Only a “Handful” of Mass Effect: Andromeda's Planets Can Be Explored


Aug 20, 2006
BioWare has released a new gameplay video that provides a little insight into how the exploration in Mass Effect: Andromeda will work. It has been revealed that while the game will feature over 100 planets, you will only be able to land on a small amount of them. I miss how the original Mass Effect let you land on practically any planet, even though everyone whined about how uninspired most of them were. I wonder if they remixed Uncharted Worlds for the new one…
I think the only ones expecting all planets to be explorable was star citizen fanboys.
I miss how the original Mass Effect let you land on practically any planet, even though everyone whined about how uninspired most of them were.…
The ability to explore was a plus. This news is a definite letdown.
In the original Mass Effect, you landed on just 1 planet in a solar system. The others only could be scanned/surveyed for medals, writings, minerals, etc.
I guess it depends on what handful means. Are we talking 2-3 or 20-30?

As long as the planets you can land on are well built I won't complain. If No Man's Sky taught us anything it's that more doesn't mean better.
Interested in the total gameplay systems that support these worlds, but I'm really off-put by the faces and animations; something about Bioware's engine or design choices.
Interested in the total gameplay systems that support these worlds, but I'm really off-put by the faces and animations; something about Bioware's engine or design choices.

Mass Effect uses Frostbite, how does it compare to other games using that particular engine?

Regarding animations, they could be worse.....

Quality>Quantity imo.

In ME1 exploration was not fun, mainly because you just found the same (few) things over and over, the planets looked like someone just hit a random generator and there was nothing unique or special about exploring, it was the most un-interesting thing.

I'd gladly take like 10 planets out of 100 that have a huge but detailed place to explore with unique things to find on each of them and stories or such to uncover.
But you CAN explore all the tittys!!

Woman tittys, man tittys, alien tittys, cyborg tittys, more tittys than your mind can comprehend!
One planet has typically been enough for a game, taking into account the world it is presented in. Witcher 3 for example doesn't even cover the whole planet but is more game than any of the mass effect series's planets combined. However, I think it was fundamentally part of the core of ME to travel the cosmos exploring new worlds that enriched your excitement of exploration and awe in the size of the game's ethos. As long as the story is a good space age take on rehashed Shakespeare storylines and themes i'd be pretty satisfied. Just don't jack me with fetch quests and linear sin.
Quality>Quantity imo.

In ME1 exploration was not fun, mainly because you just found the same (few) things over and over, the planets looked like someone just hit a random generator and there was nothing unique or special about exploring, it was the most un-interesting thing.

I'd gladly take like 10 planets out of 100 that have a huge but detailed place to explore with unique things to find on each of them and stories or such to uncover.
Explopration in ME1 was so new and so unique that I loved it regardless of the fact that the terrains were just basic heightmaps with different textures. The fact that you can land on a planet by choice with your own damn ship made me smile like a child in the candy store.
As long as the planets you can explore are worth exploring, I am fine with this. Mass Effect 2 only had a few explorable planets, but it was probably the best of the series.
This news is fine by me. The planet exploration is what caused me to quit the game twice before I finally stuck with it to beat it the third time.
But you CAN explore all the tittys!!

Woman tittys, man tittys, alien tittys, cyborg tittys, more tittys than your mind can comprehend!

What about beings with three tittys? I need confirmation.....over.
Why is it we discovered "procedural generation" who knows how many years ago at this point, but it seems impossible for Game devs to implement it still? Oh, console exclusive..that's why. Before anyone starts the PC master race bullshit, while my PC is my primary gaming device there are things I still enjoy on console so shutup. That said, any game that is going to be this large in "scope" probably should be on consoles.
Why is it we discovered "procedural generation" who knows how many years ago at this point, but it seems impossible for Game devs to implement it still? Oh, console exclusive..that's why. Before anyone starts the PC master race bullshit, while my PC is my primary gaming device there are things I still enjoy on console so shutup.
There are many games that use procedural generation. And what does that have to do with consoles, or being console exclusive? I don't get it.
That said, any game that is going to be this large in "scope" probably should be on consoles.
It is going to be on consoles, or I don't know what do you mean.
This news is fine by me. The planet exploration is what caused me to quit the game twice before I finally stuck with it to beat it the third time.
You didn't even have to do any planet exploration to finish the first game. The few maps where the story takes you planet side are completely linear corridor levels, I wouldn't call that exploration.
There are many games that use procedural generation. And what does that have to do with consoles, or being console exclusive? I don't get it.

It is going to be on consoles, or I don't know what do you mean.

Meaning the reason why so few actual explore-able planets is probably due to console limitations. If they did this one on PC it could have been far bigger. That is all I was saying. The procedural generation comment was referring to their terrible excuse of planet diversity.
Meaning the reason why so few actual explore-able planets is probably due to console limitations. If they did this one on PC it could have been far bigger. That is all I was saying. The procedural generation comment was referring to their terrible excuse of planet diversity.
I don't see how consoles limit the number of explorable planets. If you said they limit the size of explorable planets you might have had a point.
I'm expecting 1 planet per NPC plus 3-4 story planets. I'll give it 10 planets to go through that are each bigger than the entire map of DA:I.

I'll take that.

Plus Multiplayer is gonna be awesome.
tri and quad tittied beings confirmed.