NVIDIA 3D Vision Poll

How do you feel about NVIDIA 3D Vision?

  • I will wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.

    Votes: 37 8.6%
  • I will NOT wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.

    Votes: 123 28.7%
  • I currently wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.

    Votes: 15 3.5%
  • I would consider the possibility of wearing wireless 3D shutter glasses for playing games on my PC.

    Votes: 149 34.7%
  • I would NOT consider the possibility of using wireless 3D shutter glasses 4 playing games on my PC.

    Votes: 86 20.0%
  • None of the above statements apply to me.

    Votes: 19 4.4%

  • Total voters


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I want to get some basic feedback about how the HardForum community feels about using NV 3D Vision. Here is what NVIDIA defines it as.

Upgrade your PC to a fully immersive stereoscopic 3D experience with NVIDIA® 3D Vision™. A combination of high-tech wireless glasses and advanced software, 3D Vision automatically transforms hundreds of PC games into full stereoscopic 3D. In addition, view movies and digital photographs in eye popping 3D. Now supporting full HD 1080p clarity with 23” Alienware OptX™ AW2310 3D Full HD Widescreen monitors and ACER GD245HQ and GD235HZ monitors.

If you already have a Vista or Win7 PC with the right NVIDIA video card, a kit with the googles and display will run you about $600 from NVIDIA's website. YMMV!

Excuse some of my wording and grammar changes in the poll. I had to change 4 and 5 around a bit to fit inside the character limitation of the poll.
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I don't wanna wear googles on my face, i have glasses

I don't like the concept of wearing something like that on my face

it wouldn't feel immersive enough

plus it's too much of a gimmick right now, they are behind AMD in this whole "Eyeinfinity" thing, their solution isn't better at all in my opinion
I don't want to wear any of these 3D glasses to play games on my home computer, to be honest I find it somewhat annoying at theatres when I need to. Yes, I do wear glasses and maybe that's what is making my decision with not using them. Plus I don't like the look of them, haha. I'll wait till real 3D happens where the monitor does it itself.
I have seen this in practice before and felt it didnt have that big of an affect on the gaming, i would consider wearing glasses or goggles but wouldnt go out of my way for it and certainly wouldnt spend that sort of money on on the kit needed.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Having worked on a project implementing forms of 3D in a game, there's too many limitations on it right now. For me, having to limit settings in games using certain types of shading (in particular, some forms of deferred shading) is not worth gaining 3D.
I neither would or would not concider or do it. Unless I win the lottery, no matter what, I'll never make enough to even purchase a supported monitor, let alone the rest of it.

I've seen it and it looks cool, but unless the price for the glasses and monitors drops into the affordable range,it wont happen for me, so its a none issue.
I would consider 3dvision if it were not a proprietary system. Proprietary systems ensure you stay one side and inhibits a person to choose another side more so than not. If eyefinity were a proprietary system I would being staying with ati, but if nvidia has surround gaming with better p/p. I don't want to take out one experience to move to another, and that is why nvidia pisses me off.
i will not wear glasses on my face. I currently do not wear glasses at all and i just hate the feel of things on my face or body. heck i cant even wear a wrist watch cause it bugs the crap out of me
Depending on how significant the changes are in the game experience, compared to just multiple monitors, I would consider it, but I'm not about to rush out to buy it. My next video card purchase is probably going to be a 6-port 5xxx series card, so unless 3dVision and 3d surround blow the Eyefinity experience out of the water, I'll stick with ATI for this round
I voted I'd consider it. Glasses are not goggles.
The 3D glasses are meant to be worn over your glasses if you are 4 eyed. :p
I would consider the possibility of wearing wireless 3D shutter glasses for playing games on my PC.
If there were a better system (tco wise) then I would prefer that, but since I dont know of one then I'm fine with the glasses. Though Nvidia's 3D effect looked best to me on AOE3 than it did on any other game I've seen.
It does not compete against other products that improve the visual gaming experience. I believe if anyone had $600, the order of preference would be: new video card, multiple monitors, then 3D Vision.
What is the difference between:
I will NOT wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.
I would NOT consider the possibility of using wireless 3D shutter glasses 4 playing games on my PC.
What is the difference between:
I will NOT wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.
I would NOT consider the possibility of using wireless 3D shutter glasses 4 playing games on my PC.

Possibly the user considered using them, tried them out, decided they would NOT wear them. The other choice frames the users as not even considering it. I was trying to be as fair as possible to people who might respond.
I tried out a 3d gaming system several years ago, and it was a pretty non-thrilling event for me. That said, I'm definitely willing to try it out. I'm for anything that would improve my gaming experience, as long as the trade-off for the change isn't that high.
My point of view is that any peripheral which encumbers or restricts my person had better be well worth it.

I will reluctantly wear a headset for voice comm while gaming, but I find even that very annoying to put up with.

I don't see myself wearing 3D glasses, wireless or not.
Nope. No thanks. I don't really want my games in 3D... I just want some more graphically intense titles, thx. Where's the new "Crysis" or "Oblivion" for me to look forward to?
I don't wanna wear googles on my face, i have glasses

I don't like the concept of wearing something like that on my face

it wouldn't feel immersive enough

plus it's too much of a gimmick right now, they are behind AMD in this whole "Eyeinfinity" thing, their solution isn't better at all in my opinion

I have the glasses and they fit just fine over my normal glasses. Don't call it a gimmick if you haven't tried it; the thing is amazing, imo.
What is the difference between:
I will NOT wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.
I would NOT consider the possibility of using wireless 3D shutter glasses 4 playing games on my PC.

I was wondering the same thing. I also read Kyle's responce but it's not evident by the poll that that's what his intention was. Perhaps a rephrasing is in order, something like "I have tried and will NOT wear wireless 3D glasses"
I would be willing to use 3D glasses if the effect was convincing and had an immersive effect. The only 3D I've ever witnessed was the polarized 3D glasses used at the movie theater, which I thought worked pretty well. I think if 3D is done correctly, it could create an immersive environment that traditional "realistic" 3D could never accomplish.
I like your poll but the problem is right now the flavor of the month is ATI so what you are getting is a reflection of that.
People that in their big majority does not have any experience with 3d vision puts it down because is not on ATI plain and simple.
To read a "gamer" say that 3d vision is not immersive enough or that multiple monitors are a better experience is just ridiculous but I know that the fact is they have not tried it themselves.
I have tried both, and without a doubt there is no way that 10 monitors or 100 if you want, displaying a still flat world are going to make your games better and more immersive than REAL 3d gaming.
Guys, is about time we stop the green vs red crap. I am with Nvidia because there is no way I can go back to flat gaming after experiencing real 3d gaming.
I wish ATI had an alternative too so that I have more options when buying video cards but so far, nothing.
So, you can live in denial trying to convince yourself that 3d vision is crap and that flatfinity is da bomb or you can face reality and start asking ati to deliver REAL 3d content...we all win at the end because then we have more options.
I like your poll but the problem is right now the flavor of the month is ATI so what you are getting is a reflection of that.
People that in their big majority does not have any experience with 3d vision puts it down because is not on ATI plain and simple.
To read a "gamer" say that 3d vision is not immersive enough or that multiple monitors are a better experience is just ridiculous but I know that the fact is they have not tried it themselves.
I have tried both, and without a doubt there is no way that 10 monitors or 100 if you want, displaying a still flat world are going to make your games better and more immersive than REAL 3d gaming.
Guys, is about time we stop the green vs red crap. I am with Nvidia because there is no way I can go back to flat gaming after experiencing real 3d gaming.
I wish ATI had an alternative too so that I have more options when buying video cards but so far, nothing.
So, you can live in denial trying to convince yourself that 3d vision is crap and that flatfinity is da bomb or you can face reality and start asking ati to deliver REAL 3d content...we all win at the end because then we have more options.

One could make the argument that you're doing the same thing as the ATI fans are except for the green team though ;)

What EyeFinity setup did you have before you went to 3d vision and decided it was better?
I did not say I have one. I have tested it on a friend's computer and prior to that I have tested it on my system on a more getto fashion (softth).
I mean, does not it make sense that with all the power we have now and all the amazing 3d worlds designers are creating that is about time we actually see the games in real 3d? ;)
I'm not arguing one way or the other on the merits of 3D.

I'm just wondering why it's ok for you to say 3D Vision is better with little to no experience with EyeFinity but when someoen else says EyeFinity is better with little to no experience with 3d vision, you call them out on it?

Like I said previously, you're doing the same thing, only for the other side.
You do not need to own either for a year to "learn" it although it does help to get use to 3d to increase the settings for a more impressive experience.
Really, how long do you need to sit in front of a triple screen monitor to "get it"?
The problem is not having little experience with 3d vision is that most people offering their opinion have NO experience whatsover!
I have 3 desktop computers at home, two have ati video cards and my main gaming one has nvidia...I do not care for brands, I care for performance and the features that makes the gaming experience better and like it or not, flat is flat...no matter if it is a 12' wide projector image or 10 lcds...it is still flat.
Is multi monitor better than one...of course it is, I was on the market for a triple head set up two years ago myself....now, there is something much better...3d needs to be experience in 3d...I just do no get why that is so hard to understand....
Would you listen to a 7.1 sound track on a one speaker audio system?
Would you like to see a 24 million color image on a monochrome monitor?
Then why are you against experiencing 3d worlds in 3d just because your favorite company does not have it yet?
Again, I wish both companies will copy and better the other ones effort so we have more choices but it seems that some people just like to pick sides like this was their favorite sports team or something....weird :rolleyes:
Hypocrisy - Fueling HardForum Page Hits since 1997. ;)
Not a feature I must have. I think I'll be one of those that gets nauseous anyway, and I wear glasses.

The option will remain open, but at this point in time I have no interest. (Though I voted for "I will NOT wear wireless 3D shutter glasses while playing games on my PC.:...........for now.)
What's the difference between "not consider" wearing glasses and not wearing. If you won't consider it, then it's the same as not doing it.
What's the difference between "not consider" wearing glasses and not wearing. If you won't consider it, then it's the same as not doing it.

This has already been directly addressed in this thread above. And yes there is a subtle difference in the meanings and I did want to make a distinction, but I probably could have worded it better. I however am not going to be start changing the wording of the poll midstream.
You do not need to own either for a year to "learn" it although it does help to get use to 3d to increase the settings for a more impressive experience.
Really, how long do you need to sit in front of a triple screen monitor to "get it"?
The problem is not having little experience with 3d vision is that most people offering their opinion have NO experience whatsover!

How do you know he didn't try 3D vision "at a friends hosue"? :rolleyes:
You are so funny...unlike some of you, I do have real friends :eek:
Oh well, no point trying to make sense on some people and their A or B way of seeing things...whatever...you keep gaming in flatworlds...eventually you will jump into the 3d worlds and then you may feel quite silly about some of your comments today....mark my words...
I am gone from this one.
My point of view is that any peripheral which encumbers or restricts my person had better be well worth it.

I will reluctantly wear a headset for voice comm while gaming, but I find even that very annoying to put up with.

I don't see myself wearing 3D glasses, wireless or not.

I want to add to this that I think the only reason we're talking about it right now is because nvidia sees a small window through which they think they can push 3D into the mainstream due to movies like Avatar and (the return of) 120hz displays. They've been pushing what is, to my knowledge, essentially the same 3D gimmick since... 2001? Or thereabouts?

We still have to invest in special, and currently rather above-mainstream priced, devices and then wear it to enjoy a not particularly immersive experience.

I'm not sure if they're carrying a torch for it because it's "the one that got away" or they're just trying to get back their decade old R&D investment, but regardless of why they're doing it the market just doesn't seem to be responding.
I currently wear the 3D glasses... for NV's 3D Vision.

I love it. It's not perfect in every game, but the games it does work in (the majority of games... Dragon Age: Origins / GTA4 / Far Cry 2 / Half Life series / etc) are made much more immersive. It's very hard to convey immersion in a written article, in a 2D image, or any other way besides exposure to a high quality 3D source. The day of 3D is near... once gamers see this stuff in action in their Best Buy's, Fry's, MicroCenter's, and Wal-Mart's, and the prices come down, they're going to eat it up.

It doesn't make a bad game better, but most games greatly benefit from the sense of scale gained by depth. It make the Liberty City (GTA4) a real city. Far away things actually feel far away and racing through 3D streets gives you a sense of speed. Racing alone (on consoles) will make 3D worth it for many gamers. I can't wait to play a 3D Forza 3 or GT5.
If you saw Avatar the movie in stereoscopic 3D (S-3D), then you can have a feel for what S-3D gaming can be: amplify that immersion feeling 10X and that's the start of how immersive a S-3D game can be. What's amazing is that ALL directx8 and later games are more or less can be played in S-3D using 3DVision.

But that's not all, ATI and IZ3D have teamed up and are coming out with their own shutter solution in addition to polarized/LCD monitor from iZ3D. Try it out fellows, you owe it to yourself to get this 3rd dimension in your gaming. Don't just get stuck to the old flat 2.5D. Multiple monitors immersion factor, honestly, is a big joke compared to that of S-3D in games, and you don't need to believe me, just go see Avatar the movie in S-3D to get a feel of what it can be.