Official GTX 680 Owner's Thread

They are out, the Asus and Gigabyte showed up a little after 9am EDT and are now the first sold out (asus was 1st)

PNY seems to be the wild horse on prices. I snagged 1 evga 680 to compare to sli 580s, happy shopping.

EDIT: just a few minutes later, evga and zotac sold out.

EDIT 2: That appears to beit at 10:03am EDT, all 6 sold out, even the $530 PNY which sold out before the Galaxy. I noticed they actually found a Zotac or two after reporting sold out. There it was, another egg vga launch, it was a 1 hour show.

EDIT 3: Oh shit, they found some more evga, go :)

EDIT 4: lol, I give up, evga sold out again and now found some Galaxy. I'm done, happy shopping everyone.
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Just picked up an EVGA and I will post pictures when received.
Here's hoping they released the dual gpu card in 90 days so I can step-up.
Not sure, but eVGA specs page says Dual DVI-D, but their video says one is DVI-I if that makes a difference to anyone....

/edit - senior moment. Didn't realize DVD-I was also Dual link :rolleyes:
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Now I can post here (got my EVGA GTX 680 coming)

Performance for me isn't the biggest reason to upgrade (I'm on GTX 480 yeah). For me its timing. I'll get a $200 credit on a Citibank VISA, have reduced heat/power consumption, and will still able to get a penny out of my older GTX 480's.

If anything, I'll be ahead financially and be a bit cooler this summer.
May seem like a dumb question but considering some of the neat new tricks these cards bring to the table I'll ask it anyways:

If my computer can handle a single GTX 480 can I handle a single GTX 680?

EDIT: I *think* I can. Power wattage requirement is a bit less for the 680. The 480 wants 600 watt or greater PSU with a minimum of 42 amps on the +12 volt rail whereas the 680 wants at least 550 and at least 38 amps on the +12 volt rail.
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May seem like a dumb question but considering some of the neat new tricks these cards bring to the table I'll ask it anyways:

If my computer can handle a single GTX 480 can I handle a single GTX 680?

EDIT: I *think* I can. Power wattage requirement is a bit less for the 680. The 480 wants 600 watt or greater PSU with a minimum of 42 amps on the +12 volt rail whereas the 680 wants at least 550 and at least 38 amps on the +12 volt rail.

Absolutely. Reduced power consumption is one of the reasons I'm upgrading my GTX 480 SLI's to a single GTX 680.

And now I play the waiting game.

<3 Shoprunner free 2 day shipping.
How long where they up for??

As long as it's been on the product page. I ordered the last one around 15 minutes ago. Couldn't add to cart because they forgot to put an add to cart button so I just copied another product's addtocart URL and changed it with the 680 product number. I am guessing a few people caught on to it and they sold out shortly after.
Got in for 1 EVGA 680, ended up ordering it from Tigerdirect because newegg sold out as I was trying to pay for the order......

Purchased 2 Galaxy cards. Originally was going for EVGA, but my credit card was declined due to security reasons, and after I called them to get everything straightened out, the EVGA cards sold out.

I was debating holding off for the 4 GB EVGA card, but not sure when they're going to come out, and from everything I've read, the current cards are probably going to be good enough until the 110 comes out. Also, purchasing now means I can probably pawn off my 580's before the resell value plummets.

(Apparently spending tons of money at New Egg every year for the past decade and putting down $1000 today is suspicious activity [yet from previous experience spending the same amount 1000 miles away at a store I've never shopped at in my life 2 hours after a charge at a gas station goes through just fine]).
Ok so i want to jump onboard with 2 680's but I'm not sure where I will stand performance wise compared to my 3 470's. I was under the impression my 3 470's are roughly equal too 2 580's and if that's true then 2 680's are a nice little boost in performance. Heat and power draw aside I need to know if this move makes sense or if I will barely notice any improvement. If getting 3 680's is the only way to make a measurable difference for me then I will probably pass for now. I would love to snag 2 of these bad boys but not unless it makes sense from a performance stand point. Opinions please?
Let us 7970 owners know you're overclocking results guys!!!
Very very curious.
Let us 7970 owners know you're overclocking results guys!!!
Very very curious.

I just ordered a replacement for the 7970s.... one is 1.05v and one is 1.12v, so I'll post on the difference on OC ability, I was going to cancel the order but it was shipped before I could make up my mind ><

wts... 2 x 7970s..?
Ok so i want to jump onboard with 2 680's but I'm not sure where I will stand performance wise compared to my 3 470's. I was under the impression my 3 470's are roughly equal too 2 580's and if that's true then 2 680's are a nice little boost in performance. Heat and power draw aside I need to know if this move makes sense or if I will barely notice any improvement. If getting 3 680's is the only way to make a measurable difference for me then I will probably pass for now. I would love to snag 2 of these bad boys but not unless it makes sense from a performance stand point. Opinions please?

From a performance stand point, you'll probably see a little gain. Not mind blowing, but probably noticeable. But, you'll be using a lot less power, and you'll have some free slots in your computer, which is always useful.
Purchased 2 Galaxy cards. Originally was going for EVGA, but my credit card was declined due to security reasons, and after I called them to get everything straightened out, the EVGA cards sold out.

LOL I just got my CC denied at newegg as well. I think it's because a lot of stolen cards get used on Newegg (I never get denied at other stores for large purchases). Thank goodness my bank has an automated system to deal with that now so it takes about 60 seconds to fix it.

Ok so i want to jump onboard with 2 680's but I'm not sure where I will stand performance wise compared to my 3 470's. I was under the impression my 3 470's are roughly equal too 2 580's and if that's true then 2 680's are a nice little boost in performance. Heat and power draw aside I need to know if this move makes sense or if I will barely notice any improvement. If getting 3 680's is the only way to make a measurable difference for me then I will probably pass for now. I would love to snag 2 of these bad boys but not unless it makes sense from a performance stand point. Opinions please?

Monitor resolution? If it's the 1080p in your sig I wouldn't upgrade at all.
Well, I picked up two. This card looks like it might be worth dropping one of my displays for. I currently use 5, but eyefinity is unreliable and I tend to hate the bezels. I'll probably go for a 20-30-20 PLP from now on with my additional HDTV. Gonna try gaming with one and see if I even need the second. Might be one up for sale soon.
LOL I just got my CC denied at newegg as well. I think it's because a lot of stolen cards get used on Newegg (I never get denied at other stores for large purchases). Thank goodness my bank has an automated system to deal with that now so it takes about 60 seconds to fix it.

Monitor resolution? If it's the 1080p in your sig I wouldn't upgrade at all.

Ya 1080p for now at least. That aside where does 3 470's stack up vs 2 680's?
I'm jumping ship. I want to love AMD's offering. I tried since the day it released. I'm not much for brand fanaticism, but I have had AMD cards mostly throughout my computing career (9800 pro, x800, 4870xf, 5870xf) I have noticed I've had issues with drivers, though I can't say if that means anything - since I have no experience with nvidia. But, EVGA's warranty and step up program is so sexy, and totally puts my buyers remorse and fears/concerns at rest. On top of that, I play me a lot of WoW with my woman, and am really looking forward to Diablo 3, so this card looks to be the one to get, seeing as AMD seemed to not care to optimize drivers for it. Feature set too, far surpasses anything I've seen from red team, even if they are gimmicky at best. Some of em sound pretty neat. I'm excited to make this switch!

Oh yeah, and I scored an evga gtx 680 during that shortly lived second wave.
Ya 1080p for now at least. That aside where does 3 470's stack up vs 2 680's?

There will be a small difference and you're going to save some power consumption but I wouldn't do it unless I had at least a 1600p or multi monitor setup.
There will be a small difference and you're going to save some power consumption but I wouldn't do it unless I had at least a 1600p or multi monitor setup.

I would buy a 1600P monitor if they made them at 120hz. Until then I will hang on and wait. That said, I would like a nice little boost along with less power consumption and heat. The question is how much better will 2 of these be over what I have. Are we talking 10%? 20% 30%? Know what I mean?
I would buy a 1600P monitor if they made them at 120hz. Until then I will hang on and wait. That said, I would like a nice little boost along with less power consumption and heat. The question is how much better will 2 of these be over what I have. Are we talking 10%? 20% 30%? Know what I mean?

Well I have dual 580's which AFAIK are roughly on par with your triple 470's, and I'm expecting between a 20-50% boost based on benchmarks. But at your low resolution I'd be surprised if you even get a 10% improvement.
As hard as it was last night to get some rest waiting for the launch this morning and now that my cards shipped and will arrive tomorrow I think sleeping will become even more of a challenge tonight lol! Glad I’ am off tomorrow.