NFS:MW - Tank?


Sep 25, 2004
For those of you who have tried both, which would be considered the "true" tank, aka, cop killer. The DB9, or the Mustang GT? I currently have the DB9, maxed out (no junkman), but am wondering if the mustang is better at demolishing the cops vehicles, epecially when the milestones require 200K property damage.

Also which has a higher top speed, Mustang or DB9?
ive had alot of luck with the lambo's, because they are so low to the ground and the front of the car acts like a wedge, it usually sends the cops flying off into the distance.
My bounty car was the Evo. Make sure you get an all wheel drive car and tune the turbo for max acceleration. Since all wheels are moving it's easier to get away if they start to get you pinned in.
im currently #9 on the list and i have a's really quite cool how easily i can plow through the cop cars, but the rear wheel drive is frustrating when trying to quickly accelerate out of tough situations.
Jesus christ! I fulfill these milestone:

200,000 property damage
12 road block
9 spike strips

But I can't ditch the god damn level 5 vettes. I tried the bus station trick, but it would never even go into cool down, and they'd find a way up. I hit pursuit breakers to get the 15 cars off my ass, but then more just spawn in front of me. 4 times already I've completed all of these in one pursuit, and I get busted every time . . . GAHHH!


Thanks for the input.

Edit: Done. Just dropped over 300k for a maxed Evo. Is there a specific performance tunning setup you guys recommend for it?
Max accel. on the Evo.

I always found that the best place to lose the cops was the football stadium up in the northwestern part of the map. One entrance on each side, and they both have pursuit breakers. Plus theres a covered hiding spot on the west side.
Max accel . . . you mean bringing the turbo all the way down, correct?
Which is better then, the AWD Evo or the AWD Subaru WRX STI? I think the STI is a little faster, although i'm not sure how it responds to mods. Which car is better against the heavy and light duty SUV's? What about compared to the Lambo and Mustang and DB9? I am getting to a point in the game where i'm also having trouble making getaways.
I've got a maxed out porsche turbo s and it rocked out 2.95 million on my last bounty run. that car may be a little too far down the road though
Well the 300k payed off. On my first try with the Evo I got a crap load of milestones completed. Now I'm facing the BL #2 guy. He'll get owned tonight :)

Thanks for all the tips
torment said:
I've got a maxed out porsche turbo s and it rocked out 2.95 million on my last bounty run. that car may be a little too far down the road though

Right now, i've got a maxed out Cayman as part of my 4 car fleet and it's an aweful cop-killer car. I don't see how the other Porsches are any better since they have no weight up front with their mid-engine mounted configurations. Don't laugh, but i'm currently using a Cobalt SS with a few bolt ons for my bounty runs. Once the heat get's too high, then I switch to the maxed out GTI, then RX8, then the Cayman as last resort. Out of curiosity, how much heat did you have after the 2.95 million bounty run? I can't seem to make any getaways once I pass 3. I have yet to make one once i've hit 4.
junehhan said:
Right now, i've got a maxed out Cayman as part of my 4 car fleet and it's an aweful cop-killer car. I don't see how the other Porsches are any better since they have no weight up front with their mid-engine mounted configurations. Don't laugh, but i'm currently using a Cobalt SS with a few bolt ons for my bounty runs. Once the heat get's too high, then I switch to the maxed out GTI, then RX8, then the Cayman as last resort. Out of curiosity, how much heat did you have after the 2.95 million bounty run? I can't seem to make any getaways once I pass 3. I have yet to make one once i've hit 4.

I still had level 5 never went past 5 for all of the 8 minutes or so. You just have to hit combos of those speedbreakers....tons of corvettes right behind me and i plowed through one of those donuts and it smashed them all. i was near a cooldown point and just parked it there.
Yeah the Aston Martin DB9 is a pretty good cop car smasher, I can usually get through any blocks with ease in it. Same with my Viper SRT 10, the key is the speedbreaker though I sometimes mash it a little too late but the cool thing is getting to see the cars flipping outta your way and still going on strong, Would love to be able to hit a key and see the driver stick his hand out of the window and point his middle finger in the air while screeching off lol.
matcauth said:
Yeah the Aston Martin DB9 is a pretty good cop car smasher, I can usually get through any blocks with ease in it. Same with my Viper SRT 10, the key is the speedbreaker though I sometimes mash it a little too late but the cool thing is getting to see the cars flipping outta your way and still going on strong, Would love to be able to hit a key and see the driver stick his hand out of the window and point his middle finger in the air while screeching off lol.

That would be pretty funny, but probably won't ever be done in an NFS title for the simple fact that it could cause a rating of M. I seriously believe that developers should develop more than one version of a game. They are already producing multiple versions right now with all of these special or collectors edition packages, so why not a Mature or Adult Only version as well?
For the cop chase for Razor(touch paint w/ 35 cars, 850,000 bounty, 13 minutes) I used JV's Dodge Viper(GET THIS CAR IT ROCKS! Ultimate everything!)
Get the Pink Slip marker from blacklist guy #4, JV. You'll get a Dodge Viper with all ultimate upgrades except for max nitrous. If you don't get his pink slip then CTRL-ALT-DELETE out of the game and try racing him again. Its not say faster than a Carrera GT with max upgrades but I completed my last few pursuit milestone challenges with it. Also remember to always use nitrous then speed breaker on road blocks/spike strips.
The dumbest thing just happened, level 5 vettes on me, I plow through a pursuit breaker and all of them are disabled, I quickly ebrake 180 to get into a hiding spot that was near the pursuit breaker and a god damn Rhino falls from the sky and takes me out... It spawned out of no where...