Need help with site again.


Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2001
Hello all...I would like some advice/help for my personal site.

First off, please tell me what you think of the computer tutorials...I know there's many tutorials out there allready...are mine even worth looking at? is everything easy to understand and user friendly?

Then secondly, I guess there's a bug or every browser I've tried, after you click one of the Tutorial sections, every other link you click on pops up in a new window. Does this happen to you? and if so, can you find the code that makes it do that? cuz it all looks the same to me, lol. I know it's not a big deal, but it's annoying as I don't want it to happen.

thanks for your time. :)
well, to answer the second real quick... it's because this
<base target="_blank">
is in your <head> section. Get rid of it.

incidentally, this is one of the things I dislike most about the [H] front page. I'm not a big fan of open-in-new-window links. I'm a big boy and can do that myself if I want to.
ah, dude, thank you for your super quick reply!

see, I looked and looked but missed that bit of code, rock on :D
OK, problem solved for now. I think it was FrontPage...when I was making the links for the pictures, I wanted them to open in a new page, so I set the option "open in new window" as the page it must have put the new window code in the page I was working on, instead of just the picture link I wanted... :rolleyes:
Ok....can you guys help me out? I don't even know if I can do what I want, but I am coming pretty close.. is what i'm working with as you can see, I have it customized to match my site...but when I try to implement it to my site, it gets all messed up.

I want it to replace the current "Introduction" link of the Tutorials section, so that when you move over the Introduction link, the rest of the menu pops out like it shows in the test page. But so far I can't figure out how to do gets messed up, and shows it all crazy, or doesn't show it at all.

Thanks for your time...hopefully i'll be able to work on it better after I get some sleep.
bump... As you can see the Introduction link in the main part of the site works..

I think it has something to do with the tables...i cant get the formatting right or something.. :confused:
<div id="popmenu" class="menuskin" onMouseover="clearhidemenu();highlightmenu(event,'on')" onMouseout="highlightmenu(event,'off');dynamichide(event)"></div>

This is the code that I have to make work when I have it set in the navigation links... :(
Well, I'm not much for debugging javascript, but I'll toss out a couple other options you might consider

1) if you want to stick with JS, this one looks like it's a little more in line with what you're doing... you'll just want to change the onClick event to onMouseOver, I think.

2) I personally favor using CSS to do this instead of JavaScript. Eric Meyer has an outstanding book that documents this in-depth (More Eric Meyer on CSS), but the project files are freely available.

There are some tradeoffs either way as well; neither is as accessible as a static menu.

JS has better back-compatibility (v. 4 browsers, the CSS is 5+ only) but version 4 browsers are a rare sight now (and their users are accustomed to things not being fancy). It doesn't really have great staying power, particularly with the way it has to detect browsers.
CSS is much leaner, more logical code. A hack is needed to get IE on board, but it's only a 3K file provided in the project that's linked like a stylesheet. It's also far more likely to work with future browsers without modification.
In either case, you should make certain the content in the dropdown is accessible from the Introduction link. Some people disable JavaScript, others have their own stylesheets that may break that system. Some people might even have a version 3 browser floating around.