New Xbox Live TV shows and Movies


Jun 10, 2004
Anyone buy any of these yet? I looked around and a couple of episodes caught my eye, but they want $2 per episode of any SD TV show (more for HD). I was going to download an Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode, but they're 11 minutes long for $2 as well. You can get an entire 50 minute Star Trek episode for $2, which is probably on par for what you'd buy the DVD for.

The movie rentals look interesting, and I might actually end up spending money on a rental before a purchase.

Haven't tried it yet, not sure if i will. In general I like paying a flat fee for all-you-can-eat type of things like netflix or preferably buying the physical(non DRMed dammit) product, if its good enough that is. I like having a disc I can take with me and play on any player I want. I seem to be becoming part of the minority on this one.
The bottom line to me is that I can't see paying any money for individual episodes of shows I like well enough to see every episode. I've proven myself willing to spend lots of money buying TV shows on DVD, and I prefer that by far to the idea of buying shows which will only be available on my 360 hard drive - I almost always have DVDs out on loan to various friends.

That said, I've been slowing up a bit in my TV-show DVD purchases while waiting to see what happens with HD-DVD and Blu-ray, and if shows are going to start arriving in one or both of those formats. For example, I'm not going to buy Battlestar Galactica on DVD because a) I've seen every episode twice via Tivo and b) I'm certain that Universal will start releasing the HD version of the show (probably in HD-DVD given Universal's support of that format), possibly as early as next year.

I'm sure Microsoft and its partners will make a nice chunk of change on this (because the cost to them is so low), but it won't be coming out of my points. :)
I personally like having the disc myself, but I also like having the choice. I really like where I see the Xbox Live Marketplace heading, especially if they can add Zune support. The pricing is high at the moment, but hopefully they'll restructure it. If they get the pricing where I feel like I'm getting value for my point/dollar, they'll start to see some out of my pocket.

If this had Zune support right now, I'd be tempted to go buy one instead of a Wii.
Any idea what happens if you run out of space on your HDD? Can you copy it to a network drive or external device?
I think(haven't double checked) I read that you can re-download stuff you've already purchased, all you have to do is log into your XBL account. So you can delete stuff when out of room. Obviously that doesn't apply to the rentals.
Guys guys guys.. these are rentals. You are not paying to own a movie for $4, $6.. you're RENTING it. After you watch it, it automatically deletes itself from your HDD in 24 hours.
theNoid said:
Guys guys guys.. these are rentals. You are not paying to own a movie for $4, $6.. you're RENTING it. After you watch it, it automatically deletes itself from your HDD in 24 hours.

true... for the movies, but you could easily fill a drive if you go for a season of HD TV shows too. The fact remains that the 20GB drive can't hold too much HD video and it's clear MS wants to expand this and make it a major part of the Live experience; they will need an option for more storage(which i'm sure they know and are working on)
theNoid said:
Guys guys guys.. these are rentals. You are not paying to own a movie for $4, $6.. you're RENTING it. After you watch it, it automatically deletes itself from your HDD in 24 hours.

Yeah, the movies are rentals, and a $4 movie rental is reasonable in my opinion ($6 is pushing it). The $2 episodes are yours to watch/download whenever you want.
Did any of you check out the UFC fights? I was tempted, but then I saw the description for one fight I really wanted to see (480points for 5mins!!!) I mean come on...5minutes...