need advice on a new card.


Limp Gawd
Feb 5, 2006
i am moving from a 8800GT to a new 5850. my question is I am also getting a 27" monitor. while i am not a hard core gamer i do play somewhat often. will the 5850 be enought of a card to drive the 27" with MOST of the bells and whistles turned up? my new CPU is the AMD Phenom II X2 550 Black Edition. coming from a kuma 7750. I just dont want a card that cant deal with a 27" monitor. I realy dont want to pay the extra $100+ for a 5870, so i figured i would ask the pros.
yeah the HD5850 would be a great choice and would allow you to play most games at max or high settings on a 27"
thankyou. i was going back and forth between the 5850 and 2 5770's, think i will stick with the 5850.
I'm not going to lie. That is one of the ugliest monitors I have ever seen!