NBA 2K18 Requires 5GB per Save File on the Nintendo Switch


Aug 20, 2006
According to a support page on the official Nintendo site, NBA 2K18 for the Nintendo Switch will require 5GB per save file on the system memory. Being that the console comes with only 32GB of internal storage, this is a little worrisome. Gamers do have the ability to add additional storage via a microSD card, but it is still worth asking why a save file would need to be that size.
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That is just stupid coding laziness right there. Or a deliberate FU to Nintendo, not sure which.
The game is keeping track of travelling fouls like double dribble which the refs never do. And it makes an mpeg of every missed field goal attempt.
Making an mpeg vs just having the data to render in real time is stupid and lazy.

The way I see it, a sports game should not have a save file larger than one of games similar to FO4, Skyrim, etc...
The Switch doesn't store savedata on the SD card, and you can't move it there. (piracy related?); only game updates are on the SD. Unless they mean 5GB of mandatory install install + saves, then this is going to be an issue.

Sidenote: The Switch's internal storage is on it's own separate PCB; That must help with warranty replacements, and an eventual console with more storage.
I bought a 128 GB microSD for my Switch, not terribly expensive. Plus, I prefer cartridges that I could resell if I choose. Still, 5 GB seems absurd for a save file on ANY system.
Maybe for video replays and saving whole levels instead of just the data to render the event in realtime?
Maybe for video replays and saving whole levels instead of just the data to render the event in realtime?

I'm thinking it's this, for replays or screenshots. The game probably "reserves" the space whether it is being used or not.