Overwatch Pornhub Searches Jump 817% During Open Beta


Aug 20, 2006
Rule 34. I’m on the Overwatch site and browsing the roster but am not sure what people are getting turned on by.

On Thursday, searches for Overwatch on the adult-video company Pornhub jumped 817 percent, according to the website. Of course, Thursday was also the start of the Overwatch open beta on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, which gave a huge audience its first look at the class-based team shooter from the studio responsible for World of Warcraft. And after getting a taste of the excellent action in Overwatch (we’ve really enjoyed our time with it), players went looking for the game’s characters engaging in lewd behavior.
Well I would never have imagined that anyone would start searching for a game character on a porn site. The thought never even occured to me. Even back when the internet was this new thing and finding porn on it was like findig gold in alaska. It just didn't occur to me to search for lara croft porn.

Oh and insert mandatory remark here about mysogony.
someone posted a site that has all kinds of anime style art and there are overwatch gifs and pics there. ( I checked after reading this thread).
not sure if I can post the link as it has nsfw imagery.
Well I would never have imagined that anyone would start searching for a game character on a porn site. The thought never even occured to me. Even back when the internet was this new thing and finding porn on it was like findig gold in alaska. It just didn't occur to me to search for lara croft porn.

Oh and insert mandatory remark here about mysogony.

Ditto, I read the caption here and actually cocked (huh huh) my head and squinted...what are they searching for now?? I had no idea this was a thing, and yeah same, I grew up right as BBS' were a big thing. So we would trade pics - dude it took like 2 minutes to dl a pic=( all black lines and crap f'n 14.4 - and even after, never thought; oooh, Lara's hot, lemme see if anyone drew some pr0ns.
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The internet has been using Valve's Source Filmmaker to make obscene amounts of Overwatch/videogame porn, and small amounts of reaction images.
someone posted a site that has all kinds of anime style art and there are overwatch gifs and pics there. ( I checked after reading this thread).
not sure if I can post the link as it has nsfw imagery.
Two sites come to mind. One of them is currently obsessed with Mass Effect , Bioshock, and WarFrame. Haven't seen Overwatch stuff pop up yet.
Oh it's just getting started, now that the game has hit the public beta stage the actual 3D model data is now fully spread across the Internet even in spite of the model data having been available for a few months in a slightly different form (since the in-game models have been tweaked a bit for the beta and towards the full release). Earlier today I saw a short video someone made using the Widowmaker character ('cause, you know, she's damned hot, what can I say) in a virtual reality demo done for the HTC Vive and it was *ahem* pretty damned awesome if I do say so myself. It was just the "participant" walking about Widowmaker taking a gander at her wares (clothed but topless to a degree) but the way the character followed the participant's viewpoint was eerily realistic. ;)

As for the amount of Overwatch "Rule34" content, oh geez, it's been happening since the day they announced Overwatch back in late 2014 at Blizzcon - the moment the female characters appeared in the original cinematic you just knew Rule34 would happen and it did, like 48 hours later someone had already cranked out some Source Film Maker rough models that got revised over and over again as time passed, but now with the actual 3D model data being ripped from the actual code of the game the "realism" just continues to improve, as the case may be.

Humans... weird strange creatures we are. :D
Two sites come to mind. One of them is currently obsessed with Mass Effect , Bioshock, and WarFrame. Haven't seen Overwatch stuff pop up yet.
e 621 .net
remove the spaces
then search for overwatch

deviant art has quite a bit as well.
search for overwatch or d.va