P&S Digital Camera recommendation?


[H] Ninja
Aug 6, 2004
hey everyone

looking for a P&S camera that's compact (fit into a pocket) from $200-300 preferably.

Wouldn't mind buying online but would like to check it out in person (Best buy or something) before buying it

I've looked at the Canon SD890 IS and SX110 IS which are low $200's.

Are these the best and if so, which one?

or recommend something else, im pretty open
Canon's naming convention always amused me.. its like you would think the SD1100 IS > SD890 IS.. but reviews out there beg to differ.

Thanks for the suggestion Ben, I'll keep that in mind.
i just got a Panasoinc DMC-ZS1 and so far it is great, good video for the price range and a very versitle lens that is 25mm-300mm so it is well suited to using it as a walk around camera.

It is fairly small for that big of a zoom range and should fit in a pocket no problem. the sd1100 is is smaller but it is more of a super compact than a compact so it is outclassed for IQ buy slightly larger cameras.

Still for me I'd like it to be a slight bit bigger as to afford a better grip but that is because I shoot long exposures more than quick snaps.

Overall the auto modes take great shots and there are enough adjustments to tweak if you need to although it doesn't have a "RAW" mode, most camera in it's price don't either.

I have a couple of resized shots on skydrive if you want to see a few test shots.
