and all the good stuff. Now that I don't have that option until April, I'm asking you all this. What games should I pick up for 360 that I won't cringe over knowing the PC counterpart is better.

So far, I picked up Rage, and NBA 2K12 ( which i ALWAYS get on PC)

Reason for Rage was because everyone said PC had its problems and Rage just looked that good on 360 that it wasn't too much of a difference.

Also, I've always played Oblivion, Fallout3 on PC due to mods etc. But should I wait till April to play it or does the bethesda rpgs typically play well on a console?

Here are the list of games, I'm asking you all to either rate "wait till you get back and play on PC" or "buy on console and suck it up because its not that much of a difference"

Mass Effect 3 ( well, no brainer, my character from 1 and 2 are on my PC)
Batman AC
Assassins Creed Brotherhood + rev
any other AAA title I didnt list thats multiplatform

Thanks for helping a deployed soldier!
Batman/AC I'd play on a console.

Skyrim - customization and mods, hands down PC
ME3 - PC, since your chars are on that platform.
COD - It's a FPS, definitely kb+m
I understand the pros and cons, but my question is, is it worth it wait till April to play these games. I'm mainly asking if waiting 6 months is worth it versus the obvious cons a console version of a game brings.
Depends on how much you are looking forward to the games and whatnot. I played MW1 and World at War on ps3 and had fun on both. I also played Oblivion on ps3 and enjoyed it.

Some people refuse to play a fps on anything but the pc, but I enjoyed them on both systems (switched to pc for Black Ops and BFBC2).

As far as Skyrim, I played Oblivion on PS3 two seperate times and a third time on PC. Didn't use any mods when I played it on the pc, though. Couldn't be arsed to do it considering everything I read made it sound like a long process to get the mods installed right and working. As far as controls, I think the Eldar Scrolls gameplay style works fine on a controller and it's the same story/exploration/role-playing as it is on the pc minus the ability to mod. Also, i'd imagine if you really wanted mods for Skyrim you could probably get it for cheap on a steam summer sale next year when you have your pc back anyways.

To sum it up; If I had to choose between playing a game I really wanted to play on a console or waiting til April to play it on pc i'd just get them on console. Especially if you are into the multiplayer part of the fps games (be there at the start to learn the maps/rank up with everyone else instead of coming in late).
Multiplatform Games:
BF3: Flip a coin to be honest. The 360 BF3 beta did look really good to me. Once you get use to the controller, killing guys wasn't too hard. With that said, it did look and play better on the PC.
Skyrim: Wait as I really can't imagine Fallout 3 without the mods I added. Whenever I see my friend playing the console port for Fallout 3, the one thing I always notice is the lack of certain mods. So fairly sure Skyrim will be the same. Plus there's a huge difference in quality between the console version of Fallout 3 and PC version of Fallout 3 IMO.
Mass Effect 3: Wait
COD MW3: Buy
Batman AC: Buy
Assassins Creed Brotherhood + rev: Buy
Dead Space 2: Buy
Portal 2: Buy
Dead Island: Buy as the PC version is still a little buggy IIRC

However the best way IMO not to feel like you're getting ripped off by getting the console version over the PC version is to buy games that are only on the consoles:
Gears of War 3
Ace Combat: Assault Horizons
Halo: Reach
Halo: 40th Anniversary Edition
Iron Brigade
Snoopy Flying Ace
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers: Cold War

EDIT: Good luck on your deployment. Hope you return safe and sound.
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I don't even see the reason for this post, get the games you want to play on console! Its not like playing them on console means that playing them on the PC later on is going to make them bad, you'll probably just enjoy the PC versions more when you get the chance to play them. I don't see a reason for denying yourself the enjoyment, especially when you're out doing a great deed for our country and its citizens. Hell, enjoy what you can as much as you can right? Also, good luck and hope you return safely! :)

I've played BC2 on both PC and PS3 and enjoyed them both. Just because I played one didn't mean it had to ruin the other for me.
if possible, sounds like a nice opportunity to take some time off gaming
wait to play on pc?
I play Oblivion and both Fallout games without mods. I found that most mods cause the game to crash way more often than it would without them, and a lot of them are just a hassle to install for not a lot of benefit.

The games play fine vanilla; there's no real need for mods.
Mass Effect 3 ( well, no brainer, my character from 1 and 2 are on my PC)
Batman AC
Assassins Creed Brotherhood + rev

BF3 - Wait
Skyrim - Wait
ME3 - Buy (It's honestly not that bad on consoles)
MW3 - Buy (If you think you'll have people to play with where you are stationed. Spec ops is a whole lot of fun to do)
Batman - Buy
AssCreed - Buy
Yup.. I think the shooters will be fine to play on the console especially since most of them support multiplayer. Might as well have some fun with your fellow soldiers. The mainly single player game like Mass effect, skyrim, etc.. i would buy if you think you got loads of free time by your self.. If you buy them on console, you can always wait till you get a deal like 5 dollars on steam to buy them again on pc.. I prefer pc for my shooters though if a game is designed with console in mind they can be right fun. Ex: Halo series, goldeneye, perfect dark, gears of war series. Ive played call of duty 2, 3, and MW1, and even bought MW1 for pc for 5bucks. I really don't feel like I'm missing anything playing the console version of them.
I'm guessing you are Air Force or Navy. Anyway, why not grab a gaming laptop? You can pick up an ASUS laptop for $700 ish and game on a system you are used to.

I just got back from a 13 month deployment. I took a laptop, and in my free time I gamed it up on my ASUS. Not only did I game, but I also watched movies, played edited photos, etc. Everyone else brought Xbox's and PS3's, so when the need for social gaming came around, I'd just game with them.

As one can see the laptop is can still be an option.
batman you would think would play better on consoles but the fact is it´s almost a cheat play it on PC with the mouse giving you total freedom where to go or look. It´s much cheaper and a more efficient way to play that game.

The only real option here is Assassins Creed. It does play better with gamepad. However the cities are so beautifully rendered you do want it on PC for that reason but certainly a better experience with gamepad. Otherwise why not look for exclusives. Don´t get the latest get the classics that you never been able to run on PC?

Admittedly the Xbox 360 don´t have much here. Would be easier with a PS 3 and metal gear solid 4, ICO/Colossus, Enslaved, God of War series, Uncharted and the likes. Enslaved you can get on the 360 as well so that is an option if you ever get tired of mainstream fps :)

fps games is a no brainer.
Shoot for console exclusives if you plan on getting one, I've been enjoying Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire (actually now coming to PC), Demon's Souls, Infamous2, Heavy rain, amongst others.

I picked up MGS4 and Killzone 3 today, going to coop it up on the projector tonight with Killzone 3 :)
i'd play BF3 on a console before i'd wait all the way until april to play. no sense in depriving yourself of any game you're interested in.
Batman/AC I'd play on a console.

Why do people always say this? The PC offers better graphics and the keyboard and mouse are actually faster and more precise than a game pad. Not that it's necessarily needed for a game like this, but really I think the experience is still better on PC having played Arkham Asylum on both the XBOX 360 and the PC.
Back in 2003 gaming laptops were still too expensive so I custom built a Shuttle PC w/ a ruggedized 15" lcd monitor just to play Morrowind when I was deployed... If there's a will there's a way. :D

Edit: By the sounds of it you're already deployed so maybe find a retailer that ships gaming laptops to APO's. ;)
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one of the single best gaming experiences i've ever had, and i'm a PC gamer through and through.

Yeah, I've been a PC gamer for over 15 years now and despite starting on consoles have become a PC elitist through and through, I bought a PS3 a few months ago and while the overall quality is an order of magnitude lower than a high end PC, some of the games are thoroughly good fun to play.

I've heard good things about MGS4, I enjoyed Heavy Rain immensely, Red Dead has been a solid game so far, Little Big Planet was a lot of wholesome fun, Demon's Souls is a refreshing challenge, a few of the arcade games have also been really top notch, most notably Burnout Crash and Renegade ops for the over the top antics you can do in both.
Why do people always say this? The PC offers better graphics and the keyboard and mouse are actually faster and more precise than a game pad. Not that it's necessarily needed for a game like this, but really I think the experience is still better on PC having played Arkham Asylum on both the XBOX 360 and the PC.

In term of AC the analogue control of your movement is more important then being able to change your view fast.

In term of Batman Arkham Asylum yes there is no benefits whatsoever with console except for the game perhaps being a bit to easy with mouse/keyboard.
In term of AC the analogue control of your movement is more important then being able to change your view fast.

In term of Batman Arkham Asylum yes there is no benefits whatsoever with console except for the game perhaps being a bit to easy with mouse/keyboard.

Well I wasn't talking about Ace Combat if that's what you were referring to. I can't speak to that. But when it comes to third person shooters, I think playing on consoles is an overrated experience. The mouse and keyboard works just as well for those types of games as a game pad does.
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Last time I just brought a $500 laptop and filled it up with older steam game, it wasn't a gaming laptop but if your steam backlog is like mine then a perfect time to play sub-2005 games. You also get the option to Skype/chat, e-mail, MS Office, etc when/if those opportunities present themselves. It was rough, but I managed to squeeze in two college classes while deployed to Afghanistan. IMO more chance of a console to break out there... then you know what, you WILL spend $400 on a new one while you're there and it will break when shipping it back... just sayin.
Well I wasn't talking about Ace Combat if that's what you were referring to. I can't speak to that. But when it comes to third person shooters, I think playing on consoles is an overrated experience. The mouse and keyboard works just as well for those types of games as a game pad does.

AC=Assassins Creed

Hasn´t been much mention about shooters. I don´t think there is many nowadays that argue that gamepads are as good or better for fps titles unless they just want an extra challenge.
AC=Assassins Creed

Hasn´t been much mention about shooters. I don´t think there is many nowadays that argue that gamepads are as good or better for fps titles unless they just want an extra challenge.

I've got Assassin's Creed on the PC and once again I disagree. It works great on PC. I've had zero trouble with the controls and find it preferable to the consoles as does my girlfriend.
I've got Assassin's Creed on the PC and once again I disagree. It works great on PC. I've had zero trouble with the controls and find it preferable to the consoles as does my girlfriend.

Have you tried the gamepad for AC? Working fine and be optimum is different things. You can of couse disagree but there is certainly occasions where gamepads offer more precise controls then keyboard even if helped by mouse :).
Oh and just to follow up from my suggestions before, we've plugged in Killzone 3 and I'm pretty damn impressed so far, one of the better games for the PS3 I have to say.
Most of my PC gaming friends, guys who've been building gaming PCs since the early 90s, and were always only PC gamers are almost all console gamers now. They still have PC games but most are just tired of troubleshooting PC game issues, tweaks, drivers, INIs, configs, forums, bugs.. you all know what I'm talking about.

Most of them play on the couch on their console, push 2 buttons and start playing. I can't blame them, in fact because I lost contact with most of my online friends I got a console several years ago to compliment my PC. Now we all game again like we did in the past, just different platform. Fun doesn't consist of platform, that I can guarantee you.

Best decision I ever made, now I get the best of both worlds. Welcome.
The Witcher on the PC or Demon's Souls/Dark Souls on the PS3? Both great games, but the simplicity of console gaming makes things easier.
well, the games I bought were Rage, Top Spin 4 ( best tennis game), Dark Souls ( who wouldve thought dying as The Deprived 20 times would be so much fun) and Gears 2&3. I trying to stay away from Skyrim only because fallout 3 was too damn fun on the PC.. having max draw distance 8xAA and just the ease of navigating menus with a mouse. But more than likely, Ill console it up with it.. I have nothing against consoles.. I actually played alot of console games while still keeping a high end PC, but all my friends that play games play on PC, so its hard to fit console gaming in when your playing 4-5 games of HoN and 3 sessions of TF2 while taking breaks and going out and whatnot. But now I guess I have to rekindle that lost love for consoles I once had. At least for 6 months :p
Why not get a gaming laptop? They are relatively cheap these days. $1100-$1300 will get you an awesome 560M GTX system with a mobile i7 and 8GB of ram.
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Got to have some L4D or L4D2 and get 2-3 buddies to join ya.

Assassins Creed is one of my favorite all time game series. Can't wait to get revolations, but I still need to get around to finish brotherhood.

If you like racing, get Dirt2 or even Dirt3. Personally, I prefered Dirt2.

I've not played it, but I hear Red Dead Redemption is cool.

L.A. Noire also looks sweet, although I've not played it.

Grab a fighting game like the last Mortal Kombat and release some stress with your buds.

Stay safe and thanks for your service!!
Have you tried the gamepad for AC? Working fine and be optimum is different things. You can of couse disagree but there is certainly occasions where gamepads offer more precise controls then keyboard even if helped by mouse :).

I don't know of a single instance where a game pad could be remotely better than a mouse and keyboard for precision in any third or first person shooter.
I don't know of a single instance where a game pad could be remotely better than a mouse and keyboard for precision in any third or first person shooter.

When the game is a crappy port and there is 'smoothing' and 'mouse acceleration' and crap. Then it's just frustrating to play with a KB+M unless there's a fix/patch.
Well I wasn't talking about Ace Combat if that's what you were referring to. I can't speak to that. But when it comes to third person shooters, I think playing on consoles is an overrated experience. The mouse and keyboard works just as well for those types of games as a game pad does.

Dead space 1 and 2 and gears 1 play like ass without a controller imho. some games are superior with a control as some are superior with a kb+m

GTA4 is another example of a game that just feels better with a controller. I play all these on a pc, just with a 360 controller.

i think some people (not saying you, just saying) get too hung up on the pc is better than consoles thing. Like they think their opinion will mean less if they ever admitted to playing on a console. People seem to forget that the gaming industry would be dead if it wasn't for consoles and what they have done for it. i own all systems dating back to the nes and my favorites games are still on the console systems rather than pc. i will admit though my 360 hasn't been touched in years and my ps3 maybe every couple of months. My last favorite system was the gamecube
Dead space 1 and 2 and gears 1 play like ass without a controller imho. some games are superior with a control as some are superior with a kb+m

GTA4 is another example of a game that just feels better with a controller. I play all these on a pc, just with a 360 controller.

i think some people (not saying you, just saying) get too hung up on the pc is better than consoles thing. Like they think their opinion will mean less if they ever admitted to playing on a console. People seem to forget that the gaming industry would be dead if it wasn't for consoles and what they have done for it. i own all systems dating back to the nes and my favorites games are still on the console systems rather than pc. i will admit though my 360 hasn't been touched in years and my ps3 maybe every couple of months. My last favorite system was the gamecube

I disagree. I've played Dead Space 1 & 2, Gears of War, Batman Arkham Asylum, and Assassin's Creed 1 all on PC with a keyboard and mouse. It felt good and worked good. I tried Arkham Asylum with an XBOX 360 controller on the PC and didn't like it. It felt awkward and slow to me. The only things I really play on PC with a controller are racing games like GRID and the Need for Speed series, or fighting games like Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. The keyboard works OK in some driving games but I still prefer the controller. For fighting games the keyboard has nice precision but ergonomically it's just not well suited to that style of game.
I don't know of a single instance where a game pad could be remotely better than a mouse and keyboard for precision in any third or first person shooter.

Okay now I was going to ask if you have actually played AC but the latest reply suggest so. AC is not a 3rd person shooter. Do try it with gamepad I think you may be surprised if you give it a fair chance not trying to proove anything. If you get Revelations do try it you may be surprised. There is a lot of us PC guys that preferr gamepad for that title and it´s not due to dwarfed mouse/keyboard controls :)

It´s with distanced weapons where the mouse have the biggest advantage and faster control of the camera where it applies. Not so much for Assassins Creed though this is some of the reasons Arkham Asylum work great. Plus the automated fighting that is all just about timing.

Dead Space is a good example of fubared controls yes. It did leave me a bit confused even though I decided to stick to the mouse/keyboard combo. I am a PC Gamer from the beginning so have more affiniado in that area.
What branch are you in? For my deployments I took a fragbox. You can build one about the size of a PS3 that is still a pretty capable system.
Why not get a gaming laptop? They are relatively cheap these days. $1100-$1300 will get you an awesome 560M GTX system with a mobile i7 and 8GB of ram.

I did think about that, but I'm the type of person that thinks if your gaming cpu can't run a game at max settings with some AA and AF and get 45-60 fps, then why do you have one? Why not just buy a console? Unfortunately, most of these gaming laptops are making 1920x1080 screen resolutions the norm.. that's fine and all, but they are including 560M's in there which won't get you max settings etc at that res unless you drop the resolution or settings. I dunno, I'm just weird in that I can't play a game on a PC or laptop if I have to lower the res or drop quality.I combat this with upgrading my system every 6 months to a year ( well, I used to have to, but with this console generation, you dont have to upgrade often because most games are ports ) The only laptops that could equal the performance of my PC were in the $1700-2000 range, which I think is just silly to purchase when I know it'll collect dust when I return home to my main rig.

Note : Now, I will say this, I'm not too familiar with the laptop scene, so I really don't know how a 560M fairs in current titles. But I seriously doubt it gives me the same performance at 1920x1080 as my 6970 does and won't be able to meet my needs. But if theres something Im missing, just let me know, i have a open mind :)