Netbook as HTPC


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
I have been contemplating getting a netbook. And the only way I can really justify getting one is if I could use it as a portable HTPC and load XBMC on it. I looked at my local best buy and noticed none of the ones they offer have an HDMI port. I did some googling and found out a select few do have HDMI.

But, my question is this...would a netbook be able to run HD movies? I would need to play 720p MKV files, and 1080p if possible. Can these machines handle this? Also, is it possible for a netbook to run in a 1080p resolution through a monitor if I were to close the lid?

I know people have been successfully loading XBMC onto nettops with the ion processor - and it seems like most high end netbooks use the same technology so I dont see why it would be any different?

If any of this is possible, what netbook model would you recommend? I have about $400 to play with. Thanks for any recommendations!
For 720P, I'm getting mixed reports here and there saying it'll work and saying that it won't work For 1080P however, definitely not possible unless the netbook has is an ION. And those are $100 above your budget, at least the ones on newegg anyway.
I just got the Acer Asipire 1401 and 720p plays without hitch, even mkv files streamed through the network. Supprisingly 1080p works as well if they are encoded to use the DXVA. I am very happy with this little thing and it makes for an excellent portable HTPC!
If you're using XBMC I'd look for an ION. I don't know that Intel HD graphics are accelerated which is going to be a must.
just make sure the laptop has either a nvidia based GPU, or intel 4500HD igp.. the intel 4500HD will have the HDMI out.. and yes it will run 1080p no problem with bluray and with x264 as long as its encoded correctly to support hardware acceleration..
Asus makes the n10j and 1201n (atom+9300m and atom330+9300m).
HP makes the 311. Any those should be found for under $400.
I wouldn't trust Intel IGP with my lunch.
Asus makes the n10j and 1201n (atom+9300m and atom330+9300m).
HP makes the 311. Any those should be found for under $400.
I wouldn't trust Intel IGP with my lunch.

the problem is finding laptops with HDMI out.. almost all the laptops running the intel 4500HD has HDMI out since thats the primary feature of the HD version of that IGP.. HP also makes a model with the AMD HD4570 with HDMI out, but i cant remember the model..
Just wanted to say a few things if anyone stumbles upon this in my same situation..or if you guys are just interested. But it seems like whatever intel GPU that comes in my Asus Aspire 1401 handles anything i throw at it flawlessly as long as I run it through mpc-hc with hardware acceleration. I am extremely supprised, I just watched an x264 1080 MKV of Avatar last night from the comfort of my own bed - streamed through HDMI to 1080p resolution.

XBMC doesnt seem to support hardware acceleration too well, but that is a feature in the works apparently. Right now I am using windows media center with the media browser plugin and have mpc-hc setup as an external player. Works beautiful.