Password protect dev site on shared server?

Aug 26, 2002
I'm developing a new website (based on WordPress) and would like to put the whole thing behind a login. It's on a shared server, so don't think I have the .htaccess option, as it requires a reboot, I think.

I've read around and seen there are ways of password protecting in Wordpress, but I think this will still allow anyone to see parts of the site, like the header / logo, etc.

Any ideas? Thanks.
You can use .htaccess and .thesecretfileyoucancreatetoprevent (well any file) to prevent access to the web directory, that is, everytime someone tries to access the website, they will be asked for a username and password. It is available on all types of servers that run Apache >2.

Craete a .htaccess file with the following in it:
AuthUserFile /home/username/webdir/.asecretfile
AuthName "A useful message that will be display on the popup window."
AuthType Basic

require valid-user

Now create the .secret file with the following in it:

But the thing is, the password needs to be encrypted for this to work. I found this site that has an encrypted password generator. Use it and setup the password in the file.
you could also just use htpasswd, which should be on the server already, to create the file.
Yeah HTTP authentication as suggested above is what I was about to post. The htpasswd utility will create the password file which you specify in the .htaccess. .htaccess is also instant, provided "allowoverride yes" exists for your directory. Should be the case with most web hosts.