Overclocking system with samsung xp941/sm951 as boot drive


Dec 28, 2014
Does anybody know of a way overclock your cpu without affecting the xp941/sm951?
I got this every time i tried to overclock my 5960x:


Your PC needs to be repaired

The Boot Configuration Data file is missing some required information.

File: \BCD

Error code: 0xc0000034

You'll need to use the recovery tools on your installation media. If you don't have any installation media (like a disc or USB device), contact your system administrator or PC manufacturer.

Press ESC for UEFI Firmware settings.

I have to use the bcdboot command to rebuild it.

Does this means we can not have any form of overclock with those m2 pcie as boot drive?
How are you clocking the chip? Changing the multiplier shouldnt have any effect on the SSD? the only thing that should affect it is if you somehow overclock the PCI-E bus?

I have one on a Asus X99 Deluxe board with a 5930k chip, clocks fine with no issue on the SSD.
the only thing that should affect it is if you somehow overclock the PCI-E bus?

I have one on a Asus X99 Deluxe board with a 5930k chip, clocks fine with no issue on the SSD.

Maybr i did oc the pcie bus without knowing it. How did you oc your? Which setting should we do not touch for the pcie bus?

I just changed the multiplier and then adjusted the CPU voltage as required, what board do you have?
I have asus rampage 5 extreme.
The 5 ways optimization caused errors to the m2 drive.
I will try to manually up the increments slowly to see how its goes.

Only adjust the Multiplier. Do not adjust your BCLK, your description makes me think you are adjusting this.
My xp941 has been great on my 5930K oc'ed. Never use the worthless built in OC stuff.