opterons at newegg.... 165s for $150

Adidas4275 said:
this is amazing... i get paid on friday so saturday i will be buying one... who ever wants my x2 3800+ it will be FS soon.... :)


I just looked at some reviews on this opty and........

You would be INSANE to buy a CPU that is slower than your current one. But its your money. Its called AMD's budget 939 CPU for a reason.
Just thought i'd let you know. :)
Dunan said:
I just looked at some reviews on this opty and........

You would be INSANE to buy a CPU that is slower than your current one. But its your money. Its called AMD's budget 939 CPU for a reason.
Just thought i'd let you know. :)
Reportedly, the Opteron 165 overclocks slightly better than the 3800+. They are essentially the same processor, but the 165 is clocked at 1.8GHz default, with the 3800+ at 2.0GHz. OCers seem to be able to push the 165 to clock slightly higher than the 3800+, hence the demand for them.

The difference isn't so great as to warrant a switch from one to the other unless there was some monetary compensation involved, IMO.
kumquat said:
Reportedly, the Opteron 165 overclocks slightly better than the 3800+. They are essentially the same processor, but the 165 is clocked at 1.8GHz default, with the 3800+ at 2.0GHz. OCers seem to be able to push the 165 to clock slightly higher than the 3800+, hence the demand for them.

The difference isn't so great as to warrant a switch from one to the other unless there was some monetary compensation involved, IMO.

I'm looking at other reviews as I type this and i'm not seeing anything that would warrant a purchase over a 3800+.
An opty 165 oc'd couple hundred MHZ isnt worth the price to replace a x2 3800 for sure.
MetalX said:
Besides 1MB L2 what is better over the 3800 x2? Not being devils advocate, I'm 100% curious.

His 3800 is only doing 2.6Ghz. A 165 will probably do 2.8Ghz.

Not worth upgrading like the OP is doing. But if you've got a single core 939 system, it would be a nice upgrade to hold you over.
I also scored a CCBBE (but it's 0615EPMW) from Newegg last week. I'm up to 2.8GHz with minimal voltage increase. :D
kumquat said:
Reportedly, the Opteron 165 overclocks slightly better than the 3800+. They are essentially the same processor, but the 165 is clocked at 1.8GHz default, with the 3800+ at 2.0GHz. OCers seem to be able to push the 165 to clock slightly higher than the 3800+, hence the demand for them.

The difference isn't so great as to warrant a switch from one to the other unless there was some monetary compensation involved, IMO.
Don't forget the 165 has dual 1MB cache compared to the X2's dual 512K. Depending on what you're doing, that cache may be worth it.
Okay, I finally have myt 165 running.

I can't even get the system to post though at 2.5GHz. Am I doing something wrong? Admittedly, I've been away from PCs for a while. But as far as I remember, all I should need to do here is up the FSB.

I've tried to set it to 278MHz~ for that 2.5GHz and, yeah, nothing. I've also tried increasing the voltage to 1.5v which doesn't seem to help at all.

you need to lower the htt mulitplier and change the ram divider , increase the timings , then up the voltage and the FSB,

overclocking is not the same what it used to be a few years back ,

my overclock here:

i think we have same stepping
pixelman said:
Don't forget the 165 has dual 1MB cache compared to the X2's dual 512K. Depending on what you're doing, that cache may be worth it.
With the Athlon64's, higher clockspeed helps more than extra cache. The extra cache doesnt show much improvement over the lower cache cpus. So if they were the same price, yah, get the one with more cache, but if the lower cache model was cheaper, then go for that instead. The main thing behind opterons is that they go through more stringent tests and can handle more stress, which leads to better overclockability.

Centauri said:
Okay, I finally have myt 165 running.

I can't even get the system to post though at 2.5GHz. Am I doing something wrong? Admittedly, I've been away from PCs for a while. But as far as I remember, all I should need to do here is up the FSB.

I've tried to set it to 278MHz~ for that 2.5GHz and, yeah, nothing. I've also tried increasing the voltage to 1.5v which doesn't seem to help at all.

With OC'ing, YMMV... but here's eclipse's guide: http://www.eclipseoc.com/index.php?id=6,9,0,0,1,0

Mine hits 2.8Ghz, but I run it at 2.6 so my ram is 1:1. Though, I got mine a while ago.
bobrownik said:
you need to lower the htt mulitplier and change the ram divider , increase the timings , then up the voltage and the FSB,

overclocking is not the same what it used to be a few years back ,

my overclock here:

i think we have same stepping

Okay, I keep playing in the BIOS but I can't seem to figure out how to do anything you listed other than the FSB and voltage.

Here's a link to the screens of the BIOS of my board; http://www.overclockersonline.com/?page=articles&num=376&pnum=6

And a screenie of what I'm running now;

look at the link enginurd posted , this explains pretty much everything you need to know about overclocking options,

your options might be named a little differently in the bios ,

your HTT multiplier is called cpu & nb bus ratio for example
yeah , those are nice overclocks ,

but as you can see, they show no voltage or cooling used (these cpu are probably cooled to negative degrees and use something like 1.8v or more), and some have misleading ram timings, there is also no stability proof

99.99% of users will not get this kind of overclocks at home