Only 10% of Americans Say They Would Wear Google Glass

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Something tells me that the 10% mentioned in this article are the people still wearing Bluetooth earpieces and cheap track suits everywhere they go. ;)

Google Glass may be the most hyped piece of technology in years, but according to a new study, only one in 10 American smartphone owners would wear the high-tech specs regularly. Social awkwardness was the top reason why people said they would steer clear of Google's smart and web-connected glasses, a new report, called Google Glass Adoption Forecast, has revealed.
Give me something that projects a high resolution image directly into my eye and uses wireless to connect to the phone in my pocket which handles all the computing. When you can do that it will succeed, right now it's too primitive, like an Apple Newton.
I don't care too much about the looks, it's just that the product is fairly useless.
Really 10%. Number seems a wee bit high if you ask me.

I'd sure try it out...For free. Not so much for $1500. I wouldn't be surprised if 1 in 10 were curious enough to test it out at no cost.
douches would wear them like people with ear pieces, they think it makes them look important.
i want them for when im flying my helis make great video
I'd wear them with a hoodie, combat boots and cargo pants(STALKERpants) like some kind of cyber commando ninja.

....though far from day one. I don't even have a smart phone yet, hurrr
I wear contacts so I don't have to wear glasses.

I hate glasses.

I will NEVER wear glasses, no matter how high tech they get.

Nothing will ever sit on my nose.

Now, if they make Google Contacts, with wireless connection to something that's not on my face, then we're talking...
As much as I think Glass is really cool product and as much as I love and use the latest technology I just don't see myself buying or wearing Glass.

I guess it depends on what developers are able to do with it in the future. I don't really have an interest in taking low quality (compared to my DSLR) photos or recording random "lowish" quality video.

I don't find myself needing to look up information more than once or twice a day and my smartphone is more than convenient enough for that already.

Not gonna say never because that's just short sighted, but as Glass looks and functions today I don't really have any personal interest in using it mysef.
Also, interesting line in the article:

Even if it were priced low enough — much lower than the $1,500 it is going for now during its beta period — about 38% of respondents said they still wouldn't wear it.

Does that mean that 62% of those 10% would wear it if it were cheaper?
I bet only 10% of the population even really knows what they are. Though I'm not sure the rest of the population would be interested, at least not initially.

But I bet you once live sports becomes available on these things, lots of fans will start picking them up (assuming they also come down in price). There's definitely a segment of the population that wants to be able to watch TV no matter where they go, and this is really the least obnoxious way I've seen so far.

Also, they need to make a black frame version. Some people may want them to stick out so they attempt to appear important, but most other people would want them blend in and be like any other pair of glasses.

Also for this product to ever take off, the camera would have to be unable to record to media. Otherwise it will forever be associated with perverts.
I bet only 10% of the population even really knows what they are. Though I'm not sure the rest of the population would be interested, at least not initially.

But I bet you once live sports becomes available on these things, lots of fans will start picking them up (assuming they also come down in price). There's definitely a segment of the population that wants to be able to watch TV no matter where they go, and this is really the least obnoxious way I've seen so far.

Also, they need to make a black frame version. Some people may want them to stick out so they attempt to appear important, but most other people would want them blend in and be like any other pair of glasses.

Also for this product to ever take off, the camera would have to be unable to record to media. Otherwise it will forever be associated with perverts.

Zarathustra[H];1039884541 said:
I wear contacts so I don't have to wear glasses.

I hate glasses.

I will NEVER wear glasses, no matter how high tech they get.

Nothing will ever sit on my nose.

Now, if they make Google Contacts, with wireless connection to something that's not on my face, then we're talking...


You joke, but I think it could actually be possible to place a small chip utilizing MEMS technology inside a hydrogel contact lens, and have it work...

Antenna range would be very short, and power source would be complicated, but not insurmountable.
I'd wear them when I was measuring this adopted guys power. Then break them, not sure how but I do.
Zarathustra[H];1039884681 said:
You joke, but I think it could actually be possible to place a small chip utilizing MEMS technology inside a hydrogel contact lens, and have it work...

Antenna range would be very short, and power source would be complicated, but not insurmountable.

You could have it connect to your phone in your pocket and relay the wireless signal. As for power, plug it into the central nervous system!
I would use them (or a version of them) for certain things. I wouldn't mind having a visual display to show things as I'm working on something.

Working on the car? Plug into the car and monitor RPM's, misfires, etc.. Medical use would be good. Working on a network, show network information.

Walking around for personal use? No way. Not in a while. I have no use for them.
A HUD for my motorcycle. All I want to know is my speed. That's it, I can do the rest by feel, but I would love to know my exact speed without taking my eyes of the road.
Imagine being an early adapter? Every idiot you run into wants to handle your glasses to see for them selves. No thanks.
If you went back 10 years and asked people if they want a tablet PC I bet the results would probably be similar. Google glass is more of a proof-of-concept at the moment, rather than an actually useful device.

But I bet you once live sports becomes available on these things, lots of fans will start picking them up (assuming they also come down in price). There's definitely a segment of the population that wants to be able to watch TV no matter where they go, and this is really the least obnoxious way I've seen so far.

That's a scary thought. Everyone driving around while watching football games (or better yet NASCAR)
If I can browse Reddit, Slickdeals, and forums through Google Glasses, that's good enough for me to buy version 1.

Imagine walking through a commercial area with a Google Glasses app that displays each businesses promotional deals on an image overlay. You'd never have to pay more than $10 for dinner ever again. :)

My big disappointment with Google Glasses is its lack of eye motion tracking. That would seal the deal for me, allowing me to do everything hands free.
If I can browse Reddit, Slickdeals, and forums through Google Glasses, that's good enough for me to buy version 1.

Imagine walking through a commercial area with a Google Glasses app that displays each businesses promotional deals on an image overlay. You'd never have to pay more than $10 for dinner ever again. :)

My big disappointment with Google Glasses is its lack of eye motion tracking. That would seal the deal for me, allowing me to do everything hands free.

There's supposed to be a huge number of sensors on the device that weren't enabled yet. The development software that google has provided thus far is just for basic web applications to show up on it. Google is going to release the full SDK and unlock the device's full suite of hardware APIs shortly. Maybe there is some kind of eye tracking software. It can already detect when you blink or wink your eye.

I think the bone-conducting audio transmitter is pretty cool, and I think I'm starting to see an appeal for the device, like taking pictures or video while you are engaged in an activity where that would be impractical, or Augmented Reality software or quick updates to certain programs. I'd be happy to use it to display some simple schematics when I was working on something or mapping out Wifi signals or something.

And methinks some people in this thread protest too much about wearing glasses. Seriously, were some of you pantsed as kids or something? You're on a message board dedicated to overclocking computer hardware for shit's sake. Do you really think people DON'T think you're a nerd yet? Do the glasses put you over the top?
"Only" 10% would still be a market over 30 million in the US alone.

No, you're working from a total population number of 300,000,000...which includes babies, small children, and the elderly...;) The total potential market for this thing the US might be 20,000,000 and 10% of that number equates to ~2M sold devices.

But even that is not going to happen prior to a lot of positive reviews of the product circulating--and I estimate Google has about a 10% chance of that happening...;) I see many more critics than enthusiasts.

The product doesn't at all appeal to me, however. But then, neither does an iPhone or a tablet, either. The $1500 price should deter most casual interest in these devices.
No, you're working from a total population number of 300,000,000...which includes babies, small children, and the elderly...;) The total potential market for this thing the US might be 20,000,000 and 10% of that number equates to ~2M sold devices.

babies, small children, and the elderly do not make up 90% of the population. They only surveyed adults (let's say ages 20-50), of which there are more like ~150 million, not 20 million. That still makes that "only 10%" turn into 15 million units.
i would wear them with out any feeling of social stigma i usually dont care what other people think. That being said i would not pay 1500 for it. But if the price is right i plan getting a one.