NVIDIA Surround 120hz 2D Question

Jul 29, 2004
I'm interested in trying NVIDIA surround with 3 120hz displays. I currently have a Samsung 2233RZ (runs at 1680x1050). These have gotten quite hard to find lately, so adding two more (at any reasonable price) doesn't seem like a viable option at the moment.

So, I'm thinking of getting two of the Viewsonic models (same resolution) to use with 120hz 2D surround. I was reading an article over on Anandtech and they mentioned that you must have the same model monitor for 3D surround. My question is, will it let you set 120hz in 2D with different displays or is that locked out altogether? I don't know if it lets you run at 120hz but just won't let you enable 3D or what.

Not interested in 3D, but I love 120hz 2D and don't want to go back to 60hz.
Did you get this to work? Just got a GTX 590 and can't get 120hz surround on three Viewsonic 120hz. They will all get 120hz before going in to surround mode.
So in the nVidia Control Panel in Change Resolution can you not set the refresh rate to 120Hz?
You can set it to 120, it will blink for a sec and then be back at 60hz. It appears to actually be 120hz for that second. The 3D vision is at 120 right? Haven't messed with that option.

Also for some reason 4800 x 1200 is the "recommended" resolution which is stretched out. 5040x1050 can be manually set and is the right res.
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Ok finally got somewhere, the three monitor surround it appears as two shared monitors in windows screen resolution settings. I set one of those to 120hz in the windows screen resolution area and it worked.
That's odd, does it still show up as two separate monitors? Glad you getting it worked out.
It behaves as one "surround" monitor, windows sees it that way too, just two of something combined. Too bad I can't use the 4th output with surround, was using that for output to TV.

Games look absolutely beautiful at 120hz 5040 wide. Just played a game of HAWX and Black Ops. So much easier on the eyes and super fluid. Not quite fast enough to be super smooth in Crysis 2 but still the 70's.
Thought I would follow up on this. I got two of the Viewsonic 120hz monitors in yesterday.

I hooked them up and tried to enable surround. It won't let me, telling me that all monitors must have the same resolution, refresh rate, and sync polarity. I have them all set to native res (1680x1050) and 120hz, so I'm assuming its something with the sync polarity.

I just went ahead and ordered another Viewsonic to complete the set, but it was a bit disappointing that surround seems so flaky when mixing monitors.