Open Source BackUp Software


Limp Gawd
Dec 25, 2005
I'm looking for a backup solution for a small business that would consist of swapping out external harddrives on a monthly basis. Ideally, i would like software that would backup a folder at a scheduled time and somehow password protect the data.
An online solution will not work due to a poor upload speed and a relatively large amount of data.

Does anyone know of any reliable open-source backup software that includes password protection or file encryption? thx!
what OS?
in windows, you can use xxcopy or an equivalent freeware if xxcopy (per your usage) is not free.
there are also freeware encryption programs.
you can put those in a batch file. etc etc. probably.
I know more about answers to your questions in FreeBSD/(linux/unix) than windows though. the
important thing is to also schedule a test-restore, as without it the backup, unknowningly less-than-certain,
often proves costly to businesses that lose data.
I'd suggest more-than-one offsite copy and more secure storage rather than encryption though.
btw I don't know if terabyteunlimited's solutions have password protection (running it unfailingly for
more than 8 years so far) but if your data is at all valuable I'd look at its website first.
(if I knew that Freebsd doesn't have encryption/imaging resources already)
This is just Windows XP OS. I'll look into XXCopy. I thought about just creating a scheduled task using ntbackup.exe but it's nice to have a gui that a typical user can monitor and understand if we need some info over the phone.