Need to connect one wifi network to another, wirelessly


Aug 2, 2002
Hi - my apartment building has a building wide wifi network. It works great for my computer, but Android devices struggle with it. I've found one android device that works on it out of about ten tested. The latest to fail is my Google Chromecast.

I'm pretty fed up with this - so I have an idea. I would like to have my own wifi network that is getting its Internet connection from my apartment's wifi network. That way I can control the settings and ensure that all of my devices can get Internets.

Is that possible? What is it called?

I have a WRT54G router that I am not using that could be used for this maybe?

Thanks for any advice!!
Could you use a range extender to connect to the existing WiFi that is being shared and then it will re-broadcast the connection in your apartment as your own WiFi connection separate from the shared WiFi in your building.
This would give you control of the WiFi connection you would be using. This may even boost your speeds and give you the option of changing the password and security to your own.
You would need to pickup a good extender.
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Hi - my apartment building has a building wide wifi network. It works great for my computer, but Android devices struggle with it. I've found one android device that works on it out of about ten tested. The latest to fail is my Google Chromecast.

I'm pretty fed up with this - so I have an idea. I would like to have my own wifi network that is getting its Internet connection from my apartment's wifi network. That way I can control the settings and ensure that all of my devices can get Internets.

Is that possible? What is it called?

I have a WRT54G router that I am not using that could be used for this maybe?

Thanks for any advice!!

If you want your own wifi network ( I'm assuming you want a router as a separation for your devices and everyone elses in the building) you'll generally need two routers since you'll need two different and active wirless configurations. The easiest way is with at least one compatible with DDWRT.

You'd setup the router with DDWRT as a wireless client bridge, then run an ethernet from any of the numbered ports in that router into the WAN port of the second router, then configure the second router as normal.

Something like this for the other router should work great: