Ninja Explains His Choice Not to Stream with Female Gamers

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Obviously he realized his marriage is more important that socializing with girls.

Exactly. I mean on the other hand it's not like there's been huge issues with big streamers and marriage issues... *cough Dr DisRespect cough*
It's the Internet. How does he know for sure who or what he is steaming with? The way things are going, it could be an AI aware sexbot with the proper gaming routines loaded up.
He has more subscribers than ever.

I like PDP. He adapted and moved on. He's the king of meta. I can watch him and know what I'm getting and realize it's better than fake-ass, scripted bullshit. Not to mention if PDP is a "douchebag" then you must not know about half of YouTube, for example the Paul brothers.
But, Pewdiepie got better. Now that he is redpilled after (((they))) went after him, his channel has grown by millions.

When Ethan Klein is starting to look downright moderate with the amount of bullshit going on, you know things are getting pretty bad.
If you can't let your significant other know about it, you are being deceptive and that qualifies as flirting. So he's choosing the safe path. Obviously he realized his marriage is more important that socializing with girls.

If your relationship is worth a damn, either party socializing with girls (or boys, or whatever) is not going to in any way affect your relationship.

That said, when it comes to Twitch drama, people are pretty fucking stupid, so maybe this is the way to go for him, sadly.
Exactly. I mean on the other hand it's not like there's been huge issues with big streamers and marriage issues... *cough Dr DisRespect cough*

Yeah and tbh that entire scandal killed the hyper growth his stream had. Late last year before the entire thing happened he was averaging around 30% more viewers. Ninja knows hes one twitch thot from losing millions.
If your relationship is worth a damn, either party socializing with girls (or boys, or whatever) is not going to in any way affect your relationship.

That said, when it comes to Twitch drama, people are pretty fucking stupid, so maybe this is the way to go for him, sadly.

The problem is when you broadcast your personal life to the world 12 hours/day in front of millions of people a few of these people have nothing better to do than to ruin your life and get a reaction out of it.
Ninja knows hes one twitch thot from losing millions.

Which brings things back full-circle in this thread because we had the whole PewDiePie "thot scandal" (Alinity) which also had a heroine (ItsSkyLOL). People were all but willing to take it out on Marzia or at least accuse PDP of being two-faced, but while Ninja is taking the evasive tactic PDP is a veteran at this stage and totally set Alinity and her supporters to fall flat on their faces as the bad guys...which worked out beautifully, IMHO.

As far as DRD goes - the dude should know better than to air out his dirty laundry.
Which brings things back full-circle in this thread because we had the whole PewDiePie "thot scandal" (Alinity) which also had a heroine (ItsSkyLOL). People were all but willing to take it out on Marzia or at least accuse PDP of being two-faced, but while Ninja is taking the evasive tactic PDP is a veteran at this stage and totally set Alinity and her supporters to fall flat on their faces as the bad guys...which worked out beautifully, IMHO.

As far as DRD goes - the dude should know better than to air out his dirty laundry.

Yeah I agree with you on PDP and DRD. But PDP is on a completely different level from most folks on twitch. Ninja is a silly guy who plays Fortnite well for a very young audience. He does one thing this audience's parents don't like and that prime sub goes to Myth/Daequan/Tfue.
Don't know, he is in a bit of a hard place... As far as claims of sexism, i don' t know.. its not like denying a job i dont think... Although i am sure a good lawyer could argue otherwise.
How many books have any of you read about dating, relationships or woman? (Note I am assuming your gender your a bunch of white males on hard forum and a couple of Asians if your an exception black dude don't come crying, so most of your are men speaking about your beliefs on woman)

Now how many of you have taken a deep dive and read a lot of this material?
Lets look at it this way if you were talking about computer hardware have you read or studied relationships to even a fraction of what you have about computer software and hardware? I bet not.

Relationships are nothing like you think, most of you are in autopilot mode and you have no idea what you are doing its mostly subconscious. There is nothing wrong with you commenting on things and believing what ever you want to believe but I have only see a couple posts in here that suggest someone actually has noticed the interesting aspects of relationships. Doing what society tells you and trying to play it safe wont make your relationship because woman are not attracted to that. Woman have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to be attracted to certain traits and to be influenced by their child hood. I used to be a regular guy like many of you whom would originally say something like good ninja you are a good smart guy and your relationship will last. But now I know that this announcement tells me that something is actually really wrong with ninjas marriage.

Ninja is exhibiting submissive male behavior his wife will test and punish him for it. If she had a good childhood and is a reasonably stable woman the tests and punishment might not be too bad. Otherwise she is almost certainly going to cheat on him at the least. There are 2 likely scenarios here, 1 ninja is actually not that stable and he is projecting and probable knows deep inside he is a cheater and will screw up and is trying to stay away from the proverbial bottle. 2 he is pretty stable however his wife is not in which case he needs to start diving into the material now if he actually wants his marriage to survive, he has already experienced her jealousy and control and is fearful of any event.

This rabbit hole goes very deep, very very deep. If being a good guy and doing what society and the movies tell you worked we wouldn't have a 50% divorce rate in this country, and every woman wouldn't be obsessed with 50 shades of grey.
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Sounds like your parents are swingers.

Not necessarily. A relationship is about attraction and attraction is created through the perception of value. Lets look at a male case. below.

Have you ever wondered if your parents' marriage would have lasted as long if it was your mom doing the flirting?

A female has evolved to seek out successful alpha males. How does she know if someone is an alpha male?
An alpha male is not afraid of what other people think of him because some success has taught him that he is not dependent on other people. And this means a woman feels safe because she feels her man is successful and can provide security and defend herself first and then her children.
An alpha male has options he is sought after and if this woman leaves him another will quickly step in to take over the cave.
The alpha male knows he has options and isn't afraid to exercise them if a woman does not chase him.
The very fact the woman has stayed with him for 37 years has shown us that she is attracted to him and believes she has a good deal. She has an alpha male what every woman wants.
The flirting can be viewed as swinging or it can be viewed as subtle validation that one or both partners are still alpha individuals and reinforce respect and desire. Note there is a fine line between being sexy, charming and flirty and being creepy and desperate. And that fine line and how a woman or man sees it is the real critical factor in success. And on the flip side a woman will always flirt to test a mans emotional state. If he reacts with jealousy she will lose attraction and test him harder and harder till she is sleeping with another man.

Now lets think about ninja
What society thinks is that ninja just told his wife hey you are valuable and I want to keep you, there fore I will stay away from woman streamers. Society and SJW mantra tells you that the woman views this as oh this is a great guy I should keep him.

But its not really going to pan out that way.

Actually how his wife's primitive emotions are likely to interpreted this are, ninja is a beta male, for some reason he is untrustworthy because he is desperate for woman. He is so desperate for woman that he doesn't trust himself around woman so he is just going to run away from them. He also lacks real value and is inexperienced so he doesn't feel comfortable around other woman. And he is so desperate to not lose me that he makes this huge public announcement and action to try to keep me. Hmm this guy doesn't sound like a good deal to me, I cant rationally explain it but my attraction for him is lowering and I feel more excited around other men. If he was a real valuable man he would be comfortable around woman because many want him and he is used to that, if he was real valuable he would not go so far out of his way and his mission just to try to please me because woman are abundant for him and he knows if I bail another will quickly come.
But now I know that this announcement tells me that something is actually really wrong with ninjas marriage.

He's married to a gamer chick. I'll probably get a ton of flak on here for saying this, but it's true: gamer chicks are, by far and large, trouble. I've dated plenty of them and they all have issues of one type or another. Ninja seems like a nice guy and has the best intentions but they're both streamers and that kind of public attention only exacerbates the problems behind the scenes, whether he streams with other women or not.
Good for him!

Always refreshing to see someone make a genuinely moral choice and stand up to the P.C. police. His marriage is, and should be more important than his popularity, and even his audience. It's his marriage - If he wishes to not engage in flirting, fooling around, and disrespecting his wife, it's not at all up to the public to dictate terms to him.

Strong marriage or not, love and trust in a relationship or not, he has made a choice to not give all the shitbirds on the internet something else to gossip about.

I don't know how separate he keeps his streaming persona from his home life persona, but saying his wife will cheat on him because of this decision is blatantly ignorant.
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Strong marriage or not, love and trust in a relationship or not, he has made a choice to not give all the shitbirds on the internet something else to gossip about.

I don't know how separate he keeps his streaming persona from his home life persona, but saying his wife will cheat on him because of this decision is blatantly ignorant.
Lol that's hilarious, do you know Neo is a poo cave explorer? Hence the no touchy girl germs..
Can't #MeToo me if my wife is always there.

He's smart. And anyone who is trying to assess the value of his relationship based on the fact that he doesn't want to give his wife reason to be jealous is a Dumbass. (Or living with his mom.) Chances are pretty high that if you think it's cool to flirt outside of a relationship, you've been in 0-2 actual serious relationships.
Not necessarily. A relationship is about attraction and attraction is created through the perception of value. Lets look at a male case. below.

A female has evolved to seek out successful alpha males. How does she know if someone is an alpha male?
An alpha male is not afraid of what other people think of him because some success has taught him that he is not dependent on other people. And this means a woman feels safe because she feels her man is successful and can provide security and defend herself first and then her children.
An alpha male has options he is sought after and if this woman leaves him another will quickly step in to take over the cave.
The alpha male knows he has options and isn't afraid to exercise them if a woman does not chase him.
The very fact the woman has stayed with him for 37 years has shown us that she is attracted to him and believes she has a good deal. She has an alpha male what every woman wants.
The flirting can be viewed as swinging or it can be viewed as subtle validation that one or both partners are still alpha individuals and reinforce respect and desire. Note there is a fine line between being sexy, charming and flirty and being creepy and desperate. And that fine line and how a woman or man sees it is the real critical factor in success. And on the flip side a woman will always flirt to test a mans emotional state. If he reacts with jealousy she will lose attraction and test him harder and harder till she is sleeping with another man.

Now lets think about ninja
What society thinks is that ninja just told his wife hey you are valuable and I want to keep you, there fore I will stay away from woman streamers. Society and SJW mantra tells you that the woman views this as oh this is a great guy I should keep him.

But its not really going to pan out that way.

Actually how his wife's primitive emotions are likely to interpreted this are, ninja is a beta male, for some reason he is untrustworthy because he is desperate for woman. He is so desperate for woman that he doesn't trust himself around woman so he is just going to run away from them. He also lacks real value and is inexperienced so he doesn't feel comfortable around other woman. And he is so desperate to not lose me that he makes this huge public announcement and action to try to keep me. Hmm this guy doesn't sound like a good deal to me, I cant rationally explain it but my attraction for him is lowering and I feel more excited around other men. If he was a real valuable man he would be comfortable around woman because many want him and he is used to that, if he was real valuable he would not go so far out of his way and his mission just to try to please me because woman are abundant for him and he knows if I bail another will quickly come.
TRP alert.
How many books have any of you read about dating, relationships or woman?
The fuck now? Read?! How about date, have and fuck, not read about it.

Have you read many books on sex?
It makes sense but at the same time....roll them dice pussy. What’s fame without a bit of gamble, and what’s a relationship that can’t understand harmless flirting.

My dad has been married 37 years and has never failed to flirt with every waiter and waitress that comes his way, right in front of my mother. He’s never worked fast food in his life but he has multiple Wendy’s baseball caps.

If your marriage might fall apart because the internet flips it’s shit that you streamed a video game simultaneously with OhEmGee a gurl....there’s an amount of unfaithfulness truth there or that the wife is Batfuckingshit crazy. Neither is healthy.

Wife might be batfuckingshitcrazy, but if she's your wife then that's just the wife you have. It's all of them anyway, all women are crazy to one degree or another. Ask around if you haven't figured it out for yourself. It's why I'll never vote for a woman for President, there it is, I said it. I've lived with a woman going through menopause and I've looked crazy in the eye. No way, never.
The fuck now? Read?! How about date, have and fuck, not read about it.

Have you read many books on sex?

You can learn by dating, might take you 5 years, 10 years 20 years, depends on your pattern recognition skills and self awareness (note it doesn't matter how many or few woman you date in this time or how long the relationships last). I wouldn't want to get 5 years into my life and suddenly realize most of what I am doing is wrong though cause that happened to me and I wouldn't wish it on anyone else not even a hard forum troll.
Doing what society tells you and trying to play it safe wont make your relationship because woman are not attracted to that. Woman have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to be attracted to certain traits and to be influenced by their child hood. I used to be a regular guy like many of you...

Lol, good to know we can all just watch some chimps at the zoo and get these relationships with women figured out!
Tell that to the TRP community and see what they think of that take.

Oh god lol. I chose one "field report" at random:

  • A woman can not respect a man who isn't a strong leader. I thought making decisions together was a great relationship move. I didn't set boundaries. I blame myself for the problems in the relationship. I didn't lead, and without me leading she was left having to lead herself. And the direction she lead herself in was neither pleasant for me or her.
  • Your willingness to leave is what keeps her invested. She will not honor your undying loyalty. Your devotion is worthless to her. It simply devalues you in her eyes. A strong alpha who's biology is to spread his seed but sits like a loyal little puppy for one special little woman can't be all that high value after all.
  • Simply can't negotiate attraction. As much as I would express my issues and spend hours upon hours arguing, my logic fell on deaf ears. A woman will behave based on her feelings. If you want her to change, make the way she feels change. Logic or reason will simply not yield results
Sadly the game never ends, they’re always scoring you.
And even more sadly they never like you for you, only who you appear to be. Which is why it’s important what traits you display to them no matter how long you’ve been together.
Certain traits will deem you to be high value and certain will drop your value.
You have to be aware of which traits you allow them to see. Over time showing them high value traits becomes ingrained in your character and almost automated. You just have to be cognizant of them in the beginning.

Good lord this is some incel level shit.
most 12 year old boys are basically girls, ninja's not missing out on much
A shining example of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'.

Good for this guy. It's his and his wife's relationship, not anyone else's. No gets to dictate the terms of that relationship except them. Wish them the best.
How many books have any of you read about dating, relationships or woman? (Note I am assuming your gender your a bunch of white males on hard forum and a couple of Asians if your an exception black dude don't come crying, so most of your are men speaking about your beliefs on woman)

Now how many of you have taken a deep dive and read a lot of this material?
Lets look at it this way if you were talking about computer hardware have you read or studied relationships to even a fraction of what you have about computer software and hardware? I bet not.

Relationships are nothing like you think, most of you are in autopilot mode and you have no idea what you are doing its mostly subconscious. There is nothing wrong with you commenting on things and believing what ever you want to believe but I have only see a couple posts in here that suggest someone actually has noticed the interesting aspects of relationships. Doing what society tells you and trying to play it safe wont make your relationship because woman are not attracted to that. Woman have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to be attracted to certain traits and to be influenced by their child hood. I used to be a regular guy like many of you whom would originally say something like good ninja you are a good smart guy and your relationship will last. But now I know that this announcement tells me that something is actually really wrong with ninjas marriage.

Ninja is exhibiting submissive male behavior his wife will test and punish him for it. If she had a good childhood and is a reasonably stable woman the tests and punishment might not be too bad. Otherwise she is almost certainly going to cheat on him at the least. There are 2 likely scenarios here, 1 ninja is actually not that stable and he is projecting and probable knows deep inside he is a cheater and will screw up and is trying to stay away from the proverbial bottle. 2 he is pretty stable however his wife is not in which case he needs to start diving into the material now if he actually wants his marriage to survive, he has already experienced her jealousy and control and is fearful of any event.

This rabbit hole goes very deep, very very deep. If being a good guy and doing what society and the movies tell you worked we wouldn't have a 50% divorce rate in this country, and every woman wouldn't be obsessed with 50 shades of grey.

And this ladies and gents are how stupid rumors are formed.
Can't #MeToo me if my wife is always there.

He's smart. And anyone who is trying to assess the value of his relationship based on the fact that he doesn't want to give his wife reason to be jealous is a Dumbass. (Or living with his mom.) Chances are pretty high that if you think it's cool to flirt outside of a relationship, you've been in 0-2 actual serious relationships.

The moment you look at #meToo and realize # means "pound"
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