Need a Digital Camera


Limp Gawd
Nov 1, 2004
I dont know if this is where i should post this but here i go:

I need a Digital camera with 5.0MP+ SLR like camera with fast shutter speeds and less than a second time between shots. If there is something like it in a non SLR like camera please let me know. Also has to take good night shots.

Thanx to all in advance
there's actually a photography section under [H]obbies.

Anyway, I dont' know what your budget is, so i'll assume you want something on the cheaper side. Lemme say that SLR is the way to go for what you're looking for in regards to good night shots and rapid picture taking. I have the Nikon D50 and it is wonderful. It does everything I need and if i need something more out of it, I can just get a better lens (using the kit lens atm). If you want to go higher than that, I would suggest looking at a Canon Rebel XT or a Nikon D70s. Both are well loved on these forums and for good reason.

Yeah i want something somewhat affordable. And i didnt know there was a photography section :( if this can be moved there i would be most thankful :) and thanx for the suggestions.


The Nikon D50 looks prety sweet. Is there any others? also is there something that somewhat fits what im looking for in a non-SLR camera? I like SLRs but i dont want to have to explain to my parents how to use it every time :D
Forsakenzoul said:
Yeah i want something somewhat affordable. And i didnt know there was a photography section :( if this can be moved there i would be most thankful :) and thanx for the suggestions.


The Nikon D50 looks prety sweet. Is there any others? also is there something that somewhat fits what im looking for in a non-SLR camera? I like SLRs but i dont want to have to explain to my parents how to use it every time

lol. i think you'll be fine. they're no harder to shoot with that most other digital cameras. they have a full auto mode including focus so it's like a wolf in sheeps skin, and parent friendly ;)

As far as non-SLR, I looked at the Canon S2-IS and the Sony H1 before I was set on SLR. It's such a difference though, I would do everything in your power to get SLR. :D

Also check out the Olympus SP-500. Olympus actually sells new and refurbished cameras on eBay. You might want to check into that to save some money.

I have an Olympus C-740 (3.2MP, 10x optical) and it's been a wonderful and easy to use camera.

I took these pictures with it. They have been resized from their original size, but be sure and click on them again once the ImageShack window opens so you can view them full size.
if all goes well ill most likely end up with an SLR (probably the D50 since the D70s is too expensive) but if not is this one good?

Nikon COOLPIX P1 Black 8.0 MP


wow the Canon S2-IS looks pretty sweet aswell.

The Olympus looks good too but xD isnt that apealing to me, i mean i have a 512MB xD card but i just cant like the format. But im not counting it out yet :)
Forsakenzoul said:
if all goes well ill most likely end up with an SLR (probably the D50 since the D70s is too expensive) but if not is this one good?

Nikon COOLPIX P1 Black 8.0 MP
I've heard good things and bad things about Nikon, but I can't form any opinions because I've never used one.

I think I would much rather have a less expensive SP-500 6MP camera with a 10x optical zoom over that Nikon 8MP with a 3.5x optical zoom. There are a few reviews floating around out there for the Olympus SP-500 showing that the macro capability is very decent for a high zoom camera. The downside - Olympus is in bed with Fuji and they are the only cameras that use the xD-Picture cards exclusively, which are a bit more pricey than your standard SD or CF cards.
Forsakenzoul said:
wow the Canon S2-IS looks pretty sweet aswell.
That camera, in short... is a badass. I've gotten the opportunity to use a friends, and they are the shiznit. I'd have one myself, but it's out of my price range (I got my C-740 brand new for only $165 + $50 for a 3 year extended warranty direct from Olympus).

There are some brand new S2-IS's on eBay ending soon for a bit under retail.
well the olympus one i was eading that is hard to take neat pictures without tripod, so im more torwards the canon. Fuji sucks i have a Fuji camera my dad bought and you CANT take any good pics without flash, not that is relevant to anything but just had to let it out :p
Forsakenzoul said:
well the olympus one i was eading that is hard to take neat pictures without tripod, so im more torwards the canon. Fuji sucks i have a Fuji camera my dad bought and you CANT take any good pics without flash, not that is relevant to anything but just had to let it out :p
If your price range is in the $400-500 range, definitely go with the S2-IS. You likely will not regret it one bit.
Yeah the Canon seems to be the one for me. Few questions about it though, during daylight do i need the flash to take steady shots? (Fuji camera i have you NEED the flash) Also during the night can i tak epics without the flash aswell and still have a good pic? like if i take a picture of a lit building at night. Between shots how long does it take so i can take a pic again?
Forsakenzoul said:
Yeah the Canon seems to be the one for me.

Few questions about it though,

1.) during daylight do i need the flash to take steady shots? (Fuji camera i have you NEED the flash)

2.) Also during the night can i tak epics without the flash aswell and still have a good pic? like if i take a picture of a lit building at night.

3.) Between shots how long does it take so i can take a pic again?
Here's an excellent review of the S2-IS.

And to answer your questions:
1.) Nope, no need for the flash for a well natural-lighted scene.
2.) Yep, you can take a night picture without the flash as this is one of the modes built in.
3.) 0.4167 seconds between shots (2.4 fps continuos shooting).

awesome, Awesome, AWESOME camera!

Hmmm, but that Sony DSC-H1 they compared the S2-IS with seems pretty damn sweet, as well.
Yep. There's a forum on that site where a user asks the same question about the same SD card, actually. Using 2GB and 4GB SD cards is apparently not an issue for the S2-IS.
Sweet the S3-IS looks nice :) all dark looking and stuff :D (im new to cameras so i dont know what else is sweet about it :p