New Dungeon Keeper in the works...


[H]F Junkie
Jun 4, 2002
As an Asian-only mmo.

The good news? EA today announced Dungeon Keeper Online, an MMO-based continuation of Bullfrog's classic strategy games. Bad news? It's not for you.

Dungeon Keeper Online, as the game will be known as, is to be developed by Chinese studio NetDragon Websoft. As part of the deal,. NetDragon will get access to all of Dungeon Keeper's "themes, characters and other game content", while EA will get access to (provided the game succeeds) large amounts of cash money.

Apart from the fact it's a "3D massively multi-player online role playing game", nothing else about the game was announced. Sadly for Western lovers of the franchise, the game is slated to appear only in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

:( , talk about a slap in the face to all the fans and the people who made the series.

This doesn't even make much sense business wise. I mean surely they'd end up getting more revenue by making an actual decent new DK developed for the people who know what the hell it is in the first place and don't try to make it from an RTS into an MMO.
I wonder if this was EA's 'project B' codename.

Lots of chinese, it makes plenty of dollar sense, and being EA thats their only reason.
Interesting. How would they MMO this? Maybe its beyond my understanding but I just can't see a way unless they let you control individual characters through multiple dev and user created maps or whatnot.

Anyway, this makes me wanna fire up Evil Genius again.
I wonder if this was EA's 'project B' codename.

Lots of chinese, it makes plenty of dollar sense, and being EA thats their only reason.

Was DK released in the asian markets?

I didn't think it was, or was a big success there if it was.

If not, then what is the point of the company buying the rights to a name that their markets probably haven't heard of, instead of just making their own mmo and using the money on it instead.
No, EA won't make this game for US / Europe because as we all know everyone in the US and Europe is a software pirate who will rip EA off - make it as a reward for China and the rest of the far east where there's no piracy at all....

Not to worry though - we all know this game will suck. In fact I'm glad they're not ruining the good name of Dungeon Keeper my releasing a half-assed sequel.
I'm so disappointed...when I saw the thread title I thought there was a genuine Dungeon Keeper sequal in the works, not a silly MMO

Just be glad they didnt make Ultima Online 2, but for Chinese only. :p

That was the other rumored game title. DK it is.

EA = Bad Games. For the past...ohhh, Id say 5 years (maybe more), all the games they have put out have been made half-assed. Case in point - NFS: Undercover....

EA = ZERO money from me.....
It's so unbelievably sad! Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2 were two of my favorite games ever and for EA to go an bastardize it by turning it into a shitty Chinese-only MMO really infuriates me. Oh well, at least my GTA IV preorder is in the mail.
This was ruined when I saw, first words, "As an Asian-only mmo" :(
EA... MMO... Dunegon Keeper... China only... LOL... dot dot dot...

Hopefully EA will invest 101 percent of their money on this and finally drop dead, this is the only true way to save PC gaming.